Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research

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Documentation for package ‘psych’ version 2.3.6

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y misc

00.psych-package A package for personality, psychometric, and psychological research
psych-package A package for personality, psychometric, and psychological research

-- A --

acs Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
alpha Find two estimates of reliability: Cronbach's alpha and Guttman's Lambda 6. Find two estimates of reliability: Cronbach's alpha and Guttman's Lambda 6.
alpha.scale Find two estimates of reliability: Cronbach's alpha and Guttman's Lambda 6.
alpha2r Find two estimates of reliability: Cronbach's alpha and Guttman's Lambda 6.
anova.psych Model comparison for regression, mediation, and factor analysis
AUC Decision Theory measures of specificity, sensitivity, and d prime
auc Decision Theory measures of specificity, sensitivity, and d prime
autoR Find von Neuman's Mean Square of Successive Differences

-- B --

bassAckward The Bass-Ackward factoring algorithm discussed by Goldberg
bassAckward.diagram The Bass-Ackward factoring algorithm discussed by Goldberg
Bechtoldt Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
Bechtoldt.1 Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
Bechtoldt.2 Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
bestItems A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items
bestScales A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items
bfi 25 Personality items representing 5 factors
bfi.keys 25 Personality items representing 5 factors
bi.bars Draw pairs of bargraphs based on two groups
bifactor Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
bigCor Find large correlation matrices by stitching together smaller ones found more rapidly
biplot.psych Draw biplots of factor or component scores by factor or component loadings
biquartimin Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
BISCUIT A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items
biscuit A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items
BISCWIT A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items
biscwit A bootstrap aggregation function for choosing most predictive unit weighted items
biserial Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input
block.random Create a block randomized structure for n independent variables
bock Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT
bock.lsat Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT
bock.table Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT

-- C --

cattell 12 cognitive variables from Cattell (1963)
cd.validity Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
char2numeric Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
Chen 12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation
chi2r Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
circ.sim Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure
circ.sim.plot Simulations of circumplex and simple structure
circ.simulation Simulations of circumplex and simple structure
circ.tests Apply four tests of circumplex versus simple structure
circadian.cor Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
circadian.F Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
circadian.linear.cor Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
circadian.mean Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
circadian.phase Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
circadian.reliability Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
circadian.stats Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
circular.cor Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
circular.mean Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
cluster.cor Find correlations of composite variables (corrected for overlap) from a larger matrix. cluster Fit: fit of the cluster model to a correlation matrix
cluster.loadings Find item by cluster correlations, corrected for overlap and reliability
cluster.plot Plot factor/cluster loadings and assign items to clusters by their highest loading.
cluster2keys Convert a cluster vector (from e.g., kmeans) to a keys matrix suitable for scoring item clusters.
cohen.d Find Cohen d and confidence intervals Find Cohen d and confidence intervals Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
cohen.kappa Find Cohen's kappa and weighted kappa coefficients for correlation of two raters
cohen.profile Matrix and profile congruences and distances
comorbidity Convert base rates of two diagnoses and their comorbidity into phi, Yule, and tetrachorics
con2cat Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure
congeneric.sim Simulate a congeneric data set with or without minor factors
congruence Matrix and profile congruences and distances Bootstrapped and normal confidence intervals for raw and composite correlations
cor.plot Create an image plot for a correlation or factor matrix
cor.plot.upperLowerCi Create an image plot for a correlation or factor matrix
cor.smooth Smooth a non-positive definite correlation matrix to make it positive definite
cor.smoother Smooth a non-positive definite correlation matrix to make it positive definite
cor.wt The sample size weighted correlation may be used in correlating aggregated data
cor2 Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
cor2cov Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
cor2dist Convert correlations to distances (necessary to do multidimensional scaling of correlation data)
corCi Bootstrapped and normal confidence intervals for raw and composite correlations
corFiml Find a Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) correlation or covariance matrix from a data matrix with missing data
corPlot Create an image plot for a correlation or factor matrix
corPlotUpperLowerCi Create an image plot for a correlation or factor matrix
corr.p Find the correlations, sample sizes, and probability values between elements of a matrix or data.frame.
corr.test Find the correlations, sample sizes, and probability values between elements of a matrix or data.frame.
correct.cor Find dis-attenuated correlations given correlations and reliabilities
cortest Chi square tests of whether a single matrix is an identity matrix, or a pair of matrices are equal.
cortest.bartlett Bartlett's test that a correlation matrix is an identity matrix
cortest.jennrich Chi square tests of whether a single matrix is an identity matrix, or a pair of matrices are equal.
cortest.mat Chi square tests of whether a single matrix is an identity matrix, or a pair of matrices are equal.
cortest.normal Chi square tests of whether a single matrix is an identity matrix, or a pair of matrices are equal.
cosinor Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
cosinor.period Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
cosinor.plot Functions for analysis of circadian or diurnal data
count.pairwise Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
crossValidation Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
crossValidationBoot Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
cs Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
cta Simulate the C(ues) T(endency) A(ction) model of motivation
cta.15 Simulate the C(ues) T(endency) A(ction) model of motivation

