#The diagram functions #The diagram function is the generic function (actually empty) that allows a clearer help file #the entire set of functions for diagramming are all prefixed as dia. "diagram" <- function(fit,...) { # figure out which psych function was called and then call the appropriate diagram value <- NULL omega <- bassAck <- extend <- extension <- lavaan <- fa.reg <- NULL #weird requirement to avoid being global if(length(class(fit)) == 1) {if (inherits(fit,"lm")) value <- "lm" } if(length(class(fit)) > 1) { names <- cs(lm, lavaan,fa,principal,iclust,omega,lavaan,bassAck, extension, extend, fa.reg, esem,mediate, lmCor, setCor) value <- inherits(fit,names,which=TRUE) # value <- class(x)[2] if(any(value > 1) ) { value <- names[which(value > 0)]} else {value <- "other"} } switch(value, #replaced a series of if statements to switch 12/23/18 fa = {fa.diagram(fit,...) }, principal = {fa.diagram(fit,...) }, iclust = {iclust.diagram(fit,...)}, omega = {omega.diagram(fit,...)}, lavaan = {lavaan.diagram(fit,...)}, bassAck = {bassAckward.diagram(fit,...)} , extend = {extension.diagram(fit ,...)}, extension ={extension.diagram(fit,...)}, fa.reg ={extension.diagram(fit,...)}, esem = {esem.diagram(fit,...)}, setCor = {lmDiagram(fit,...)}, lm = {lmDiagram(fit, ...)}, mediate ={mediate.diagram(fit,...)} ) } # 6/6/20 added the draw option to allow for speeding up higher level calls # added the pmax to handle multiple calls #modified April 19, 2012 to handle long names more gracefully "dia.rect" <- function(x, y = NULL, labels =NULL, cex = 1, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),draw=TRUE,...) { if(draw) text(x=x, y = y, labels = labels, cex = cex, ...) xrange = (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) yrange = (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) xs <- .10 * xrange ys <- .10 * yrange #len <- max(nchar(labels)*cex*.2/2,cex*.25)*xs len <- pmax(strwidth(labels,units="user",cex=cex,...),strwidth("abc",units="user",cex=cex,...)) /1.8 vert <- pmax(strheight(labels,units="user",cex=cex,...),strheight("ABC",units="user",cex=cex,...))/1. # vert <- min(cex*.3 * ys,.3) if(draw) rect(x-len,y-vert,x+len,y+vert) left <- c(x-len,y) right <- c(x+len,y) top <- c(x,y+vert) bottom <- c(x,y-vert) radius <- sqrt(len^2+vert^2) dia.rect <- list(left=left,right=right,top=top,bottom=bottom,center=c(x,y),radius=radius) } "dia.rect1" <- function(x,y,xleft,ybot,xright,ytop, labels =NULL, cex = 1, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),draw=TRUE,...) { text(x,y,labels,cex=cex,...) rect(xleft,ybot,xright,ytop) } "dia.ellipse" <- function(x, y = NULL, labels = NULL, cex = 1,e.size=.05,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),draw=TRUE, ...) { if(draw) text(x=x, y = y, labels = labels,cex = cex, ...) len <- max(strwidth(labels),strwidth("abc"))/1.6 ht <- max(strheight(labels),strheight("abc"))/1.0 #vert <- cex*.3 xs <- dia.ellipse1(x,y,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,e.size=e.size*len,draw=draw,...) # ys <- xs[2] # xs <- xs[1] ys <- xs* ht/len left <- c(x-xs,y) #xs is a little too big right <- c(x+xs,y) top <- c(x,y+ys) bottom <- c(x,y-ys) center <- c(x,y) dia.ellipse <- list(left=left,right=right,top=top,bottom=bottom,center=center,radius=xs) } "dia.ellipse1" <- function (x,y,e.size=.05,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),draw=TRUE,...) { #code