7#u]t . . 2x *# #:Arousal and MemoryThe Implications of Arousal Effects for the Study of Affect and Memory


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Author notes

Supported in part by contract MDA903-90-C-0108 from the U. S. Army Research Institute to William Revelle and Kristen Anderson. Parts of this chapter were prepared for a tutorial on individual differences in arousal presented by William Revelle at the Tenth Annual Carmel Conference: Meta Control Processes in Human Information Processing, Carmel, California, 1989. We would like to thank Nestor Schmajuk for his very helpful comments.


Table 1

Table 2Figure Captions

Figure 1: Hypothetical levels of arousal as a function of environmental stimuli for individuals differing in base line arousal and in sensitivity to stimulation. Individual differences are less at very low and very high levels than at intermediate levels. Note that for all levels of stimulation A > B, but that at low levels of stimulation A > B > C, at medium levels A > C > B and at high levels, C > A > B. Stimulation represents the sum of external (e.g., noise, light) and internal (e.g., caffeine) stimulants.

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