-- D -- Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
d.robust Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
d2CL Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
d2OVL Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
d2OVL2 Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
d2r Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
d2t Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
d2U3 Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
densityBy Create a 'violin plot' or density plot of the distribution of a set of variables
describe Basic descriptive statistics useful for psychometrics Basic summary statistics by group
describeBy Basic summary statistics by group
describeData Basic descriptive statistics useful for psychometrics
describeFast Basic descriptive statistics useful for psychometrics
dia.arrow Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.cone Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.curve Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.curved.arrow Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.ellipse Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.ellipse1 Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.rect Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.self Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.shape Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
dia.triangle Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
diagram Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
directSl Calculate McDonald's omega estimates of general and total factor saturation
distance Matrix and profile congruences and distances
draw.cor Draw a correlation ellipse and two normal curves to demonstrate tetrachoric correlation
draw.tetra Draw a correlation ellipse and two normal curves to demonstrate tetrachoric correlation
dummy.code Create dummy coded variables
Dwyer 8 cognitive variables used by Dwyer for an example.

-- E --

eigen.loadings Convert eigen vectors and eigen values to the more normal (for psychologists) component loadings
eigenCi Apply the Very Simple Structure, MAP, and other criteria to determine the appropriate number of factors.
ellipses Plot data and 1 and 2 sigma correlation ellipses
equamax Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
error.bars Plot means and confidence intervals Plot means and confidence intervals for multiple groups Plot means and confidence intervals
error.crosses Plot x and y error bars
error.dots Show a dot.chart with error bars for different groups or variables
errorCircles Two way plots of means, error bars, and sample sizes
esem Perform and Exploratory Structural Equation Model (ESEM) by using factor extension techniques
esem.diagram Perform and Exploratory Structural Equation Model (ESEM) by using factor extension techniques
extension.diagram Graph factor loading matrices

