bassAckward |
The Bass-Ackward factoring algorithm discussed by Goldberg |
bassAckward.diagram |
The Bass-Ackward factoring algorithm discussed by Goldberg |
Bechtoldt |
Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. |
Bechtoldt.1 |
Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. |
Bechtoldt.2 |
Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. |
bestItems |
A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items |
bestScales |
A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items |
bfi |
25 Personality items representing 5 factors |
bfi.keys |
25 Personality items representing 5 factors |
bi.bars |
Draw pairs of bargraphs based on two groups |
bifactor |
Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles. |
bigCor |
Find large correlation matrices by stitching together smaller ones found more rapidly |
biplot.psych |
Draw biplots of factor or component scores by factor or component loadings |
biquartimin |
Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles. |
A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items |
biscuit |
A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items |
A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items |
biscwit |
A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items |
biserial |
Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input |
block.random |
Create a block randomized structure for n independent variables |
bock |
Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT |
bock.lsat |
Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT |
bock.table |
Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT |
cattell |
12 cognitive variables from Cattell (1963) |
cd.validity |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
char2numeric |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
Chen |
12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation |
chi2r |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
circ.sim |
Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure |
circ.sim.plot |
Simulations of circumplex and simple structure |
circ.simulation |
Simulations of circumplex and simple structure |
circ.tests |
Apply four tests of circumplex versus simple structure |
circadian.cor |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
circadian.F |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
circadian.linear.cor |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
circadian.mean |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
circadian.phase |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
circadian.reliability |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data | |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
circadian.stats |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
circular.cor |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
circular.mean |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
cluster.cor |
Find correlations of composite variables (corrected for overlap) from a larger matrix. | |
cluster Fit: fit of the cluster model to a correlation matrix |
cluster.loadings |
Find item by cluster correlations, corrected for overlap and reliability |
cluster.plot |
Plot factor/cluster loadings and assign items to clusters by their highest loading. |
cluster2keys |
Convert a cluster vector (from e.g., kmeans) to a keys matrix suitable for scoring item clusters. |
cohen.d |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals | |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals | |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
cohen.kappa |
Find Cohen's kappa and weighted kappa coefficients for correlation of two raters |
cohen.profile |
Matrix and profile congruences and distances |
comorbidity |
Convert base rates of two diagnoses and their comorbidity into phi, Yule, and tetrachorics |
con2cat |
Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure |
congeneric.sim |
Simulate a congeneric data set with or without minor factors |
congruence |
Matrix and profile congruences and distances | |
Bootstrapped and normal confidence intervals for raw and composite correlations |
cor.plot |
Create an image plot for a correlation or factor matrix |
cor.plot.upperLowerCi |
Create an image plot for a correlation or factor matrix |
cor.smooth |
Smooth a non-positive definite correlation matrix to make it positive definite |
cor.smoother |
Smooth a non-positive definite correlation matrix to make it positive definite |
cor.wt |
The sample size weighted correlation may be used in correlating aggregated data |
cor2 |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
cor2cov |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
cor2dist |
Convert correlations to distances (necessary to do multidimensional scaling of correlation data) |
corCi |
Bootstrapped and normal confidence intervals for raw and composite correlations |
corFiml |
Find a Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) correlation or covariance matrix from a data matrix with missing data |
corPlot |
Create an image plot for a correlation or factor matrix |
corPlotUpperLowerCi |
Create an image plot for a correlation or factor matrix |
corr.p |
Find the correlations, sample sizes, and probability values between elements of a matrix or data.frame. |
corr.test |
Find the correlations, sample sizes, and probability values between elements of a matrix or data.frame. |
correct.cor |
Find dis-attenuated correlations given correlations and reliabilities |
cortest |
Chi square tests of whether a single matrix is an identity matrix, or a pair of matrices are equal. |
cortest.bartlett |
Bartlett's test that a correlation matrix is an identity matrix |
cortest.jennrich |
Chi square tests of whether a single matrix is an identity matrix, or a pair of matrices are equal. |
cortest.mat |
Chi square tests of whether a single matrix is an identity matrix, or a pair of matrices are equal. |
cortest.normal |
Chi square tests of whether a single matrix is an identity matrix, or a pair of matrices are equal. |
cosinor |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
cosinor.period |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
cosinor.plot |
Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data |
count.pairwise |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
crossValidation |
Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input |
crossValidationBoot |
Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input |
cs |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
