\name{biplot.psych} \alias{biplot.psych} \title{Draw biplots of factor or component scores by factor or component loadings} \description{Extends the biplot function to the output of \code{\link{fa}}, \code{\link{fa.poly}} or \code{\link{principal}}. Will plot factor scores and factor loadings in the same graph. If the number of factors > 2, then all pairs of factors are plotted. Factor score histograms are plotted on the diagonal. The input is the resulting object from \code{\link{fa}}, \code{\link{principal}}, or \}{code\{link{fa.poly}} with the scores=TRUE option. Points may be colored according to other criteria. } \usage{ \method{biplot}{psych}(x, labels=NULL,cex=c(.75,1),main="Biplot from fa", hist.col="cyan",xlim.s=c(-3,3),ylim.s=c(-3,3),xlim.f=c(-1,1),ylim.f=c(-1,1), maxpoints=100,adjust=1.2,col,pos, arrow.len = 0.1,pch=16,choose=NULL, cuts=1,cutl=.0,group=NULL,smoother=FALSE,vars=TRUE,...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The output from \code{\link{fa}}, \code{\link{fa.poly}} or \code{\link{principal}} with the scores=TRUE option} \item{labels}{if NULL, draw the points with the plot character (pch) specified. To identify the data points, specify labels= 1:n where n is the number of observations, or labels =rownames(data) where data was the data set analyzed by the factor analysis.} \item{cex}{A vector of plot sizes of the data labels and of the factor labels} \item{main}{A main title for a two factor biplot} \item{hist.col}{If plotting more than two factors, the color of the histogram of the factor scores} \item{xlim.s}{x limits of the scores. Defaults to plus/minus three sigma} \item{ylim.s}{y limits of the scores.Defaults to plus/minus three sigma} \item{xlim.f}{x limits of the factor loadings.Defaults to plus/minus 1.0} \item{ylim.f}{y limits of the factor loadings.Defaults to plus/minus 1.0} \item{maxpoints}{When plotting 3 (or more) dimensions, at what size should we switch from plotting "o" to plotting "."} \item{adjust}{an adjustment factor in the histogram} \item{col}{a vector of colors for the data points and for the factor loading labels} \item{pos}{If plotting labels, what position should they be in? 1=below, 2=left, 3 top, 4 right. If missing, then the assumption is that labels should be printed instead of data points.} \item{arrow.len}{ the length of the arrow head} \item{pch}{The plotting character to use. pch=16 gives reasonable size dots. pch="." gives tiny points. If adding colors, use pch between 21 and 25. (see examples).} \item{choose}{Plot just the specified factors} \item{cuts}{Do not label cases with abs(factor scores) < cuts) (Actually, the distance of the x and y scores from 0) } \item{cutl}{Do not label variables with communalities in the two space < cutl} \item{group}{A vector of a grouping variable for the scores. Show a different color and symbol for each group.} \item{smoother}{If TRUE then do a smooth scatter plot (which shows the density rather than the data points). Only useful for large data sets.} \item{vars}{If TRUE, draw arrows for the variables, and plot the scores. If FALSE, then draw arrows for the scores and plot the variables.} \item{\dots}{more options for graphics} } \details{ Uses the generic biplot function to take the output of a factor analysis \code{\link{fa}}, \code{\link{fa.poly}} or principal components analysis \code{\link{principal}} and plot the factor/component scores along with the factor/component loadings. This is an extension of the generic biplot function to allow more control over plotting points in a two space and also to plot three or more factors (two at time). This will work for objects produced by \code{\link{fa}}, \code{\link{fa.poly}} or \code{\link{principal}} if they applied to the original data matrix. If however, one has a correlation matrix (e.g., based upon the output from \code{\link{tetrachoric}} or \code{\link{polychoric}}), and has done either \code{\link{fa}} or \code{\link{principal}} on the correlations, then obviously, we can not do a biplot. However, both of those functions produce a weights matrix, which, in combination with the original data can be used to find the scores by using \code{\link{factor.scores}}. Since biplot.psych is looking for two elements of the x object: x$loadings and x$scores, you can create the appropriate object to plot, or add it to the factor object See the third and fourth examples. In order to just plot the loadings, use \code{\link{fa.plot}}. Or, if we want to show the loadings as vectors, use pch = "". } \author{William Revelle} \seealso{\code{\link{fa}}, \code{\link{fa.poly}}, \code{\link{principal}}, \code{\link{fa.plot}}, \code{\link{pairs.panels}} } \examples{ #the standard example data(USArrests) fa2 <- fa(USArrests,2,scores=TRUE) biplot(fa2,labels=rownames(USArrests)) # plot the 3 factor solution #data(bfi) fa3 <- fa(psychTools::bfi[1:200,1:15],3,scores=TRUE) biplot(fa3) #just plot factors 1 and 3 from that solution biplot(fa3,choose=c(1,3)) # fa2 <- fa(psychTools::bfi[16:25],2) #factor analysis fa2$scores <- fa2$scores[1:100,] #just take the first 100 #now plot with different colors and shapes for males and females biplot(fa2,pch=c(24,21)[psychTools::bfi[1:100,"gender"]], group =psychTools::bfi[1:100,"gender"], main="Biplot of Openness and Neuroticism by gender") ## An example from the correlation matrix r <- cor(psychTools::bfi[1:200,1:10], use="pairwise") #find the correlations f2 <- fa(r,2) #biplot(f2) #this throws an error (not run) #f2 does not have scores, but we can find them f2$scores <- factor.scores(psychTools::bfi[1:200,1:10],f2) biplot(f2,main="biplot from correlation matrix and factor scores") #or create a new object with the scores #find the correlations for all subjects r <- cor(psychTools::bfi[1:10], use="pairwise") f2 <- fa(r,2) x <- list() #find the scores for just the first 200 subjects x$scores <- factor.scores(psychTools::bfi[1:200,1:10],f2) x$loadings <- f2$loadings class(x) <- c('psych','fa') biplot(x,main="biplot from correlation matrix combined with factor scores") } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{multivariate } \keyword{hplot }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line