-- F --

fa Exploratory Factor analysis using MinRes (minimum residual) as well as EFA by Principal Axis, Weighted Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood
fa.congruence Coefficient of factor congruence
fa.diagram Graph factor loading matrices
fa.extend Apply Dwyer's factor extension to find factor loadings for extended variables
fa.extension Apply Dwyer's factor extension to find factor loadings for extended variables
fa.graph Graph factor loading matrices
fa.lookup A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction
fa.multi Multi level (hierarchical) factor analysis
fa.multi.diagram Multi level (hierarchical) factor analysis
fa.organize Sort factor analysis or principal components analysis loadings
fa.parallel Scree plots of data or correlation matrix compared to random "parallel" matrices
fa.parallel.poly Scree plots of data or correlation matrix compared to random "parallel" matrices
fa.plot Plot factor/cluster loadings and assign items to clusters by their highest loading.
fa.poly Deprecated Exploratory Factor analysis functions. Please use fa
fa.pooled Exploratory Factor analysis using MinRes (minimum residual) as well as EFA by Principal Axis, Weighted Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood
fa.random A first approximation to Random Effects Exploratory Factor Analysis
fa.rgraph Graph factor loading matrices
fa.sapa Exploratory Factor analysis using MinRes (minimum residual) as well as EFA by Principal Axis, Weighted Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood
fa.sort Sort factor analysis or principal components analysis loadings
fa.stats Find various goodness of fit statistics for factor analysis and principal components
fa2irt Item Response Analysis by Exploratory Factor Analysis of tetrachoric/polychoric correlations
faBy Find statistics (including correlations) within and between groups for basic multilevel analyses
fac Exploratory Factor analysis using MinRes (minimum residual) as well as EFA by Principal Axis, Weighted Least Squares or Maximum Likelihood
faCor Correlations between two factor analysis solutions
factor.congruence Coefficient of factor congruence How well does the factor model fit a correlation matrix. Part of the VSS package
factor.minres Deprecated Exploratory Factor analysis functions. Please use fa
factor.model Find R = F F' + U2 is the basic factor model Deprecated Exploratory Factor analysis functions. Please use fa
factor.plot Plot factor/cluster loadings and assign items to clusters by their highest loading.
factor.residuals R* = R- F F'
factor.rotate "Hand" rotate a factor loading matrix
factor.scores Various ways to estimate factor scores for the factor analysis model
factor.stats Find various goodness of fit statistics for factor analysis and principal components
factor.wls Deprecated Exploratory Factor analysis functions. Please use fa
factor2cluster Extract cluster definitions from factor loadings
faReg Apply Dwyer's factor extension to find factor loadings for extended variables
faRegression Apply Dwyer's factor extension to find factor loadings for extended variables
faRotate Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
faRotations Multiple rotations of factor loadings to find local minima
fisherz Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
fisherz2r Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
fparse Parse and exten formula input from a model and return the DV, IV, and associated terms.
fromTo Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package

-- G --

g2r Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
Garcia Data from the sexism (protest) study of Garcia, Schmitt, Branscome, and Ellemers (2010)
geometric.mean Find the geometric mean of a vector or columns of a data.frame.
glb Alternative estimates of test reliabiity
glb.algebraic Find the greatest lower bound to reliability.
glb.fa Alternative estimates of test reliabiity
Gleser Example data from Gleser, Cronbach and Rajaratnam (1965) to show basic principles of generalizability theory.
Gorsuch Example data set from Gorsuch (1997) for an example factor extension.
GSBE Data from the sexism (protest) study of Garcia, Schmitt, Branscome, and Ellemers (2010)
guttman Alternative estimates of test reliabiity

-- H --

Harman Five data sets from Harman (1967). 9 cognitive variables from Holzinger and 8 emotional variables from Burt
Harman.5 Five data sets from Harman (1967). 9 cognitive variables from Holzinger and 8 emotional variables from Burt
Harman.8 Five data sets from Harman (1967). 9 cognitive variables from Holzinger and 8 emotional variables from Burt
Harman.Burt Five data sets from Harman (1967). 9 cognitive variables from Holzinger and 8 emotional variables from Burt
Harman.Holzinger Five data sets from Harman (1967). 9 cognitive variables from Holzinger and 8 emotional variables from Burt
Harman.political Five data sets from Harman (1967). 9 cognitive variables from Holzinger and 8 emotional variables from Burt
harmonic.mean Find the harmonic mean of a vector, matrix, or columns of a data.frame
headTail Combine calls to head and tail
headtail Combine calls to head and tail
het.diagram Graph factor loading matrices
histBy Multiple histograms with density and normal fits on one page
histo.density Multiple histograms with density and normal fits on one page
Holzinger Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
Holzinger.9 Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.