cta |
Simulate the C(ues) T(endency) A(ction) model of motivation |
cta.15 |
Simulate the C(ues) T(endency) A(ction) model of motivation | |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
d.robust |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
d2CL |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
d2OVL |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
d2OVL2 |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
d2r |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
d2t |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
d2U3 |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
densityBy |
Create a 'violin plot' or density plot of the distribution of a set of variables |
describe |
Basic descriptive statistics useful for psychometrics | |
Basic summary statistics by group |
describeBy |
Basic summary statistics by group |
describeData |
Basic descriptive statistics useful for psychometrics |
describeFast |
Basic descriptive statistics useful for psychometrics |
dia.arrow |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.cone |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.curve |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.curved.arrow |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.ellipse |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.ellipse1 |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.rect |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.self |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.shape |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
dia.triangle |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
diagram |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
directSl |
Calculate McDonald's omega estimates of general and total factor saturation |
distance |
Matrix and profile congruences and distances |
draw.cor |
Draw a correlation ellipse and two normal curves to demonstrate tetrachoric correlation |
draw.tetra |
Draw a correlation ellipse and two normal curves to demonstrate tetrachoric correlation |
dummy.code |
Create dummy coded variables |
Dwyer |
8 cognitive variables used by Dwyer for an example. |
fa |
Exploratory Factor analysis using MinRes (minimum residual) as well as EFA by Principal Axis, Weighted Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood |
fa.congruence |
Coefficient of factor congruence |
fa.diagram |
Graph factor loading matrices |
fa.extend |
Apply Dwyer's factor extension to find factor loadings for extended variables |
fa.extension |
Apply Dwyer's factor extension to find factor loadings for extended variables |
fa.graph |
Graph factor loading matrices |
fa.lookup |
A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction |
fa.multi |
Multi level (hierarchical) factor analysis |
fa.multi.diagram |
Multi level (hierarchical) factor analysis |
fa.organize |
Sort factor analysis or principal components analysis loadings |
fa.parallel |
Scree plots of data or correlation matrix compared to random "parallel" matrices |
fa.parallel.poly |
Scree plots of data or correlation matrix compared to random "parallel" matrices |
fa.plot |
Plot factor/cluster loadings and assign items to clusters by their highest loading. |
fa.poly |
Deprecated Exploratory Factor analysis functions. Please use fa |
fa.pooled |
Exploratory Factor analysis using MinRes (minimum residual) as well as EFA by Principal Axis, Weighted Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood |
fa.random |
A first approximation to Random Effects Exploratory Factor Analysis |
fa.rgraph |
Graph factor loading matrices |
fa.sapa |
Exploratory Factor analysis using MinRes (minimum residual) as well as EFA by Principal Axis, Weighted Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood |
fa.sort |
Sort factor analysis or principal components analysis loadings |
fa.stats |
Find various goodness of fit statistics for factor analysis and principal components |
fa2irt |
Item Response Analysis by Exploratory Factor Analysis of tetrachoric/polychoric correlations |
faBy |
Find statistics (including correlations) within and between groups for basic multilevel analyses |
fac |
Exploratory Factor analysis using MinRes (minimum residual) as well as EFA by Principal Axis, Weighted Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood |
faCor |
Correlations between two factor analysis solutions |
factor.congruence |
Coefficient of factor congruence | |
How well does the factor model fit a correlation matrix. Part of the VSS package |
factor.minres |
Deprecated Exploratory Factor analysis functions. Please use fa |
factor.model |
Find R = F F' + U2 is the basic factor model | |
Deprecated Exploratory Factor analysis functions. Please use fa |
factor.plot |
Plot factor/cluster loadings and assign items to clusters by their highest loading. |
factor.residuals |
R* = R- F F' |
factor.rotate |
"Hand" rotate a factor loading matrix |
factor.scores |
Various ways to estimate factor scores for the factor analysis model |
factor.stats |
Find various goodness of fit statistics for factor analysis and principal components |
factor.wls |
Deprecated Exploratory Factor analysis functions. Please use fa |
factor2cluster |
Extract cluster definitions from factor loadings |
faReg |
Apply Dwyer's factor extension to find factor loadings for extended variables |
faRegression |
Apply Dwyer's factor extension to find factor loadings for extended variables |
faRotate |
Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles. |
faRotations |
Multiple rotations of factor loadings to find local minima |
fisherz |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
fisherz2r |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
fparse |
Parse and exten formula input from a model and return the DV, IV, and associated terms. |
fromTo |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
Intraclass Correlations (ICC1, ICC2, ICC3 from Shrout and Fleiss) |
iclust: Item Cluster Analysis - Hierarchical cluster analysis using psychometric principles |
iclust |
iclust: Item Cluster Analysis - Hierarchical cluster analysis using psychometric principles |
ICLUST.cluster |
Function to form hierarchical cluster analysis of items |
ICLUST.diagram |
Draw an ICLUST hierarchical cluster structure diagram |
iclust.diagram |
Draw an ICLUST hierarchical cluster structure diagram |
ICLUST.graph |
create control code for ICLUST graphical output |
iclust.graph |
create control code for ICLUST graphical output |
ICLUST.rgraph |
Draw an ICLUST graph using the Rgraphviz package |
