#created Sept 4, 2017 to try to do exploratory sem by factoring sets 1 and 2 #and then linking the two sets #slightly improved December 15, 2018 to label the factors better "esem" <- function(r,varsX,varsY,nfX=1,nfY=1,n.obs=NULL,fm="minres",rotate="oblimin", rotateY="oblimin",plot=TRUE, cor="cor", use="pairwise",weight=NULL,...) { if(is.null(colnames(r))) colnames(r) <- rownames(r) <- paste0("V",1:ncol(r)) #vars <- order(c(vars1,vars2)) cl <- match.call() if(is.numeric(varsX)) varsX <- colnames(r)[varsX] if(is.numeric(varsY)) varsY <- colnames(r)[varsY] vars <- c(varsX,varsY) if(is.null(n.obs)) n.obs <- NA if(!isCorrelation(r)) {#find the correlations n.obs <- nrow(r) r <- r[,vars] #we organize the data to be just the ones we want, that is, ignore variables not included in the model switch(cor, cor = {r <- cor(r,use=use)}, cov = {r <- cov(r,use=use) covar <- TRUE}, wtd = { r <- cor.wt(r,w=weight)$r}, tet = {r <- tetrachoric(r)$rho}, poly = {r <- polychoric(r)$rho}, mixed = {r <- mixedCor(r,use=use)$rho}, Yuleb = {r <- YuleCor(r,,bonett=TRUE)$rho}, YuleQ = {r <- YuleCor(r,1)$rho}, YuleY = {r <- YuleCor(r,.5)$rho } ) } #varnames <- colnames(r)[vars] varnames <- vars rownames(r) <- colnames(r) R <- r[varnames,varnames] #This reorganizes R so that it is the order of the selected variables nX <- length(varsX) nY <-length(varsY) df1 <- nX *(nX-1)/2 - nfX * nX + nfX * (nfX-1)/2 df2 <- nY *( nY-1)/2 - nfY * nY + nfY * (nfY-1)/2 f1 <- fa.extend(R,nfX,ov=varsX,ev=varsY,fm=fm,rotate=rotate,...) loads1 <- f1$loadings[varnames,,drop=FALSE] S1 <- f1$Structure[varnames,,drop=FALSE] if(!is.null(ncol(S1))) colnames(loads1) <- colnames(S1) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(loads1)) Phi1 <- f1$Phi f2 <- fa.extend(R,nfY,ov=varsY,ev=varsX,fm=fm,rotate=rotateY,...) loads2 <- f2$loadings[varnames,,drop=FALSE] S2 <- f2$Structure[varnames,,drop=FALSE] if(!is.null(ncol(S2))) {colnames(loads2) <- colnames(S2) <- paste0("Y",1:ncol(loads2))} Phi2 <- f2$Phi f12 <- cbind(loads1,loads2) S12 <- cbind(S1,S2) S12 <- as.matrix(S12) Phi <- t(S12) %*% solve(R) %*% S12 loadsX <- f1$loadings[varsX,,drop=FALSE] loadsY <- f2$loadings[varsY,,drop=FALSE] colnames(loadsX) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(loadsX)) colnames(loadsY) <- paste0("Y",1:ncol(loadsY)) # loadsX <- f1$loadings[colnames(R)[varsX],,drop=FALSE] # loadsY <- f2$loadings[colnames(R)[varsY],,drop=FALSE] diag(Phi) <- 1 #now, a kludge to make it better -- but not actually, so dropped if(FALSE){if(!is.null(Phi1)) Phi[1:nfX,1:nfX] <- Phi1 if(!is.null(Phi2)) Phi[(nfX+1):(nfX+nfY),(nfX+1):(nfX+nfY)] <- Phi2 } result <- esem.stats(R,f12,S12,Phi,n.obs=n.obs) result$n.obs <- n.obs result$loadings <- f12 result$Structure <- S12 result$loadsX <- loadsX result$loadsY <- loadsY result$PhiX <- Phi1 result$PhiY <- Phi2 result$esem.dof <- df1 + df2 result$df1 <- df1 result$df2 <- df2 result$fm <- fm result$fx <- f1$fo result$fy <- f2$fo result$Phi <- Phi result$Call <- cl class(result) <- c("psych","esem") if(plot) esem.diagram(result) return(result)} "esem.stats" <- function(r,f,s,phi,n.obs=NA) { r <- as.matrix(r) n <- ncol(r) nfactors <- ncol(f) if(is.null(nfactors)) nfactors <- 1 Sp <- s %*% solve(phi) #this is not quite f, but is better model <- Sp %*% t(s) #this works better than model <- f %*% t(s) residual <- r - model result <- list() result$communality <- diag(model) result$sumsq <- diag(t(s) %*% (Sp)) r2 <- sum(r*r) rstar2 <- sum(residual*residual) #Alternatively, we can recognize that we are