-- I --

ICC Intraclass Correlations (ICC1, ICC2, ICC3 from Shrout and Fleiss)
ICLUST iclust: Item Cluster Analysis - Hierarchical cluster analysis using psychometric principles
iclust iclust: Item Cluster Analysis - Hierarchical cluster analysis using psychometric principles
ICLUST.cluster Function to form hierarchical cluster analysis of items
ICLUST.diagram Draw an ICLUST hierarchical cluster structure diagram
iclust.diagram Draw an ICLUST hierarchical cluster structure diagram
ICLUST.graph create control code for ICLUST graphical output
iclust.graph create control code for ICLUST graphical output
ICLUST.rgraph Draw an ICLUST graph using the Rgraphviz package
ICLUST.sort Sort items by absolute size of cluster loadings
iclust.sort Sort items by absolute size of cluster loadings
interbattery Perform and Exploratory Structural Equation Model (ESEM) by using factor extension techniques
interp.boxplot Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame
interp.median Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame
interp.q Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame
interp.quantiles Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame
interp.quart Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame
interp.quartiles Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame
interp.values Find the interpolated sample median, quartiles, or specific quantiles for a vector, matrix, or data frame
irt.0p Item Response Theory estimate of theta (ability) using a Rasch (like) model
irt.1p Item Response Theory estimate of theta (ability) using a Rasch (like) model
irt.2p Item Response Theory estimate of theta (ability) using a Rasch (like) model
irt.discrim Simple function to estimate item difficulties using IRT concepts
irt.fa Item Response Analysis by Exploratory Factor Analysis of tetrachoric/polychoric correlations
irt.item.diff.rasch Simple function to estimate item difficulties using IRT concepts
irt.person.rasch Item Response Theory estimate of theta (ability) using a Rasch (like) model
irt.responses Plot probability of multiple choice responses as a function of a latent trait Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items Item Response Analysis by Exploratory Factor Analysis of tetrachoric/polychoric correlations Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
irt.tau Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
isCorrelation Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
isCovariance Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
item.dichot Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure
item.lookup A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction
item.sim Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure
item.validity Find the predicted validities of a set of scales based on item statistics

-- K --

kaiser Apply the Kaiser normalization when rotating factors
keys.lookup A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction
keys2list Create a keys matrix for use by score.items or cluster.cor
keysort Find miniscales (parcels) of size 2 or 3 from a set of items
KMO Find the Kaiser, Meyer, Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy
kurtosi Calculate univariate or multivariate (Mardia's test) skew and kurtosis for a vector, matrix, or data.frame

-- L --

lavaan.diagram Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model
levels2numeric Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
lmCor Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
lmDiagram Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
logistic Logistic transform from x to p and logit transform from p to x
logistic.grm Logistic transform from x to p and logit transform from p to x
logit Logistic transform from x to p and logit transform from p to x
lookup A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction
lookupFromKeys A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction
lookupItems A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction
lowerCor Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
lowerMat Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
lowerUpper Combine two square matrices to have a lower off diagonal for one, upper off diagonal for the other
lsat6 Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT
lsat7 Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT

-- M --

m2d Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
m2t Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
make.congeneric Simulate a congeneric data set with or without minor factors
make.hierarchical Create a population or sample correlation matrix, perhaps with hierarchical structure.
make.irt.stats Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
make.keys Create a keys matrix for use by score.items or cluster.cor
makePositiveKeys Create a keys matrix for use by score.items or cluster.cor
manhattan "Manhattan" plots of correlations with a set of criteria.
MAP Apply the Very Simple Structure, MAP, and other criteria to determine the appropriate number of factors.
mardia Calculate univariate or multivariate (Mardia's test) skew and kurtosis for a vector, matrix, or data.frame
mat.regress Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
mat.sort Sort the elements of a correlation matrix to reflect factor loadings
matMult Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
matPlot Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
matReg Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
matrix.addition A function to add two vectors or matrices
matSort Sort the elements of a correlation matrix to reflect factor loadings
mediate Estimate and display direct and indirect effects of mediators and moderator in path models
mediate.diagram Estimate and display direct and indirect effects of mediators and moderator in path models
minkowski Plot data and 1 and 2 sigma correlation ellipses
misc Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
mixed.cor Find correlations for mixtures of continuous, polytomous, and dichotomous variables
mixedCor Find correlations for mixtures of continuous, polytomous, and dichotomous variables
mlArrange Find and plot various reliability/gneralizability coefficients for multilevel data
mlPlot Find and plot various reliability/gneralizability coefficients for multilevel data
mlr Find and plot various reliability/gneralizability coefficients for multilevel data
moderate.diagram Estimate and display direct and indirect effects of mediators and moderator in path models
mssd Find von Neuman's Mean Square of Successive Differences
multi.arrow Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
multi.curved.arrow Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
multi.hist Multiple histograms with density and normal fits on one page
multi.rect Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
multi.self Helper functions for drawing path model diagrams
multilevel.reliability Find and plot various reliability/gneralizability coefficients for multilevel data

