Students currently being supervised
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
- Current honor students
Former undergraduate honors students
Former graduate students (and dissertation titles)
- Iftah Yovel 2002, Anxiety-Related Attentional Biases in the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions
- Eshkol Rafaeli-MorCognitive mediation and affect: Understanding affective synchrony 2001
- Erin Baehr, 2000, Circadian Phase-Delaying Effects of Nocturnal Exercise in Older and Young Adults
- Wendi Born, 1999 The Effect of Workshop Groups on Achievement Goals and Performance in Biology: An Outcome Evaluation
- Scott Acton, 1999 Interpersonal Theory and Circumplex Structure
- Joanne Langly, 1997 Parental Loss in Childhood and Vulnerability Toward Expectation of Interpersonal Loss (abstract and parental loss scale - pdf)
- Douglas Billings, 1997 Individual Differences in Appetitive and Aversive Motivation Moderates Coping Efficacy in the Regulation of Daily Positive and Negative Affect
- Greg Rogers, 1997 Dysrhythmia and Dysphoria: A Biopsychosocial Model of Negative Mood States
- Scott Woodley, 1997 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Verbal and Visuospatial Working Memory.
- Kathy Nugent, 1996 Sustained attention deficits and their role in Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
- Richard Gershon, 1996 The Effect of Individual Differences Variables on the Assessment of Ability for Computerized Adaptive Testing.
- Eva Gilboa, 1993 Duration of Emotions: Cognitive and Self-Report Measures
- Steve Sutton,1993 Personality and Appetitive Motivation: Individual Differences as the "Heart Beats to Reward"
- Peggy Weiler, 1992 Personality and Individual Differences in Sensitivity to Affectively Valenced Stimuli.
- Deb Loftus, 1991 Affect and Arousal in the study of Mood and Memory
- Angela Sabates, 1990 Test anxiety, feedback, and the speed/accuracy tradeoff
- Richard Zinbarg, 1989 Individual Differences In Instrumental Conditioning
- Mark Puchalski, 1988 Impulsivity, time of day and retention intervarl: interactive effects on cognitive performance
- Carolyn Tal, 1988 Intra- and Interhemispheric Dysfunction in Schizophrenia and the Affective Disorders.
- Joseph Tal , 1987 Personality Traits and Prediction: Utilizing Latent Trait Theory in an Attempt to Increase the Validity of Traits.
- Marjorie Leon, 1985 Anxiety and Analogical Reasoning: An Investigation of Error Types.
- James Onken Solution time measures of processing strategies and cognitive ability in the solution of geometric analogies
- Thomas Rocklin, 1981 The effects of Personality, Absolute Difficulty and Relative Difficulty on Motivation and Performance: A Test of the Dynamic Theory of Achievement Motivation
- Kristen Anderson, 1981 Impulsivity, Caffeine, and Performance: A Comparison of Explanations for the Yerkes-Dodson Effect
- Lisa Simon, 1980 Individual Differences in Diurnal Rhythms, Attention, and Memory
- Fred Kravitz, 1980 Short-Term and Attention Deficits in Chronic, Medicated Schizophrenics
- Elisha Klirs, 1980 Individual Differences in Person Perception: Passive Versus Motivated Assimilation
- Yildiz Ozyurt, 1978 Effects of Short-Term Deprivation and External Cues on Light and Heavy Smokers.
- Kirby Gilliland, 1976 The Interactive Effect of Introversion-Extraversion With Caffeine Induced Arousal On Verbal Performance
- Edward Michaels, 1976 The cumulative motivational effects of success and failure as a function of task difficulty and achievement motivation
- Julie Hanback, 1976 Hypochondriasis: An Investigation of the Role of Heightened Sensitivity and Arousal
- Robert Prentky, 1975 Effects of Introversion/Extraversion, Caffeine, and Provocation On Affective Aggressive Behavior
(back to Revelle vita)
(revised Sept 14, 2010)