ICLUST.sort |
Sort items by absolute size of cluster loadings |
iclust.sort |
Sort items by absolute size of cluster loadings |
interbattery |
Perform and Exploratory Structural Equation Model (ESEM) by using factor extension techniques |
interp.boxplot |
Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame |
interp.median |
Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame |
interp.q |
Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame | |
Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame |
interp.quantiles |
Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame |
interp.quart |
Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame |
interp.quartiles |
Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame |
interp.values |
Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame |
irt.0p |
Item Response Theory estimate of theta (ability) using a Rasch (like) model |
irt.1p |
Item Response Theory estimate of theta (ability) using a Rasch (like) model |
irt.2p |
Item Response Theory estimate of theta (ability) using a Rasch (like) model |
irt.discrim |
Simple function to estimate item difficulties using IRT concepts |
irt.fa |
Item Response Analysis by Exploratory Factor Analysis of tetrachoric/polychoric correlations |
irt.item.diff.rasch |
Simple function to estimate item difficulties using IRT concepts |
irt.person.rasch |
Item Response Theory estimate of theta (ability) using a Rasch (like) model |
irt.responses |
Plot probability of multiple choice responses as a function of a latent trait | |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items | |
Item Response Analysis by Exploratory Factor Analysis of tetrachoric/polychoric correlations | |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
irt.tau |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
isCorrelation |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
isCovariance |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
item.dichot |
Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure |
item.lookup |
A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction |
item.sim |
Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure |
item.validity |
Find the predicted validities of a set of scales based on item statistics |
m2d |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
m2t |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
make.congeneric |
Simulate a congeneric data set with or without minor factors |
make.hierarchical |
Create a population or sample correlation matrix, perhaps with hierarchical structure. |
make.irt.stats |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
make.keys |
Create a keys matrix for use by score.items or cluster.cor |
makePositiveKeys |
Create a keys matrix for use by score.items or cluster.cor |
manhattan |
"Manhattan" plots of correlations with a set of criteria. |
Apply the Very Simple Structure, MAP, and other criteria to determine the appropriate number of factors. |
mardia |
Calculate univariate or multivariate (Mardia's test) skew and kurtosis for a vector, matrix, or data.frame |
mat.regress |
Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input |
mat.sort |
Sort the elements of a correlation matrix to reflect factor loadings |
matMult |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
matPlot |
Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input |
matReg |
Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input |
matrix.addition |
A function to add two vectors or matrices |
matSort |
Sort the elements of a correlation matrix to reflect factor loadings |
mediate |
Estimate and display direct and indirect effects of mediators and moderator in path models |
mediate.diagram |
Estimate and display direct and indirect effects of mediators and moderator in path models |
minkowski |
Plot data and 1 and 2 sigma correlation ellipses |
misc |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
mixed.cor |
Find correlations for mixtures of continuous, polytomous, and dichotomous variables |
mixedCor |
Find correlations for mixtures of continuous, polytomous, and dichotomous variables |
mlArrange |
Find and plot various reliability/gneralizability coefficients for multilevel data |
mlPlot |
Find and plot various reliability/gneralizability coefficients for multilevel data |
mlr |
Find and plot various reliability/gneralizability coefficients for multilevel data |
moderate.diagram |
Estimate and display direct and indirect effects of mediators and moderator in path models |
mssd |
Find von Neuman's Mean Square of Successive Differences |
multi.arrow |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
multi.curved.arrow |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
multi.hist |
Multiple histograms with density and normal fits on one page |
multi.rect |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
multi.self |
Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams |
multilevel.reliability |
Find and plot various reliability/gneralizability coefficients for multilevel data |
p.rep |
Find the probability of replication for an F, t, or r and estimate effect size |
p.rep.f |
Find the probability of replication for an F, t, or r and estimate effect size |
p.rep.r |
Find the probability of replication for an F, t, or r and estimate effect size |
p.rep.t |
Find the probability of replication for an F, t, or r and estimate effect size |
paired.r |
Test the difference between (un)paired correlations |
pairs.panels |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
pairwiseCount |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
pairwiseCountBig |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
pairwiseDescribe |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
pairwiseImpute |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
pairwisePlot |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
pairwiseReport |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
pairwiseSample |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
pairwiseZero |
Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values. |
panel.cor |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
panel.cor.scale |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
panel.ellipse |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
panel.hist |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
panel.hist.density |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
panel.lm |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