-- N --

nchar2numeric Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
nfactors Apply the Very Simple Structure, MAP, and other criteria to determine the appropriate number of factors.

-- O --

omega Calculate McDonald's omega estimates of general and total factor saturation
omega.diagram Graph hierarchical factor structures
omega.graph Graph hierarchical factor structures
omegaDirect Calculate McDonald's omega estimates of general and total factor saturation
omegaFromSem Calculate McDonald's omega estimates of general and total factor saturation
omegah Calculate McDonald's omega estimates of general and total factor saturation
omegaSem Calculate McDonald's omega estimates of general and total factor saturation
outlier Find and graph Mahalanobis squared distances to detect outliers

-- P --

p.rep Find the probability of replication for an F, t, or r and estimate effect size
p.rep.f Find the probability of replication for an F, t, or r and estimate effect size
p.rep.r Find the probability of replication for an F, t, or r and estimate effect size
p.rep.t Find the probability of replication for an F, t, or r and estimate effect size
paired.r Test the difference between (un)paired correlations
pairs.panels SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
pairwiseCount Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
pairwiseCountBig Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
pairwiseDescribe Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
pairwiseImpute Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
pairwisePlot Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
pairwiseReport Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
pairwiseSample Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
pairwiseZero Count number of pairwise cases for a data set with missing (NA) data and impute values.
panel.cor SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
panel.cor.scale SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
panel.ellipse SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
panel.hist SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
panel.hist.density SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
panel.lm SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
panel.lm.ellipse SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
panel.smoother SPLOM, histograms and correlations for a data matrix
parcels Find miniscales (parcels) of size 2 or 3 from a set of items
partial.r Find the partial correlations for a set (x) of variables with set (y) removed.
pca Principal components analysis (PCA)
phi Find the phi coefficient of correlation between two dichotomous variables
phi.demo A simple demonstration of the Pearson, phi, and polychoric corelation
phi.list Create factor model matrices from an input list
phi2poly Convert a phi coefficient to a tetrachoric correlation
phi2poly.matrix Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix
phi2tetra Convert a phi coefficient to a tetrachoric correlation
Pinv Compute the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse of a matrix
plot.irt Plotting functions for the psych package of class "psych"
plot.poly Plotting functions for the psych package of class "psych"
plot.poly.parallel Scree plots of data or correlation matrix compared to random "parallel" matrices
plot.psych Plotting functions for the psych package of class "psych"
plot.reliability Reports 7 different estimates of scale reliabity including alpha, omega, split half
plot.residuals Plotting functions for the psych package of class "psych"
pmi Data set testing causal direction in presumed media influence
polar Convert Cartesian factor loadings into polar coordinates
poly.mat Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input
polychor.matrix Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix
polychoric Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input
polydi Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input
polyserial Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input
predict.psych Prediction function for factor analysis, principal components (pca), bestScales
predicted.validity Find the predicted validities of a set of scales based on item statistics
principal Principal components analysis (PCA)
print.psych Print and summary functions for the psych class
Procrustes Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
progressBar Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
Promax Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
protest Data from the sexism (protest) study of Garcia, Schmitt, Branscome, and Ellemers (2010)
psych A package for personality, psychometric, and psychological research
psych.misc Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package

