"violin" <- function(x,data=NULL,var=NULL,grp=NULL,grp.name=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,main="Density plot",vertical=TRUE, dots=FALSE, rain=FALSE,jitter=.05, alpha=1,errors=FALSE,eyes=TRUE,adjust=1,restrict=TRUE,xlim=NULL,add=FALSE,col=NULL,pch=20,scale=NULL, ...) { violinBy(x=x,data=data,var=var,grp=grp,grp.name=grp.name,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,main=main,vertical=vertical, dots=dots, rain=rain, jitter=jitter,alpha=alpha,errors=errors,eyes=eyes,adjust=adjust,restrict=restrict,xlim=xlim,add=add,col=col,pch=pch,scale=scale,...) } #switched from density = 50 to alpha =.5 to speed up the plotting "violinBy" <- function(x,var=NULL,grp=NULL,data=NULL,grp.name=NULL,xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main="Density plot",vertical=TRUE, dots=FALSE,rain=FALSE, jitter=.05,alpha= 1,errors=FALSE,eyes=TRUE,adjust=1,restrict=TRUE,xlim=NULL,add=FALSE,col=NULL,pch=20,scale=NULL, ...) { SCALE=.3 #how wide are the plots? count.valid <- function(x) {sum(!is.na(x)) } if(is.null(col)) {col <- c("blue","red","grey","purple","green","yellow")} formula <- FALSE if(inherits(x, "formula")) { ps <- fparse(x) formula <- TRUE if(is.null(data)) {data <- get(ps$y) var <- NULL #we specified the entire dataframe} else { #stop("You must specify the data if you are using formula input") x <- data} else {x <- data[,ps$y,drop=FALSE] } #added the drop = FALSE 11/28/20 grp <- data[ps$x] if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- ps$x names <- ps$x grp.n <- ps$x if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- ps$y } if(!formula) {ps <- list(x = grp, y = x) #convert from x, grp to y ~ x format if(is.null(data)) {data <- x if(!is.null(var)) {data <- data[,var]} var <- ps$y <- colnames(data) if(is.null(var)) var <- paste("V",1:NCOL(data)) # colnames(x) <- colnames(data) <- ps$y <- var} colnames(data) <- ps$y <- var} if(!is.null(grp)) {x <- cbind(data[,ps$y,drop=FALSE], x[,grp,drop=FALSE])} else { x <- data[,ps$y,drop=FALSE] } data <- x if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = "Observed " if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = "" } if(!is.null(grp)) { if(!is.data.frame(grp) && !is.list(grp) && (length(grp) < NROW(x))) grp <- x[,grp,drop=FALSE]} if(!is.null(var)) {if(missing(ylab) & (length(var) ==1)) {ylab <- var} x <- x[,var , drop = FALSE]} nvar <- nvarg <- NCOL(x) x <- char2numeric(x) col <- adjustcolor(col,alpha.f =alpha) #if(!is.null(grp)) { # if(!is.data.frame(grp) && !is.list(grp) && (length(grp) < NROW(x))) grp <- x[,grp] if(!is.null(grp)) {stats <- describeBy(data[,ps$y],group = data[,ps$x],quant=c(0,1,.5,.25,.75),mat=TRUE,skew=FALSE) } else { stats <- describe(data[,ps$y],quant=c(0,1,.5,.25,.75),skew=FALSE)} meanX <- stats[,"mean"] minx <- stats[,"min"] maxx <- stats[,"max"] medx <- stats[,"Q0.5"] Q25 <- stats[,"Q0.25"] Q75 <- stats[,"Q0.75"] nvarg <- NROW(stats) n.col <- length(col) nX <- stats[,"n"] col <- rep(col,nvarg) #too many, but this will do # Qnt <- apply(x,2,function(xx) by(xx,grp,quantile,prob=c(0,1,.5,.25,.75),na.rm=TRUE)) # meanX <- apply(x,2,function(xx) by(xx,grp,mean,na.rm=TRUE)) # nX <- apply(x,2,function(xx) by(xx,grp,count.valid)) # meanX <- matrix(unlist(meanX)) # Qnt <- matrix(unlist(Qnt),nrow=5) # ngrp <- ncol(Qnt)/nvar # nvarg <- ncol(Qnt) # rangex <- matrix(c(Qnt[1,],Qnt[2,]),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE) # } else {Qnt <- apply(x,2,quantile,prob=c(0,1,.5,.25,.75),na.rm=TRUE) # meanX <- apply(x,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)} # minx <- Qnt[1,] # maxx <- Qnt[2,] # medx <- Qnt[3,] # Q25 <- Qnt[4,] # Q75 <- Qnt[5,] # #rangex <- apply(x,2,range,na.rm=TRUE) # rangex <- matrix(c(Qnt[1,],Qnt[2,]),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE) tot.n.obs <- nrow(x) names <- grp.name if(is.null(grp.name) & !is.null(grp)) { grp.name <- paste(ps$x[1],stats[,"group1"]) names <- grp.name } else {if(length(grp.name) != NROW(stats)) names <- rownames(stats)} # names <- rep(grp.name, length(ps$x)) # #if(length(ps$x) > 1) ) ) {names <- paste(rep(names,each=ngrp),grp.name[1:ngrp],sep=" ")} else {names <- grp.name} # if(length(ps$y) > 1) names <- rep(names,length(ps$x)) # col <- rep(col,nvar* ngrp) d <- list(nvar) if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(.5,nvarg+.5) for (i in 1:nvar) { #if(!is.null(grp)) { if(restrict) {d[[i]] <- by(x[,i], grp ,function(xx) density(xx,na.rm=TRUE,from=rangex[1,i],to=rangex[2,i]))} if(!is.null(grp)) { if(restrict) {d[[i]] <- by(x[,i], grp ,function(xx) density(xx,na.rm=TRUE,adjust=adjust,from=min(xx,na.rm=TRUE),to=max(xx,na.rm=TRUE)))} else { d[[i]] <- by(x[,i], grp ,function(xx) density(xx,na.rm=TRUE)) }} else { if(restrict) {d[[i]] <- density(x[,i],na.rm=TRUE,adjust=adjust,from=minx[i],to=maxx[i])} else { d[[i]] <- density(x[,i],na.rm=TRUE)} } } if(!add) {if(vertical){plot(1:nvarg,meanX,ylim=c(min(minx),max(maxx)),xlim=xlim,axes=FALSE,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,main=main,pch=pch,...) axis(1,1:nvarg,names,...) axis(2,...)} else {plot(meanX,1:nvarg,xlim=c(min(minx),max(maxx)),ylim=c(.5,nvarg+.5),axes=FALSE,xlab=ylab,ylab=xlab,main=main,pch=pch,...) axis(1,...) axis(2, 1:nvarg,names,...)} box()} if(!is.null(grp)) d <- unlist(d,recursive=FALSE) rev <- (length(d[[1]]$y):1) #this prevents a line down the middle for(i in 1:nvarg) { if(!is.null(scale)) {width <- scale*sqrt(nX[[i]]/tot.n.obs)/max(d[[i]]$y)} else {width <- SCALE/max(d[[i]]$y)} #polygon(width*c(-d[[i]]$y,d[[i]]$y[rev])+i,c(d[[i]]$x,d[[i]]$x[rev]),density=density,col=col[i],...) #if(vertical) {polygon(width*c(-d[[i]]$y, d[[i]]$y[rev])+i, c(d[[i]]$x, d[[i]]$x[rev]),col=col[i ],...)} else { # polygon(c(d[[i]]$x, d[[i]]$x[rev]), width* c(-d[[i]]$y, d[[i]]$y[rev])+i,col=col[i],...)} zero <- rep(0,length(d[[i]]$x)) if(rain) {if(vertical) {polygon(width*c(d[[i]]$y, zero)+i,c( d[[i]]$x,d[[i]]$x[rev] ),col=col[i ],...)} else { polygon(c(d[[i]]$x, d[[i]]$x[rev]), width* c(d[[i]]$y, zero)+i,col=col[i],...)}} else { #not rain if(vertical) {polygon(width*c(-d[[i]]$y, d[[i]]$y[rev])+i, c(d[[i]]$x, d[[i]]$x[rev]+i),col=col[i ],...)} else { polygon(c(d[[i]]$x, d[[i]]$x[rev]), width* c(-d[[i]]$y, d[[i]]$y[rev])+i,col=col[i],...)}} #draw the quartiles and medians dmd <- max(which(d[[i]]$x <= medx[i])) d25 <- max(which(d[[i]]$x <= Q25[i])) d75 <- max(which(d[[i]]$x <= Q75[i])) if(vertical) { segments(x0=width*d[[i]]$y[dmd] +i ,y0=d[[i]]$x[dmd],x1=-(rain-1)*width*d[[i]]$y[dmd]+i,y1=d[[i]]$x[dmd],lwd=2) segments(x0=width*d[[i]]$y[d25] +i ,y0=d[[i]]$x[d25],x1=-(rain-1)*width*d[[i]]$y[d25]+i,y1=d[[i]]$x[d25]) segments(x0=width*d[[i]]$y[d75] +i ,y0=d[[i]]$x[d75],x1=-(rain-1)*width*d[[i]]$y[d75]+i,y1=d[[i]]$x[d75]) } else { segments(y0=width*d[[i]]$y[dmd] +i ,x0=d[[i]]$x[dmd],y1=(rain-1)*width*d[[i]]$y[dmd]+i,x1=d[[i]]$x[dmd],lwd=2) segments(y0=width*d[[i]]$y[d25] +i ,x0=d[[i]]$x[d25],y1=(rain-1)*width*d[[i]]$y[d25]+i,x1=d[[i]]$x[d25]) segments(y0=width*d[[i]]$y[d75] +i ,x0=d[[i]]$x[d75],y1=(rain-1)*width*d[[i]]$y[d75]+i,x1=d[[i]]$x[d75]) } } if(errors) { #currently only works for one DV and one IV if(vertical) { error.bars.by(x[,1],group=grp[,1],add=TRUE,lines=FALSE,eyes=eyes,v.labels=names,...) } else { message("error bars are not implemented for horizontal plots")} } if(dots) { if(!is.null(grp)) { if(jitter >0) {if(length(ps$x) > 1 ) {stripchart(x[,ps$y]~ grp[,ps$x[1] ] +grp[,ps$x[2]] ,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...)