makerepeated <- function(f=NULL, key="STATE",filter=NULL) { #go get the files we want if(is.null(f)) { fn <- file.choose() } else { fn <- f} #find a file in the directory you want dir <- dirname(fn) #the directory where the file was found files.list <- list.files(dir) select <- grep(key,files.list, #these are the ones that match key selected <- files.list[select] if(!is.null(filter)) {selected <- files.list[select] select <- grep(filter,selected,,invert=TRUE) selected <- selected[select]} #first figure out the n.var for this set of files for (i in 1:length(selected)) { file <- selected[i] temp <- strsplit(file,'[- ]')[[1]] #strip out the experiment names from the other text study <- temp[1] #the study name time <- grep('[1234567890]',temp) #now, it is possible that the key name is embedded in the time #time <- gsub(key,"",temp[time], #time <- gsub('[.]',"",temp[time], if(length(time)>0 ){ time <- temp[time] } else {time <- 1} #we use scan rather than read.fwf because we have different widths for each file and we don't the format path <- file.path(dir,file) #this functionally reads fwf and converts to numeric cat("\nFile read=",file) temp <- scan(path,what="raw") periods <- grep("[.]",temp) if(length(periods) > 0) {temp <- strsplit(temp,"[.]") #we need to strip out periods temp <- unlist(temp)} #how many records per subject (some files have id field followed by a code field, followed by the data if(nchar(temp[2]) < nchar(temp[3])) {nlines <- 3} else {nlines <-2} n.obs <- length(temp)/nlines n.var <- nchar(temp[nlines]) <- matrix(NA,nrow=n.obs,ncol=n.var +1) for( j in 1:n.obs) { #now, form a matrix of characters with the data[j,1] <- temp[1+(j-1)*nlines] temp.split <- strsplit(temp[j*nlines],"")[j,2:(n.var+1)] <- temp.split[[1]] #this gets the id field } <- matrix(as.numeric(,ncol=n.var + 1) colnames( <- c("id",paste0("V",1:n.var) ) <- data.frame(study=study,time=time, if(i ==1) { <-} else { if(NCOL( != NCOL( {cat("\nOoops file sizes don't match", file, "\n")} else { <- rbind(,} } } #end of for i loop return( }