-- Q --

quickView Combine calls to head and tail

-- R --

r.con Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
r.test Tests of significance for correlations
r2c Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
r2chi Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
r2d Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
r2t Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
radar Make "radar" or "spider" plots.
rangeCorrection Correct correlations for restriction of range. (Thorndike Case 2)
reflect Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
Reise Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
reliability Reports 7 different estimates of scale reliabity including alpha, omega, split half
rescale Function to convert scores to "conventional " metrics
resid.psych Extract residuals from various psych objects
residuals.psych Extract residuals from various psych objects
response.frequencies Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations
responseFrequency Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations
reverse.code Reverse the coding of selected items prior to scale analysis
RMSEA Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation from chisq, df, and n
rmssd Find von Neuman's Mean Square of Successive Differences

-- S --

SAPAfy Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
sat.act 3 Measures of ability: SATV, SATQ, ACT
scaling.fits Test the adequacy of simple choice, logistic, or Thurstonian scaling.
scatter.hist Draw a scatter plot with associated X and Y histograms, densities and correlation
scatterHist Draw a scatter plot with associated X and Y histograms, densities and correlation
Schmid 12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation
schmid Apply the Schmid Leiman transformation to a correlation matrix
schmid.leiman 12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation
score.alpha Score scales and find Cronbach's alpha as well as associated statistics
score.irt Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
score.irt.2 Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
score.irt.poly Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
score.items Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations
score.multiple.choice Score multiple choice items and provide basic test statistics
scoreBy Find correlations of composite variables (corrected for overlap) from a larger matrix.
scoreFast Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations
scoreIrt Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
scoreIrt.1pl Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
scoreIrt.2pl Find Item Response Theory (IRT) based scores for dichotomous or polytomous items
scoreItems Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations
scoreOverlap Find correlations of composite variables (corrected for overlap) from a larger matrix.
scoreVeryFast Score item composite scales and find Cronbach's alpha, Guttman lambda 6 and item whole correlations
scoreWtd Score items using regression or correlation based weights
scree Plot the successive eigen values for a scree test
scrub A utility for basic data cleaning and recoding. Changes values outside of minimum and maximum limits to NA.
SD Find the Standard deviation for a vector, matrix, or data.frame - do not return error if there are no cases
selectFromKeys Create a keys matrix for use by score.items or cluster.cor
sem.diagram Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model
sem.graph Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model
Sensitivity Decision Theory measures of specificity, sensitivity, and d prime
set.cor Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
setCor Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
setCor.diagram Multiple Regression and Set Correlation from matrix or raw input
setCorLookup A set of functions for factorial and empirical scale construction
shannon Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
sim Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.anova Simulate a 3 way balanced ANOVA or linear model, with or without repeated measures.
sim.bonds Create a population or sample correlation matrix, perhaps with hierarchical structure.
sim.circ Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure
sim.congeneric Simulate a congeneric data set with or without minor factors
sim.correlation Create correlation matrices or data matrices with a particular measurement and structural model
sim.dichot Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure
sim.general Further functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.hierarchical Create a population or sample correlation matrix, perhaps with hierarchical structure.
sim.irt Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.item Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure
sim.minor Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.multi Simulate multilevel data with specified within group and between group correlations
sim.multilevel Simulate multilevel data with specified within group and between group correlations
sim.npl Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.npn Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data. Further functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.parallel Further functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.poly Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.poly.ideal Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.poly.ideal.npl Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.poly.ideal.npn Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.poly.mat Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.poly.npl Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.poly.npn Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.rasch Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.simplex Functions to simulate psychological/psychometric data.
sim.spherical Generate simulated data structures for circumplex, spherical, or simple structure
sim.structural Create correlation matrices or data matrices with a particular measurement and structural model
sim.structure Create correlation matrices or data matrices with a particular measurement and structural model
sim.VSS create VSS like data
simCor Create correlation matrices or data matrices with a particular measurement and structural model
simulation.circ Simulations of circumplex and simple structure
skew Calculate univariate or multivariate (Mardia's test) skew and kurtosis for a vector, matrix, or data.frame
smc Find the Squared Multiple Correlation (SMC) of each variable with the remaining variables in a matrix
Specificity Decision Theory measures of specificity, sensitivity, and d prime
spider Make "radar" or "spider" plots.
splitHalf Alternative estimates of test reliabiity
statsBy Find statistics (including correlations) within and between groups for basic multilevel analyses
statsBy.boot Find statistics (including correlations) within and between groups for basic multilevel analyses
statsBy.boot.summary Find statistics (including correlations) within and between groups for basic multilevel analyses
structure.diagram Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model
structure.graph Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model
structure.list Create factor model matrices from an input list
structure.sem Draw a structural equation model specified by two measurement models and a structural model
summary.psych Print and summary functions for the psych class
super.matrix Form a super matrix from two sub matrices.
superCor Form a super matrix from two sub matrices.
superMatrix Form a super matrix from two sub matrices.

