\name{scatterHist} \alias{scatter.hist} \alias{scatterHist} \title{Draw a scatter plot with associated X and Y histograms, densities and correlation} \description{Draw a X Y scatter plot with associated X and Y histograms with estimated densities. Will also draw density plots by groups, as well as distribution ellipses by group. Partly a demonstration of the use of layout. Also includes lowess smooth or linear model slope, as well as correlation and Mahalanobis distances } \usage{ scatterHist(x,y=NULL,smooth=TRUE,ab=FALSE, correl=TRUE,data=NULL, density=TRUE,means=TRUE, ellipse=TRUE,digits=2,method="pearson",cex.cor=1,cex.point=1, title="Scatter plot + density", xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,smoother=FALSE,nrpoints=0,xlab.hist=NULL,ylab.hist=NULL,grid=FALSE, xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,x.breaks=11,y.breaks=11, x.space=0,y.space=0,freq=TRUE,x.axes=TRUE,y.axes=TRUE,size=c(1,2), col=c("blue","red","black"),legend=NULL,alpha=.5,pch=21, show.d=TRUE, x.arrow=NULL,y.arrow=NULL,d.arrow=FALSE,cex.arrow=1,...) scatter.hist(x,y=NULL,smooth=TRUE,ab=FALSE, correl=TRUE,data=NULL,density=TRUE, means=TRUE, ellipse=TRUE,digits=2,method="pearson",cex.cor=1,cex.point=1, title="Scatter plot + density", xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,smoother=FALSE,nrpoints=0,xlab.hist=NULL,ylab.hist=NULL,grid=FALSE, xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,x.breaks=11,y.breaks=11, x.space=0,y.space=0,freq=TRUE,x.axes=TRUE,y.axes=TRUE,size=c(1,2), col=c("blue","red","black"),legend=NULL,alpha=.5,pch=21, show.d=TRUE, x.arrow=NULL,y.arrow=NULL,d.arrow=FALSE,cex.arrow=1,...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The X vector, or the first column of a data.frame or matrix. Can be specified using formula input. } \item{y}{The Y vector, of if X is a data.frame or matrix, the second column of X} \item{smooth}{if TRUE, then add a loess smooth to the plot} \item{ab}{if TRUE, then show the best fitting linear fit} \item{correl}{TRUE: Show the correlation} \item{data}{if using formula input, the data must be specified} \item{density}{TRUE: Show the estimated densities} \item{means}{TRUE}{If TRUE, show the means for the distributions. } \item{ellipse}{TRUE: draw 1 and 2 sigma ellipses and smooth} \item{digits}{How many digits to use if showing the correlation} \item{method}{Which method to use for correlation ("pearson","spearman","kendall") defaults to "pearson"} \item{smoother}{if TRUE, use smoothScatter instead of plot. Nice for large N.} \item{nrpoints}{If using smoothScatter, show nrpoints as dots. Defaults to 0} \item{grid}{If TRUE, show a grid for the scatter plot.} \item{cex.cor}{Adjustment for the size of the correlation} \item{cex.point}{Adjustment for the size of the data points} \item{xlab}{Label for the x axis} \item{ylab}{Label for the y axis} \item{xlim}{Allow specification for limits of x axis, although this seems to just work for the scatter plots.} \item{ylim}{Allow specification for limits of y axis} \item{x.breaks}{Number of breaks to suggest to the x axis histogram.} \item{y.breaks}{Number of breaks to suggest to the y axis histogram.} \item{x.space}{space between bars} \item{y.space}{Space between y bars} \item{freq}{Show frequency counts, otherwise show density counts} \item{x.axes}{Show the x axis for the x histogram} \item{y.axes}{Show the y axis for the y histogram} \item{size}{The sizes of the ellipses (in sd units). Defaults to 1,2} \item{col}{Colors to use when showing groups} \item{alpha}{Amount of transparency in the density plots} \item{legend}{Where to put a legend c("topleft","topright","top","left","right")} \item{pch}{Base plot character (each group is one more)} \item{xlab.hist}{Not currently available} \item{ylab.hist}{Label for y axis histogram. Not currently available.} \item{title}{An optional title} \item{show.d}{If TRUE, show the distances between the groups} \item{d.arrow}{If TRUE, draw an arrow between the two centroids} \item{x.arrow}{optional lable for the arrow connecting the two groups for the x axis} \item{y.arrow}{optional lable for the arrow connecting the two groups for the y axis} \item{cex.arrow}{cex control for the label size of the arrows.} \item{\dots}{Other parameters for graphics} } \details{Just a straightforward application of layout and barplot, with some tricks taken from \code{\link{pairs.panels}}. The various options allow for correlation ellipses (1 and 2 sigma from the mean), lowess smooths, linear fits, density curves on the histograms, and the value of the correlation. ellipse = TRUE implies smooth = TRUE. The grid option provides a background grid to the scatterplot. If using grouping variables, will draw ellipses (defaults to 1 sd) around each centroid. This is useful when demonstrating Mahalanobis distances. Formula input allows specification of grouping variables as well. ) For plotting data for two groups, Mahalobnis differences between the groups may be shown by drawing an arrow between the two centroids. This is a bit messy and it is useful to use pch="." in this case. } \author{William Revelle} \note{ Originally adapted from Addicted to R example 78. Modified following some nice suggestions from Jared Smith. Substantial revisions in 2021 to allow for a clearer demonstration of group differences. } \seealso{\code{\link{pairs.panels}} for multiple plots, \code{\link{multi.hist}} for multiple histograms and \code{\link{histBy}} for single variables with multiple groups. Perhaps the best example is found in the psychTools::GERAS data set. } \examples{ data(sat.act) with(sat.act,scatterHist(SATV,SATQ)) scatterHist(SATV ~ SATQ,data=sat.act) #formula input #or for something a bit more splashy scatter.hist(sat.act[5:6],pch=(19+sat.act$gender),col=c("blue","red")[sat.act$gender],grid=TRUE) #better yet scatterHist(SATV ~ SATQ + gender,data=sat.act) #formula input with a grouping variable } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ multivariate } \keyword{ hplot }