adapted from John Fox segments=51 angles <- (0:segments) * 2 * pi/segments angles <- c(angles,NA) #this allows us to draw multiple ellipses unit.circle <- cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles)) xrange = (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) yrange = (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) xs <- e.size * xrange ys <- e.size * yrange ellipse <- unit.circle ellipse[,1] <- ellipse[,1]*xs + x ellipse[,2] <- ellipse[,2]*ys + y #ys? if(draw) lines(ellipse, ...) # return(list(xs=xs,ys=ys)) return(xs) } "dia.ellipse.fill" <- function (x,y,e.size=.05,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),draw=TRUE,density=NULL,angle=NULL,...) { #code adapted from John Fox segments=51 angles <- (0:segments) * 2 * pi/segments angles <- c(angles,NA) #this allows us to draw multiple ellipses unit.circle <- cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles)) xrange = (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) yrange = (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) xs <- e.size * xrange ys <- e.size * yrange ellipse <- unit.circle ellipse[,1] <- ellipse[,1]*xs + x ellipse[,2] <- ellipse[,2]*ys + y #ys? if(draw) lines(ellipse, ...) polygon(ellipse,density=density,angle=angle,...) # return(list(xs=xs,ys=ys)) return(xs) } #added to allow for fast drawing of multiple ellipses in fa.diagram and bassAckward diagram dia.multi.ellipse <- function(x, y = NULL, labels = NULL, cex = 1,e.size=.4,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),draw=TRUE, ...) { segments=51 text(x=x, y = y, labels = labels,cex = cex, ...) angles <- (0:segments) * 2 * pi/segments angles <- c(angles,NA) #this allows us to draw multiple ellipses unit.circle <- cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles)) xrange = (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) yrange = (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) ys <- max(strheight(labels,units="user")) #*.55 # xs <- e.size * xrange #ys <- e.size * yrange ellipse <- unit.circle xs <- strwidth(labels,units="user")*.6 #this makes the ellipse closer to left and right #xs <- xs * e.size xs <- xs * cex ys <- ys * cex ellipsex <- rep(x,each=(segments + 2)) + unit.circle[,1] * rep(xs,each=segments +2) ellipsey <- rep(y,each=(segments + 2)) + unit.circle[,2] *ys lines(ellipsex,ellipsey) } "dia.triangle" <- function(x, y = NULL, labels =NULL, cex = 1, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),...) { text(x=x, y = y, labels = labels, cex = cex, ...) STRETCH=.25 xrange = (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) yrange = (ylim[2] - ylim[1]) xs <- .10 * xrange ys <- .10 * xrange #len <- max(nchar(labels)*cex*.2/2,cex*.25)*xs len <- max(strwidth(labels)*.7,strwidth("abc")) #vert <- min(cex*.3 * ys,.3) vert <- .7*len left <- c(x-len/2,y+vert/2-STRETCH/2) right <- c(x+len/2,y+vert/2-STRETCH/2) top <- c(x,y+vert) # bottom <- c(x,y-vert/2) bottom <- c(x,y-vert*STRETCH) xs <- c(x-len,x+len,x) ys <- c(y-vert*STRETCH,y-vert*STRETCH,y+vert) #ys <- c(y,y,y+vert) polygon(xs,ys) radius <- sqrt(len^2+vert^2) dia.rect <- list(left=left,right=right,top=top,bottom=bottom,center=c(x,y),radius=radius) } "dia.arrow" <- function(from,to,labels=NULL,scale=1,cex=1,adj=2, both=FALSE,pos=NULL,l.cex,gap.size=NULL,draw=TRUE,col="black",lty="solid",...) { if(missing(gap.size)) gap.size <- .2 if(missing(l.cex)) l.cex <- cex text.values <- NULL radius1 <- radius2 <- 0 if(!is.list(to)) {tocenter <- to} else {tocenter <- to$center} if(is.list(from)) {if(!is.null(from$radius)) {radius1 <- from$radius radius2 <- 0} # if((tocenter[2] < from$center[2]) & ((tocenter[1] == from$center[1])) ) {from <- from$bottom} else { if(!is.null(from$center)) from <- from$center} if(is.list(to)) {if(!is.null(to$radius)) {radius2 <- to$radius to <- to$center}} theta <- atan((from[2] - to[2])/(from[1] - to[1])) costheta <- cos(theta) sintheta <- sin(theta) dist <- sqrt((to[1] - from[1])^2 + (to[2] - from[2])^2) if((adj > 3 ) || (adj < 1)) { x <- (to[1] + from[1])/2 y <- (to[2] + from[2])/2 } else { x <- from[1] - sign(from[1] -to[1]+.001) *(4-adj) * costheta * dist/4 y <- from[2] - sign(from[1]-to[1] +.001)* (4-adj) * sintheta * dist/4} #this is the problem when line is vertical #x <- from[1] - sign(from[1]-to[1]) *adj * cos(theta) * dist/6 #y <- from[2] - sign(from[1]-to[1])* adj * sin (theta)* dist/6} # if(is.null(labels)) {h.size <- 0 } else{ h.size <- nchar(labels)*cex*.15} # if(is.null(labels)) {v.size <- 0 } else{ v.size <- cex * .1} if(is.null(labels)) {h.size <- 0 } else{ h.size <- nchar(labels)*cex*gap.size} if(is.null(labels)) {v.size <- 0 } else{ v.size <- cex * .7 * gap.size} if(from[1] < to[1] ) {h.size <- -h.size radius1 <- -radius1 radius2 <- -radius2} x0 <- from[1] -costheta * radius1 xr <- x + h.size * costheta* v.size y0 <- from[2] - sintheta * radius1 ## xl <- x - h.size * costheta* v.size yr <- y + v.size * sintheta * h.size yl <- y - v.size * sintheta *h.size xe <- to[1] +costheta * radius2 ye <- to[2] + sintheta * radius2 if(!is.null(labels)) { if(draw){ text(x,y,labels,cex=l.cex,pos=pos,...) text.values <- NULL } else { if(is.null(pos)) pos <- 0 text.values <- c(x,y,labels,pos=pos,cex=l.cex) } } if(draw) {arrows(x0,y0,xr,yr, length = (both+0) * .1*scale, angle = 30, code = 1, ...) arrows(xl,yl,xe,ye, length = 0.1*scale, angle = 30, code = 2,...) arrow.values <- NULL } else { arrow.values <- list(x0,y0,xr,yr, length = (both+0) * .1*scale, angle = 30, code = 1, xl,yl,xe,ye, length2 = 0.1*scale, angle2 = 30, code2 = 2,col=col,lty=lty) } invisible(list(text.values=text.values,arrow.values=arrow.values)) } "dia.curve" <- function(from,to,labels=NULL,scale=1,...) { #arrow at beginning and end of curve #first, figure out the boundaries of the curve radius1 <- radius2 <- 0 if(is.list(from)) {if(!is.null(from$radius)) {radius1 <- from$radius radius2 <- 0 from <- from$center}} if(is.list(to)) {if(!is.null(to$radius)) {radius2<- to$radius to <- to$center}} theta <- atan((from[2] - to[2])/(from[1] - to[1])) if((from[1] < to[1])) { radius1 <- -radius1 radius2 <- -radius2} from[1] <- from[1] - cos(theta) * radius1 from[2] <- from[2] - sin(theta) * radius1 to[1] <- to[1] + cos(theta) * radius2 to[2] <- to[2] + sin(theta) * radius2 n <- 40 scale <- .8 * scale if(is.null(labels)) {shift<- 0} else {shift <- 4} if(abs(from[1] - to[1]) < abs(from[2] - to[2])) { #is it primarily up and down or left to right? x <- c(from[1],(from[1]+to[1])/2+scale,to[1]) y <- c(from[2],(from[2]+to[2])/2,to[2]) sp <- spline(y,x,n) lines(sp$y[1:(n/2-shift)],sp$x[1:(n/2-shift)]) lines(sp$y[(n/2+shift):n],sp$x[(n/2+shift):n]) arrows(sp$y[3],sp$x[3],sp$y[1],sp$x[1],length = .5*abs(sp$x[2]-sp$x[1])) arrows(sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n],sp$x[n],length = .5*abs(sp$x[2]-sp$x[1])) text(sp$y[n/2],sp$x[n/2],labels,...) } else { x <- c(from[1],(from[1]+to[1])/2,to[1]) y <- c(from[2],(from[2]+to[2])/2+ scale,to[2]) sp <- spline(x,y,n) lines(sp$x[1:(n/2-shift)],sp$y[1:(n/2-shift)]) lines(sp$x[(n/2+shift):n],sp$y[(n/2+shift):n]) arrows(sp$x[3],sp$y[3],sp$x[1],sp$y[1],length = 1*abs(sp$y[2]-sp$y[1])) arrows(sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n],sp$y[n],length = 1*abs(sp$y[2]-sp$y[1])) text(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2],labels,...) } } "dia.curved.arrow" <- function(from,to,labels=NULL,scale=1,both=FALSE,dir=NULL,draw=TRUE,...) { #note that the splines seem to go from left to right no matter what! #first determine whether to add or subtract the radius result <- NULL radius1 <- radius2 <- 0 if(is.list(from)) {if(!is.null(from$radius)) {radius1 <- from$radius radius2 <- 0 from <- from$center}} if(is.list(to)) {if(!is.null(to$radius)) {radius2<- to$radius to <- to$center}} theta <- atan((from[2] - to[2])/(from[1] - to[1])) if( from[1] < to[1] ) { radius1 <- -radius1 radius2 <- -radius2} from[1] <- from[1] - cos(theta) * radius1 from[2] <- from[2] - sin(theta) * radius1 to[1] <- to[1] + cos(theta) * radius2 to[2] <- to[2] + sin(theta) * radius2 scale <- .8 * scale n <- 40 if(is.null(labels)) {shift<- 0} else {shift <- 4} #3 cases: dir="u", dir = "l", dir = NULL if(is.null(dir)) { if((abs(from[1] - to[1]) < abs(from[2] - to[2]))) {dir <- "u"} else {dir <- "l"}} switch(dir, # if(is.null(dir) & (abs(from[1] - to[1]) < abs(from[2] - to[2]))) u = { #is it primarily up and down or left to right? x <- c(from[1],(from[1]+to[1])/2+scale,to[1]) y <- c(from[2],(from[2]+to[2])/2,to[2]) sp <- spline(y,x,n) if(draw) { lines(sp$y[1:(n/2-shift)],sp$x[1:(n/2-shift)]) lines(sp$y[(n/2+shift):n],sp$x[(n/2+shift):n]) arrows(sp$y[3],sp$x[3],sp$y[1],sp$x[1],length = .5*abs(sp$x[2]-sp$x[1])) if(both) arrows(sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n],sp$x[n],length = .5*abs(sp$x[2]-sp$x[1])) text(sp$y[n/2],sp$x[n/2],labels,...) } else { result <- list(firstx=c(sp$y[1:(n/2-shift)],NA), firsty=c(sp$x[1:(n/2-shift)],NA), secondx = c(sp$y[(n/2+shift):n],NA), secondy=c(sp$x[(n/2+shift):n],NA), firstarrow = c(sp$y[3],sp$x[3],sp$y[1],sp$x[1],length = .5*abs(sp$x[2]-sp$x[1]) ), text = c(sp$y[n/2],sp$x[n/2],labels) )} }, l = { x <- c(from[1],(from[1]+to[1])/2,to[1]) y <- c(from[2],(from[2]+to[2])/2+ scale,to[2]) sp <- spline(x,y,n) if(draw) {lines(sp$x[1:(n/2-shift)],sp$y[1:(n/2-shift)]) lines(sp$x[(n/2+shift):n],sp$y[(n/2+shift):n]) if(both) { arrows(sp$x[3],sp$y[3],sp$x[1],sp$y[1],length = 1*abs(sp$y[2]-sp$y[1])) arrows(sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n],sp$y[n],length = 1*abs(sp$y[2]-sp$y[1])) } else {if((from[1] > to[1] ) ) {arrows(sp$x[3],sp$y[3],sp$x[1],sp$y[1],length = 1*abs(sp$y[2]-sp$y[1])) } else { arrows(sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n],sp$y[n],length = 1*abs(sp$y[2]-sp$y[1]))} text(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2],labels,...) } } else {result <- list(firstx=c(sp$x[1:(n/2-shift)],NA), firsty=c(sp$y[1:(n/2-shift)],NA), secondx = c(sp$x[(n/2+shift):n],NA), secondy=c(sp$y[(n/2+shift):n],NA), firstarrow = c(sp$x[3],sp$y[3],sp$x[1],sp$y[1],length = .5*abs(sp$y[2]-sp$x[1]) ), text = c(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2],labels) ) } }) return(result) } "dia.self" <- function(location,labels=NULL,scale=.8,side=2,draw=TRUE,...) { n <- 20 if(side %%2 > 0) {scale <- scale*(location$right[1] - location$left[1]) } else {scale <- scale*(location$top[2] - location$bottom[2]) } # scale <- scale *.8 result <- NULL if(side ==1) {x <- c(location$bottom[1]-scale/2,location$bottom[1],location$bottom[1]+scale/2) y <- c(location$bottom[2],location$bottom[2]-scale,location$bottom[2]) sp <- spline(x,y,n=20) if(draw) {lines(sp$x,sp$y) arrows(sp$x[3],sp$y[3],sp$x[1],sp$y[1],length = 2*abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) arrows(sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n],sp$y[n],length = 2*abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) text(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2]-scale,labels,...)} result <- list(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2]-scale,labels, c(sp$x,NA),c(sp$y,NA),sp$x[3],sp$y[3],sp$x[1],sp$y[1],sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n],sp$y[n], 2*abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) } if(side == 2) {x <- c(location$left[1],location$left[1]-scale,location$left[1]) y <- c(location$left[2]-scale/2,location$left[2],location$left[2]+scale/2) sp <- spline(y,x,n=20) if(draw) {lines(sp$y,sp$x) arrows(sp$y[3],sp$x[3],sp$y[1],sp$x[1],length = 2*abs(sp$x[2]-sp$x[1])) arrows(sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n],sp$x[n],length = 2*abs(sp$x[2]-sp$x[1])) text(sp$y[n/2]-scale,sp$x[n/2],labels,...) } result <- list(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2]-scale,labels, c(sp$x,NA),c(sp$y,NA),sp$y[3],sp$x[3],sp$y[1],sp$x[1],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n],sp$x[n],2*abs(sp$x[2]-sp$x[1])) } if(side == 3) {x <- c(location$top[1]-scale/2,location$top[1],location$top[1]+scale/2) y <- c(location$top[2],location$top[2]+scale,location$top[2]) sp <- spline(x,y,n=20) if(draw) {lines(sp$x,sp$y) arrows(sp$x[3],sp$y[3],sp$x[1],sp$y[1],length = 2*abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) arrows(sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n],sp$y[n],length = 2*abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) text(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2]+scale,labels,...)} result <- list(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2]-scale,labels, c(sp$x,NA),c(sp$y,NA),sp$x[3],sp$y[3],sp$x[1],sp$y[1],sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n],sp$y[n],2*abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) } if(side == 4) {x <- c(location$right[1],location$right[1]+scale,location$right[1]) y <- c(location$right[2]-scale/2,location$right[2],location$right[2]+scale/2) sp <- spline(y,x,n=20) if(draw) {lines(sp$y,sp$x) arrows(sp$y[3],sp$x[3],sp$y[1],sp$x[1],length =2* abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) arrows(sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n],sp$x[n],length = 2*abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) text(sp$y[n/2]+scale,sp$x[n/2],labels,...)