Revelle, W. (in press) Individual Differences. An entry for the Encylopedia of Psychology (A. Kazdin, editor).
Rafaeli-Mor, E.; Gotlib, I.A.; Revelle, W. (in press). The meaning and measurement of self complexity. Personality and Individual Differences.
Gilboa-Schechtman, E.; Revelle, W.; Gotlib, I. A. (in press) Stroop Interference Following Mood Induction: Emotionality, Mood Congruence, and Concern Relevance. Cognitive Therapy Research.
Rogers, G. and Revelle, W. (1998) Personality, mood, and the evaluation of affective and neutral word pairs. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1592-1605. Abstract.
Revelle, W. (1997) Extraversion and Impulsivity. In Nyborg, H. (Ed.) The scientific study of human nature: Tribute to Hans J. Eysenck at eighty. Elsevier Science Press. (pdf)
Revelle, W. (1995). Personality Processes. Annual Review of Psychology, 46, 295-328.
Anderson, K. J. & Revelle, W. (1994) Impulsivity and time of day: is impulsivity related to the decay of arousal? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology., 67,334-344. Abstract
Gilboa, E., & Revelle, W. (1994). Personality and the structure of emotional responses. In S. Van Goozen, N. E. Van de Poll, & J. A. Sargent (Eds.), Emotions: Essays on current issues in the field of emotion theory (pp. 135-159). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (pdf)
Revelle, W. (1993). Individual differences in personality and motivation: Non-cognitive determinants of cognitive performance. In A. Baddeley & L. Weiskrantz (Eds.),Attention: Selection, awareness and control: A tribute to Donald Broadbent (pp. 346-373). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Revelle, W., & Loftus, D. (1992). The implications of arousal effects for the study of affect and memory. In S. A. Christianson (Ed.), Handbook of emotion and memory (pp. 113-150). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlebaum.
Revelle, W. and Anderson, K.J. (1992) Models for the testing of theory. In A. Gale and M.W. Eysenck (Eds.) Handbook of Individual Differences: Biological Perspectives. Wiley: Chichester, England.
Bailey, M., & Revelle, W. (1991) Increased heritability for lower IQ levels? Behavior Genetics, 21, 397-404.(Abstract)
Revelle, W. & Loftus, D. (1990) Individual differences and arousal: implications for the study of mood and memory. Cognition and Emotion, 4, 209-237.
Anderson, K. J., Revelle, W., & Lynch, M. J. (1990) Caffeine, impulsivity, and memory scanning: a comparison of two explanations for the Yerkes-Dodson effect. Motivation and Emotion. 13, 1-20.
Zinbarg, R. & Revelle, W. (1989) Personality and Conditioning: A test of four models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 301-314. (Abstract)
Revelle, W. (1989) Personality, Motivation, and Cognitive Performance. P. Ackerman, R., and R. Cudeck (Eds.): Learning and Individual Differences: Abilities, Motivation, and Methodology. Erlbaum. (pp. 297-341). (pdf)
Revelle, W. (1987) Personality and motivation: sources of inefficiency in cognitive performance. Journal of Research in Personality, 21,436-452.
Revelle, W., Anderson, K. J. & Humphreys, M. S. (1987) Empirical tests and theoretical extensions of arousal-based theories of personality. In J. Strelau and H.J. Eysenck (Eds) Personality Dimensions and Arousal (p 17-36). New York: Plenum.
Revelle, W. Motivation and efficiency of cognitive performance. (1986) In D.R. Brown and J. Veroff (Eds) Frontiers of Motivational Psychology: Essays in honor of J. W. Atkinson.(105-131) Springer. (pdf)
Klirs, E. G. & Revelle, W. (1986) Predicting variability from perceived situational similarity. Journal of Research in Personality, 20, 34-50.
Leon, M.R., & Revelle, W. (1985) The effects of anxiety on analogical reasoning: a test of three theoretical models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, 1302-1315. (Abstract)
Onken, J., Hastie, R., & Revelle, W. (1985) Individual differences in the use of simplification strategies in a complex decision-making task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Performance and Perception, 11, 14-27. (Abstract)
Romer, D., & Revelle, W. (1984). Personality traits: facts or fiction? A critique of the Shweder and D'Andrade systematic distortion hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1028-1042.(Abstract)
Onken, J., & Revelle, W. (1984) ANATEST: a program to generate geometric analogy problems varying in number of elements and number of transformations. Behavior research methods instruments and computers. 16, 333-334. (Mac version available)
Humphreys, M.S., & Revelle, W. (1984). Personality, motivation, and performance: a theory of the relationship between individual differences and information processing. Psychological Review, 91, 153-184.
Revelle, W. (1983). Factors are fictions and other comments on individuality theory. Journal of Personality, 51, 707-714.
Anderson, K.J. & Revelle, W. (1983). The interactive effects of caffeine, impulsivity, and task demands on a visual search task. Personality and Individual Differences, 4, 127-134.
Bowyer, P.A., Humphreys, M.S., & Revelle, W. (1983). Arousal and recognition memory: The effects of impulsivity, caffeine, and time on task. Personality and Individual Differences, 4, 41-49.
