\name{predicted.validity} \alias{predicted.validity} \alias{item.validity} \alias{validityItem} \title{Find the predicted validities of a set of scales based on item statistics} \description{The validity of a scale varies as a function of the number of items in the scale, their average intercorrelation, and their average validity. The asymptotic limit of a scales validity for any particular criterion is just the average validity divided by the square root of the average within scale item correlation. \code{\link{predicted.validity}} will find the predicted validity for a set of scales (defined by a keys.list) and the average item validity for various criteria. The function will find (and report) scale reliabilities (using \code{\link{reliability}}) and average item validities (using \code{\link{item.validity}}) } \usage{ predicted.validity(x, criteria, keys, scale.rel = NULL, item.val = NULL) item.validity(x,criteria,keys) validityItem(x,criteria,keys) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{A data set} \item{criteria}{Variables to predict from the scales } \item{keys}{A keys.list that defines the scales } \item{scale.rel}{If not specified, these will be found. Otherwise, this is the output from \code{\link{reliability}}. } \item{item.val}{If not specified, the average item validities for each scale will be found. Otherwise use the output from \code{\link{item.validity}} } } \details{ When predicting criteria from a set of items formed into scales, the validity of the scale (that is, the correlations of the scale with each criteria) is a function of the average item validity (r_y), the average intercorrelation of the items in the scale (r_x), and the number of items in the scale (n). The limit of validity is r_y/sqrt(r_x). Criteria will differ in their predictability from a set of scales. These asymptotic values may be used to help the decision on which scales to develop further. } \value{ \item{predicted}{The predicted validities given the scales specified} \item{item.validities }{The average item validities for each scale with each criterion} \item{scale.reliabilities}{The various statistics reported by the \code{\link{reliability}} function} \item{asymptotic}{A matrix of the asymptotic validities} } \references{ Revelle, William. (in prep) An introduction to psychometric theory with applications in R. Springer. Working draft available at \url{https://personality-project.org/r/book/} Revelle, W. and Condon, D.M. (2019) Reliability from alpha to omega: A tutorial. Psychological Assessment, 31, 12, 1395-1411. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0000754. \url{https://psyarxiv.com/2y3w9/} Preprint available from PsyArxiv } \author{William Revelle} \seealso{ \code{\link{reliability}}, \code{\link{scoreItems}}, \code{\link{scoreFast}} } \examples{ pred.bfi <- predicted.validity(psychTools::bfi[,1:25], psychTools::bfi[,26:28], psychTools::bfi.keys) pred.bfi } \keyword{ multivariate } \keyword{ models }