} result <- list(sp$x[n/2],sp$y[n/2]-scale,labels, c(sp$x,NA),c(sp$y,NA),sp$y[3],sp$x[3],sp$y[1],sp$x[1],sp$y[n-3],sp$x[n-3],sp$y[n],sp$x[n],2*abs(sp$x[3]-sp$x[1])) } return(result) } "dia.shape" <- function(x, y = NULL, labels = NULL, cex = 1,e.size=.05,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),shape=1, ...) { if (shape==1) {dia.rect(x, y = NULL, labels =NULL, cex = 1, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),...) } if (shape==2) {dia.ellipse(x, y = NULL, labels = NULL, cex = 1,e.size=.05,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1), ...)} if (shape==3) {dia.triangle(x, y = NULL, labels =NULL, cex = 1, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),...)} } "multi.curved.arrow" <- function(curved.list,l.cex=NULL,...) { leng <- length(curved.list) if(leng > 0) { #nvar <- leng/6 seq <- seq.int(1,leng,6) firstX <- unlist(curved.list[seq]) firstY <- unlist(curved.list[seq +1]) secondX <- unlist(curved.list[seq +2]) secondY <- unlist(curved.list[seq+3]) textvalues <- matrix(unlist(curved.list[seq+5]),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) lines(firstX,firstY) lines(secondX,secondY) if(is.null(l.cex) ) l.cex=1 text(x= textvalues[,1],y = textvalues[,2],labels=textvalues[,3],cex=l.cex,...) }} "multi.self" <- function(self.list,...) { leng <- length(self.list) seq <- seq.int(1,leng,14) x <- unlist(self.list[seq+3]) y <- unlist(self.list[seq+4]) lines(x,y) arrow.df <- data.frame(x0 = unlist(self.list[seq+5]),y0 = unlist(self.list[seq+6]),x1=unlist(self.list[seq+7]),y1 = unlist(self.list[seq+8]), x00 = unlist(self.list[seq+9]),y00 = unlist(self.list[seq+10]),x11=unlist(self.list[seq+11]),y11 = unlist(self.list[seq+12])) arrow.length <- unlist(self.list[seq+13]) arrows(arrow.df$x0,arrow.df$y0,arrow.df$x1,arrow.df$y1,arrow.length[1]) arrows(arrow.df$x00,arrow.df$y00,arrow.df$x11,arrow.df$y11,arrow.length[1]) } "multi.arrow" <- function(arrows.list,...){ tv <- matrix(unlist(arrows.list),byrow=TRUE,ncol=21) #cname<- colnames(tv) tv <- data.frame(tv,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) tv[,c(1:2,4:19)] <- nchar2numeric(tv[,c(1:2,4:19)]) if(nchar(as.vector(tv[1,21])) ==1) tv[,21] <- as.numeric(tv[,21 ]) #sometimes this is "solid", sometimes "1" #the as.vector gets around a problem in R 3.6 #colnames(tv) <- cname textlocation <- tv[,1:5] #colnames(textlocation) <- c("x","y","labels","pos","cex") textlocation1 <- tv[tv[,4]>0,1:5] textlocation0 <- tv[tv[,4]==0,1:5] if(NROW(textlocation1)>0 ) text(textlocation1[1:2],labels=textlocation1[,3],pos=textlocation1[,4],cex=textlocation1[,5]) text(textlocation0[1:2],labels=textlocation0[,3],cex=textlocation0[,5]) # text(tv[,1],tv[,2],tv[,3],pos=tv[,4],cex=tv[,5]) len1 <- as.numeric(tv[1,10]) len2 <- as.numeric(tv[1,17]) arrows(x0=tv[,6],y0=tv[,7],x1=tv[,8],y1=tv[,9],length=len1,angle=30,code=1,col=tv[,20],lty=tv[,21],...) arrows(x0=tv[,13],y0=tv[,14],x1=tv[,15],y1=tv[,16],length=len2,angle=30,code=2,col=tv[,20],lty=tv[,21],...) } multi.rect <- function (rect.list, ...) { nvar <- length(rect.list)/7 tv <- matrix(unlist(rect.list), nrow = nvar, byrow = TRUE) all.rects.x <- as.numeric(tv[, 6]) all.rects.y <- as.numeric(tv[, 3]) all.rects.names <- tv[, 1] dia.rect(all.rects.x, all.rects.y, all.rects.names) } # "multi.rect" <- function(rect.list,...) { # nvar <- length(rect.list) # tv <- matrix(unlist(rect.list),nrow=nvar,byrow=TRUE) # all.rects.x <- as.numeric(tv[,5]) #the center of the figure # all.rects.y <- as.numeric(tv[,2]) # all.rects.names <- tv[,1] # i dont have names # dia.rect(all.rects.x, all.rects.y,all.rects.names) # }