-- T --

t2d Find Cohen d and confidence intervals
t2r Transformations of r, d, and t including Fisher r to z and z to r and confidence intervals
table2df Convert a table with counts to a matrix or data.frame representing those counts.
table2matrix Convert a table with counts to a matrix or data.frame representing those counts.
tableF Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
Tal.Or Data set testing causal direction in presumed media influence
Tal_Or Data set testing causal direction in presumed media influence
target.rot Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
TargetQ Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
TargetT Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
tctg Data set testing causal direction in presumed media influence
tenberge Alternative estimates of test reliabiity
test.all Miscellaneous helper functions for the psych package
test.irt A simple demonstration (and test) of various IRT scoring algorthims.
test.psych Testing of functions in the psych package
testReliability Find various test-retest statistics, including test, person and item reliability
testRetest Find various test-retest statistics, including test, person and item reliability
tetrachor Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input
tetrachoric Tetrachoric, polychoric, biserial and polyserial correlations from various types of input
Thurstone Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
thurstone Thurstone Case V scaling
Thurstone.33 Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
Thurstone.33G Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
Thurstone.9 Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.
topBottom Combine calls to head and tail
tr Find the trace of a square matrix
Tucker 9 Cognitive variables discussed by Tucker and Lewis (1973)

-- U --

unidim Several indices of the unidimensionality of a set of variables.

-- V --

validityItem Find the predicted validities of a set of scales based on item statistics
varimin Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
vgQ.bimin Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
vgQ.targetQ Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
vgQ.varimin Perform Procustes,bifactor, promax or targeted rotations and return the inter factor angles.
violin Create a 'violin plot' or density plot of the distribution of a set of variables
violinBy Create a 'violin plot' or density plot of the distribution of a set of variables
VSS Apply the Very Simple Structure, MAP, and other criteria to determine the appropriate number of factors.
vss Apply the Very Simple Structure, MAP, and other criteria to determine the appropriate number of factors.
VSS.parallel Compare real and random VSS solutions
VSS.plot Plot VSS fits
VSS.scree Plot the successive eigen values for a scree test
VSS.sim create VSS like data
VSS.simulate create VSS like data

-- W --

West 12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation
winsor Find the Winsorized scores, means, sds or variances for a vector, matrix, or data.frame
winsor.mean Find the Winsorized scores, means, sds or variances for a vector, matrix, or data.frame
winsor.means Find the Winsorized scores, means, sds or variances for a vector, matrix, or data.frame Find the Winsorized scores, means, sds or variances for a vector, matrix, or data.frame
winsor.var Find the Winsorized scores, means, sds or variances for a vector, matrix, or data.frame
withinBetween An example of the distinction between within group and between group correlations
wkappa Find Cohen's kappa and weighted kappa coefficients for correlation of two raters

-- Y --

Yule From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient.
Yule.inv From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient.
Yule2phi From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient.
Yule2phi.matrix Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix
Yule2poly From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient.
Yule2poly.matrix Phi or Yule coefficient matrix to polychoric coefficient matrix
Yule2tetra From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient.
YuleBonett From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient.
YuleCor From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient.

-- misc --

%+% A function to add two vectors or matrices