Humphreys, M.S., Lynch, M.J., Revelle, W. & Hall, J.W. (1983). Individual differences in short-term memory. In R.F. Dillon and R.R. Schmeck (Eds.), Individual differences in cognition. New York: Academic Press.
Revelle, W. (1982) The dynamics of action and the neuropsychology of anxiety: comments upon J.A. Gray. Behavioral and Brain Science, 5, 499.
Anderson, K.J. & Revelle, W. (1982). Impulsivity, caffeine, and proofreading: A test of the Easterbrook hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 8, 614-624. (Abstract)
Rocklin, T. & Revelle, W. (1981). The measurement of extraversion: A comparison of the Eysenck Personality Inventory and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. British Journal of Social Psychology, 20, 279-284.
Lessing, E.E., Williams, V., and Revelle, W. (1981). Parallel forms of the IJR Behavior Checklist for parents, teachers, and clinicians. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 49, 34-50.
McSweeney, A.J. and Revelle, W. (1981). The use of hierarchical cluster analysis as a method of organizing social indicator data. In Bell, R.(Ed.), Proceedings of the second national conference on need assessments in health and human services. Louisville, Kentucky: University of Louisville Press.
Humphreys, M.S., Revelle, W., Simon, L., and Gilliland, K. (1980). Individual differences in diurnal rhythms and multiple activation states: a reply to M.W. Eysenck and Folkard. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 109, 42-47.(Abstract)
Revelle, W., Humphreys, M.S., Simon, L., and Gilliland, K. (1980) The interactive effect of personality, time of day, and caffeine: a test of the arousal model. Journal of Experimental Psycholology: General, 109, 1-31. (Abstract)
Rocklin, T. & Revelle, W. (1980). VSIMPL: A program to estimate the number of interpretable factors. Behavior Research and Instrumentation, 12, 69-70.(Mac version available)
Craig, M.J., Humphreys, M.S., Rocklin, T. and Revelle, W. (1979). Impulsivity, neuroticism, and caffeine: Do they have additive effects on arousal? Journal of Research in Personality, 13, 404-419.
Revelle, W., & Rocklin, T. (1979). Very Simple Structure: an alternative procedure for estimating the optimal number of interpretable factors. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 14, 403-414.
Revelle, W. (1979). Hierarchical cluster analysis and the internal structure of tests. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 14, 57-74.
Revelle, W. (1978). ICLUST: A cluster analytic approach for exploratory and confirmatory scale construction. Behavior Research and Instrumentation, 10, 739-742. (Mac version available)
Hanback, J. and Revelle, W. (1978). Arousal and perceptual sensitivity in hypochondriasis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87, 523-530.
Revelle, W. and Michaels, E.J. (1976). The theory of achievement motivation revisted: the implications of inertial tendencies. Psychological Review, 83, 394-404.
Revelle, W., Amaral, P., & Turriff, S. (1976). Introversion/extroversion, time stress, and caffeine: effect on verbal performance. Science, 192, 149-150.(Abstract)
Gray, D.B. and Revelle, W. (1974). A multidimensional religious attitude inventory related to multiple measures of race. The Journal of Social Psychology, 92, 153-154.
Gray, D.B. and Revelle, W. (1972). A cluster analytic critique of the Multifactor Racial Attitude Inventory. The Psychological Record, 22, 103-113.
Newcomb, T.M., Brown, D.R., Kulik, J.A., Reimer, D.J. & Revelle, W. (1971). The University of Michigan's Residential College. In Dressel, P.L. (Ed.), The New Colleges: Towards an Appraisal. American College Testing Program, Iowa City.
Newcomb, T.M., Brown, D.R., Kulik, J.A., Reimer, D.J. & Revelle, W. (1970). Self selection and change. In Gaff, J.G. (Ed.), The Cluster College, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Book Reviews:
Strelau, J., Farley, F.H., and Gale, A. The Biological Bases of Personality and Behavior: Vol 1: Theories, measurement techniques, and development: Vol 2: Psychophysiology, performance, and application. Hemisphere: Contemporary Psychology, 1989.
Lowen, W. Dichotomies of the mind: a systems science model of the mind and personality. Contemporary Psychology, 1984, 29, 73-74.
Lynn, R. Dimensions of Personality: Essays in honour of H.J. Eysenck. Personality and Individual Differences, 1983, 4, 573-574.
Toates, F.M. & Halliday, T.R. Analysis of Motivational Processes. Contemporary Psychology, 1981, 27, 263-264.
Weiner, B. Human Motivation. Contemporary Psychology, 1980, 25, 972-973, (with T. Rocklin).
Mackie, R.R. Vigilance. American Journal of Psychology, 1978, 91, 550-552.
Buss, A. and Plomin, R. A temperament theory of personality development. American Journal of Psychology, 1976, 89, 391-392.
Everitt, B. Cluster Analysis; Hartigan, J.A. Clustering Algorithms. American Journal of Psychology, 1976, 89, 350-351.
Atkinson, J.W. and Raynor, J.O. Motivation and Achievement. American Journal of Psychology, 1975, 88, 140-148.