panel.lm.ellipse |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
panel.smoother |
SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix |
parcels |
Find miniscales (parcels) of size 2 or 3 from a set of items |
partial.r |
Find the partial correlations for a set (x) of variables with set (y) removed. |
pca |
Principal components analysis (PCA) |
phi |
Find the phi coefficient of correlation between two dichotomous variables |
phi.demo |
A simple demonstration of the Pearson, phi, and polychoric corelation |
phi.list |
Create factor model matrices from an input list |
phi2poly |
Convert a phi coefficient to a tetrachoric correlation |
phi2poly.matrix |
Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix |
phi2tetra |
Convert a phi coefficient to a tetrachoric correlation |
Pinv |
Compute the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse of a matrix |
plot.irt |
Plotting functions for the psych package of class "psych" |
plot.poly |
Plotting functions for the psych package of class "psych" |
plot.poly.parallel |
Scree plots of data or correlation matrix compared to random "parallel" matrices |
plot.psych |
Plotting functions for the psych package of class "psych" |
plot.reliability |
Reports 7 different estimates of scale reliabity including alpha, omega, split half |
plot.residuals |
Plotting functions for the psych package of class "psych" |
pmi |
Data set testing causal direction in presumed media influence |
polar |
Convert Cartesian factor loadings into polar coordinates |
poly.mat |
Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input |
polychor.matrix |
Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix |
polychoric |
Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input |
polydi |
Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input |
polyserial |
Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input |
predict.psych |
Prediction function for factor analysis, principal components (pca), bestScales |
predicted.validity |
Find the predicted validities of a set of scales based on item statistics |
principal |
Principal components analysis (PCA) |
print.psych |
Print and summary functions for the psych class |
Procrustes |
Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles. |
progressBar |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
Promax |
Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles. |
protest |
Data from the sexism (protest) study of Garcia, Schmitt, Branscome, and Ellemers (2010) |
psych |
A package for personality, psychometric, and psychological research |
psych.misc |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
r.con |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
r.test |
Tests of significance for correlations |
r2c |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
r2chi |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
r2d |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
r2t |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
radar |
Make "radar" or "spider" plots. |
rangeCorrection |
Correct correlations for restriction of range. (Thorndike Case 2) |
reflect |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
Reise |
Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. |
reliability |
Reports 7 different estimates of scale reliabity including alpha, omega, split half |
rescale |
Function to convert scores to "conventional " metrics |
resid.psych |
Extract residuals from various psych objects |
residuals.psych |
Extract residuals from various psych objects |
response.frequencies |
Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations |
responseFrequency |
Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations |
reverse.code |
Reverse the coding of selected items prior to scale analysis |
Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation from chisq, df, and n |
rmssd |
Find von Neuman's Mean Square of Successive Differences |
SAPAfy |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
sat.act |
3 Measures of ability: SATV, SATQ, ACT |
scaling.fits |
Test the adequacy of simple choice, logistic, or Thurstonian scaling. |
scatter.hist |
Draw a scatter plot with associated X and Y histograms, densities and correlation |
scatterHist |
Draw a scatter plot with associated X and Y histograms, densities and correlation |
Schmid |
12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation |
schmid |
Apply the Schmid Leiman transformation to a correlation matrix |
schmid.leiman |
12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation |
score.alpha |
Score scales and find Cronbach's alpha as well as associated statistics |
score.irt |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
score.irt.2 |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
score.irt.poly |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
score.items |
Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations |
score.multiple.choice |
Score multiple choice items and provide basic test statistics |
scoreBy |
Find correlations of composite variables (corrected for overlap) from a larger matrix. |
scoreFast |
Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations |
scoreIrt |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
scoreIrt.1pl |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
scoreIrt.2pl |
Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items |
scoreItems |
Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations |
scoreOverlap |
Find correlations of composite variables (corrected for overlap) from a larger matrix. |
scoreVeryFast |
Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations |
scoreWtd |
Score items using regression or correlation based weights |
scree |
Plot the successive eigen values for a scree test |
scrub |
A utility for basic data cleaning and recoding. Changes values outside of minimum and maximum limits to NA. |
SD |
Find the Standard deviation for a vector, matrix, or data.frame - do not return error if there are no cases |
selectFromKeys |
Create a keys matrix for use by score.items or cluster.cor |
sem.diagram |
Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model |
sem.graph |
Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model |
Sensitivity |
Decision Theory measures of specificity, sensitivity, and d prime |
set.cor |
Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input |
setCor |
Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input |
setCor.diagram |
Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input |
