Personality, Motivation, and Cognition Laboratory -- Synthetic Aperture Personality Assessment (SAPA)
Northwestern University
Scientific objectives:
- To gain an increased understanding of the ways in which personality and situational determinants of motivation combine to influence motivational states, and how these motivational states in turn affect cognitive processes to determine cognitive performance.
- To understand the structure of human personality at multiple levels of analysis, including within individual, between individual, and between self selected aggregates of individuals.
- Experimental studies of the effect of various motivational manipulations on cognitive performance
- Web based data collection using Synthetic Aperture Personality Assessment (SAPA) techniques to examine the structure of large number of temperament, ability, and interest items from people around the world.
- Using other telemetric techniques to examine the structure of affect, cognition and desire as they relate to behavior within individuals across time.
- Development of open source programs and materials to facilitate these goals.
SAPA publications and presentations
- William Revelle, David M. Condon, Joshua Wilt, Jason A. French, Ashley Brown and Lorien G. Elleman (in prep) Web and phone based data collection using planned missing designs. To appear in the Sage Handbook of Online Research Methods, 2nd Edition by Nigel G. Fielding, Raymond M. Lee, Grant Blank. (pdf of draft)
- Condon, D. M. and Revelle, W. (2014). The International Cognitive Ability Resource: Development and initial validation of a public domain measure Intelligence, 43:52–64
- Revelle, W., Wilt, J., & Rosenthal, A. (2010) Individual differences in cognition: New methods for examining the personality-cognition link. in Aleksandra Gruszka, Gerald Matthews, and Blazej Szymura (editors): Handbook of Individual Differences in Cognition: Attention, Memory and Executive Control (pdf of draft)
- William Revelle keynote to Serbian Current Trends in Psychology Conference October 24, 2015
- William Revelle and David Condon presentation to International Society for Intelligence Research September 19, 2015.
- Introduction to ISSID 2015 presentation August 30, 2015
- Ashley Brown ISSID 2015 presentation
- Lorien G. Elleman ISSID 2015 presentation
- Josh Wilt ISSID 2015 presentation
- David Condon ISSID 2015 presentation
Recent PMC Publications
The Personality Project
A continously growing set of pages meant to guide those interested in personality theory and research to the current personality research literature. Although some of the readings are available on-line, all should be available from most university libraries. Information about scholarly societies and graduate training programs in personality is provided for those interested in pursuing further study in personality theory. Course syllabi from personality theory and research courses are being added gradually. Links to active researchers and personality laboratories are added when found (and as time allows).
Computer Programs developed at the lab
Obviously the most visible program developed at the PMC lab is the psych package which has been released to CRAN since 1997.
Version of October 24, 2015.