not estimating all of these #this is results$esem.dof result$dof <- dof <- n * (n-1)/2 - n * nfactors + (nfactors *(nfactors-1)/2) r2.off <- r2 - tr(r) diag(residual) <- 0 rstar.off <- sum(residual^2) # # m.inv.r <- try(solve(model,r),silent=TRUE) #modified Oct 30, 2009 to perhaps increase precision -- #modified 2015/1/2 to use try # # if(inherits(m.inv.r,"try-error") {warning("the model inverse times the r matrix is singular, replaced with Identity matrix which means fits are wrong") # sum} # if(is.na(n.obs)) {result$n.obs=NA # result$PVAL=NA} else {result$n.obs=n.obs} m.inv.r <- diag(1,n,n) #this is because the m.inv.r is not estimated # result$dof <- n * (n-1)/2 - n * nfactors + (nfactors *(nfactors-1)/2) result$objective <- sum(diag((m.inv.r))) - log(det(m.inv.r)) -n #this is what Tucker Lewis call F result$objective <- rstar2 #because the normal way doesn't work # if(is.infinite(result$objective)) {result$objective <- rstar2 # message("The determinant of the smoothed correlation was zero.\nThis means the objective function is not defined.\nChi square is based upon observed residuals.")} result$criteria <- c("objective"=result$objective,NA,NA) if (!is.na(n.obs)) {result$STATISTIC <- chisq <- result$objective * ((n.obs-1) -(2 * n + 5)/6 -(2*nfactors)/3) #from Tucker and from factanal # if (!is.na(n.obs)) {result$STATISTIC <- chisq <- result$objective * ((n.obs-1)) #from Fox and sem if(!is.nan(result$STATISTIC)) if (result$STATISTIC <0) {result$STATISTIC <- 0} if (result$dof > 0) {result$PVAL <- pchisq(result$STATISTIC, result$dof, lower.tail = FALSE)} else {result$PVAL <- NA} } result$ENull <- r2.off * n.obs #the empirical null model result$null.dof <- n * (n-1) result$chi <- rstar.off * n.obs #this is the empirical chi square result$rms <- sqrt(rstar.off/(n*(n-1))) #this is the empirical rmsea result$nh <- n.obs if (result$dof > 0) {result$EPVAL <- pchisq(result$chi, result$dof, lower.tail = FALSE) result$crms <- sqrt(rstar.off/(2*result$dof) ) result$EBIC <- result$chi - result$dof * log(n.obs) result$ESABIC <- result$chi - result$dof * log((n.obs+2)/24) result$RMSEA <- RMSEA(result$chi,result$dof,n.obs) } else {result$EPVAL <- NA result$crms <- NA result$EBIC <- NA result$ESABIC <- NA} result$fit <-1-rstar2/r2 result$fit.off <- 1-rstar.off/r2.off result$sd <- sd(as.vector(residual)) #this is the non-sample size weighted root mean square residual result$factors <- nfactors result$complexity <- (apply(f,1,function(x) sum(x^2)))^2/apply(f,1,function(x)sum(x^4)) result$residual <- residual diag(model) <- diag(r) return(result) } "print_psych.esem" <-function(x,digits=2,short=TRUE,cut=NULL, suppress.warnings=TRUE,...) { cat("Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Analysis using method = ",x$fm ) cat("\nCall: ") print(x$Call) nitems <- nrow(x$loadings) nfactors <- ncol(x$loadings) cat("\nFor the 'X' set:\n") x$loadsX <- as.matrix(x$loadsX) print(round(x$loadsX,digits=digits)) if(!short) { if(!is.null(ncol(x$PhiX))){ cat("\nWith factor intercorrelations of \n") print(round(x$PhiX,digits=digits)) } } cat("\nFor the 'Y' set:\n") x$loadsY <- as.matrix(x$loadsY) print(round(x$loadsY,digits=digits)) if(!short) { if(!is.null(ncol(x$PhiY))) { cat("\nWith factor intercorrelations of \n") print(round(x$PhiY,digits=digits)) } } if(!short) { cat('\nStandardized pattern coefficients on the X and Y sets using Factor Extension\n') L <- cbind(x$loadings,x$communality,1-x$communality) colnames(L)[(ncol(L)-1):ncol(L)] <- c("h2","u2") # print(round(x$loadings,digits=digits),round(x$communality,digits=digits)) print(round(L,digits=digits)) varex <- rbind("SS loadings" = x$sumsq) varex <- rbind(varex, "Proportion Var" = x$sumsq/nitems) varex <- rbind(varex, "Cumulative Var"= cumsum( x$sumsq/nitems)) varex <- rbind(varex, "Cum. factor Var"= cumsum( x$sumsq/sum( x$sumsq))) cat("\n") print(round(varex, digits)) } # if(!is.null(x$complexity)) cat("\nMean item complexity = ",round(mean(x$complexity),1)) # objective <- x$criteria[1] # cat("\nCorrelations between the X and Y sets.\n") print(round(x$Phi,digits=digits)) if(!is.null(x$null.dof)) {cat("\nThe degrees of freedom for the null model are ",x$null.dof, " and the empirical chi square function was ",round(x$ENull,digits),...)} cat("\nThe degrees of freedom for the model are",x$dof," and the empirical chi square function was ",round(x$chi,digits),"\n"," with prob < ", signif(x$EPVAL,digits),"\n" ,...) if(!is.null(x$rms)) {cat("\nThe root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is ", round(x$rms,digits),"\n") } if(!is.null(x$crms)) {cat("The corrected root mean square of the residuals is ", round(x$crms,digits),"\n",...) } if((!is.null(x$chi)) && (!is.na(x$chi))) {cat(" with the empirical chi square ", round(x$chi,digits), " with prob < ", signif(x$EPVAL,digits),"\n" ,...) } if(!is.na(x$n.obs)) {cat("The total number of observations was ",x$n.obs, " with fitted Chi Square = ",round(x$STATISTIC,digits), " with prob < ", signif(x$PVAL,digits),"\n",...)} if(!is.null(x$TLI)) cat("\nTucker Lewis Index of factoring reliability = ",round(x$TLI,digits+1)) if(!is.null(x$RMSEA)) {cat("\nRMSEA index = ",round(x$RMSEA[[2]],digits+1), " and the", (1- x$RMSEA[[4]])*100,"% confidence intervals are ",round(x$RMSEA[[1]],digits+1),round(x$RMSEA[[3]],digits+1),...) } if(!is.null(x$EBIC)) {cat("\nEmpirical BIC = ",round(x$EBIC,digits))} if(!is.null(x$ESABIC)) {cat("\nESABIC = ",round(x$ESABIC,digits))} if(!is.null(x$fit)) cat("\nFit based upon off diagonal values =", round(x$fit.off,digits)) if(short) cat("\nTo see the item loadings for the X and Y sets combined, and the associated fa output, print with short=FALSE.\n") # cat("\nTo report the factor analysis of the X and Y sets with their associated statistics, run fa on the X and Y sets separately.") } "interbattery" <- function(r, varsX, varsY, nfX = 1, nfY = 1, n.obs = NULL,cor = "cor", use = "pairwise",weight=NULL) { cl <- match.call() vars <- c(varsX,varsY) if(is.null(n.obs)) n.obs <- NA if(ncol(r) < nrow(r)) {#find the correlations n.obs <- nrow(r) switch(cor, cor = {r <- cor(r,use=use)}, cov = {r <- cov(r,use=use) covar <- TRUE}, tet = {r <- tetrachoric(r)$rho}, poly = {r <- polychoric(r)$rho}, mixed = {r <- mixedCor(r,use=use)$rho}, Yuleb = {r <- YuleCor(r,,bonett=TRUE)$rho}, YuleQ = {r <- YuleCor(r,1)$rho}, YuleY = {r <- YuleCor(r,.5)$rho } ) } varnames <- colnames(r)[vars] R <- r[varnames,varnames] #This reorganizes R so that it is the order of the selected r12 <- r[varsX,varsY] H1 <- r12 %*% t(r12) E1 <- eigen(H1) W1 <- E1$vectors[,1:nfX,drop=FALSE] gamma1 <- sqrt(E1$values[1:nfX,drop=FALSE]) A1 <- W1 %*% diag(sqrt(gamma1),ncol=nfX) W2 <- t(r12) %*% W1 %*% diag(1/gamma1,ncol=nfX) A2 <- W2 %*% diag(sqrt(gamma1)) As <- colSums(sign(A1)) flip <- diag(sign(As),ncol=nfX) A1 <- A1 %*% flip As <- colSums(sign(A2)) flip <- diag(sign(As),ncol=nfX) A2 <- A2 %*% flip colnames(A1) <- colnames(A2) <- paste0("IB",1:ncol(A1)) rownames(A1) <- rownames(r12) return(list(A1=A1,A2 = A2,loadings=rbind(A1,A2),Call=cl)) }