setCorLookup |
A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction |
shannon |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
sim |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.anova |
Simulate a 3 way balanced ANOVA or linear model, with or without repeated measures. |
sim.bonds |
Create a population or sample correlation matrix, perhaps with hierarchical structure. |
sim.circ |
Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure |
sim.congeneric |
Simulate a congeneric data set with or without minor factors |
sim.correlation |
Create correlation matrices or data matrices with a particular measurement and structural model |
sim.dichot |
Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure |
sim.general |
Further functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.hierarchical |
Create a population or sample correlation matrix, perhaps with hierarchical structure. |
sim.irt |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.item |
Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure |
sim.minor |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.multi |
Simulate multilevel data with specified within group and between group correlations |
sim.multilevel |
Simulate multilevel data with specified within group and between group correlations |
sim.npl |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.npn |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. | |
Further functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.parallel |
Further functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.poly |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.poly.ideal |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.poly.ideal.npl |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.poly.ideal.npn |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.poly.mat |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.poly.npl |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.poly.npn |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.rasch |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.simplex |
Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. |
sim.spherical |
Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure |
sim.structural |
Create correlation matrices or data matrices with a particular measurement and structural model |
sim.structure |
Create correlation matrices or data matrices with a particular measurement and structural model |
sim.VSS |
create VSS like data |
simCor |
Create correlation matrices or data matrices with a particular measurement and structural model |
simulation.circ |
Simulations of circumplex and simple structure |
skew |
Calculate univariate or multivariate (Mardia's test) skew and kurtosis for a vector, matrix, or data.frame |
smc |
Find the Squared Multiple Correlation (SMC) of each variable with the remaining variables in a matrix |
Specificity |
Decision Theory measures of specificity, sensitivity, and d prime |
spider |
Make "radar" or "spider" plots. |
splitHalf |
Alternative estimates of test reliabiity |
statsBy |
Find statistics (including correlations) within and between groups for basic multilevel analyses |
statsBy.boot |
Find statistics (including correlations) within and between groups for basic multilevel analyses |
statsBy.boot.summary |
Find statistics (including correlations) within and between groups for basic multilevel analyses |
structure.diagram |
Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model |
structure.graph |
Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model |
structure.list |
Create factor model matrices from an input list |
structure.sem |
Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model |
summary.psych |
Print and summary functions for the psych class |
super.matrix |
Form a super matrix from two sub matrices. |
superCor |
Form a super matrix from two sub matrices. |
superMatrix |
Form a super matrix from two sub matrices. |
t2d |
Find Cohen d and confidence intervals |
t2r |
Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals |
table2df |
Convert a table with counts to a matrix or data.frame representing those counts. |
table2matrix |
Convert a table with counts to a matrix or data.frame representing those counts. |
tableF |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
Tal.Or |
Data set testing causal direction in presumed media influence |
Tal_Or |
Data set testing causal direction in presumed media influence |
target.rot |
Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles. |
TargetQ |
Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles. |
TargetT |
Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles. |
tctg |
Data set testing causal direction in presumed media influence |
tenberge |
Alternative estimates of test reliabiity |
test.all |
Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package |
test.irt |
A simple demonstration (and test) of various IRT scoring algorthims. |
test.psych |
Testing of functions in the psych package |
testReliability |
Find various test-retest statistics, including test, person and item reliability |
testRetest |
Find various test-retest statistics, including test, person and item reliability |
tetrachor |
Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input |
tetrachoric |
Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input |
Thurstone |
Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. |
thurstone |
Thurstone Case V scaling |
Thurstone.33 |
Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. |
Thurstone.33G |
Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. |
Thurstone.9 |
Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution. |
topBottom |
Combine calls to head and tail |
tr |
Find the trace of a square matrix |
Tucker |
9 Cognitive variables discussed by Tucker and Lewis (1973) |
Yule |
From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient. |
Yule.inv |
From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient. |
Yule2phi |
From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient. |
Yule2phi.matrix |
Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix |
Yule2poly |
From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient. |
Yule2poly.matrix |
Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix |
Yule2tetra |
From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient. |
YuleBonett |
From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient. |
YuleCor |
From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient. |