\name{fparse} \alias{fparse} \title{ Parse and exten formula input from a model and return the DV, IV, and associated terms. } \description{ Formula input from e.g., lm, may be extended to include mediators, quadratic and partial terms using a standard syntax. This is use by \code{\link{setCor}} and \code{\link{mediate}}. } \usage{ fparse(expr) } \arguments{ \item{expr}{A legitimate expression in the form y ~ x1 , etc. (see details)} } \value{ \item{y}{A list of elements from the left side of the formula} \item{x}{A list of elements from the right side of the formula} \item{m}{A list of those elements of the formula included in ()} \item{prod}{A list of elements separated by a * sign} \item{ex}{A list of elements marked by I()} } \details{The basic formula input given as DV1 + DV2 ~ IV1 + IV2 + (IV3) + I(IV4^2) - IV5 will be parsed to return 2 DVs (1 and 2), two normal IVs (1 and 2), a mediator (IV3) a quadratic (IV4) and a variable to be partialed (IV5). See the various examples in \code{\link{setCor}} and \code{\link{mediate}}. } \author{William Revelle } \examples{ fparse(DV ~ IV1 + IV2 * IV2*IV3 + (IV4) + I(IV5^2) ) #somewhat more complicated fparse(DV1 + DV2 ~ IV1 + IV2 + IV3*IV4 + I(IV5^2) + I(Iv6^2) + (IV7) + (IV8) - IV9) } \keyword{ utilities }