} else { stripchart(x[,ps$y]~ grp[,ps$x[1] ] ,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...) }} else { if(length(ps$x) > 1 ) {stripchart(x[,ps$y]~ grp[,ps$x[1]]+ grp[,ps$x[,2]],vertical=vertical,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...)} else { {stripchart(x[,ps$y]~ grp[,ps$x[1]],vertical=vertical,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...)} }} } else { if(jitter >0) {stripchart(x ,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...)} else { stripchart(x ,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...) }} } if(rain) { if(!is.null(grp)) { tempat <- 1:length(table(grp)) -.1 if(jitter >0) {if(length(ps$x) > 1 ) {stripchart(x[,ps$y]~ grp[,ps$x[1] ] +grp[,ps$x[2]] ,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=TRUE,pch=pch, at=tempat,...)} else { stripchart(x[,ps$y]~ grp[,ps$x[1] ] ,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=TRUE,pch=pch,at=tempat, ...) }} else { if(length(ps$x) > 1 ) {stripchart(x[,ps$y]~ grp[,ps$x[1]]+ grp[,ps$x[,2]],vertical=vertical,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...)} else { {stripchart(x[,ps$y]~ grp[,ps$x[1]],vertical=vertical,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...)} }} } else { if(jitter >0) {stripchart(x ,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...)} else { stripchart(x ,vertical=vertical,method="jitter",jitter=jitter,add=TRUE,pch=pch,...) }} } } #created March 10, 2014 following a discussion of the advantage of showing distributional values #modified March 22, 2014 to add the grouping variable #basically just a violin plot. #modified December, 2016 to allow for scaling of the widths of the plots by sample size. #modified December 2020 to provide stripcharts and errorbar options # # "histBy" <- function(x,grp=NULL,data=NULL,restrict=TRUE,xlim=NULL,ylab="Observed",xlab="",main="Density plot",density=20,scale=TRUE,col= c("blue","red"),...) { # count.valid <- function(x) {sum(!is.na(x)) } # formula <- FALSE # if(inherits(x, "formula")) { ps <- fparse(x) # formula <- TRUE # if(is.null(data)) stop("You must specify the data if you are using formula input") # x <- data[ps$y] # grp <- data[ps$x] # } # if( #(col)) {col <- c("blue","red")} # if(restrict) {minx <- min(x,na.rm=TRUE) # maxx <- max(x,na.rm=TRUE)} # x <- as.matrix(x,drop=FALSE) # meanX <- apply(x,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE) # nX <- apply(x,2,function(xx) by(xx,grp,count.valid)) # # if(!is.null(grp)) { if(restrict) {d <- by(x[,1], grp ,function(xx) density(xx,na.rm=TRUE,from=min(xx,na.rm=TRUE),to=max(xx,na.rm=TRUE)))} else { # d <- by(x[,1], grp ,function(xx) density(xx,na.rm=TRUE)) }} else { # if(restrict) {d <- density(x[,1],na.rm=TRUE,from=minx,to=maxx)} else { # d <- density(x[,1],na.rm=TRUE)} } # d <- unlist(d,recursive=FALSE) # maxy <- max(d[[1]]$y,d[[2]]$y,na.rm=TRUE) # plot(NA,ylim=c(0,maxy),xlim=xlim,axes=FALSE,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,main=main,pch=pch,...) # axis(1,1:nvarg,names,...) # axis(2,...) # box() # if(!is.null(scale)) {width <- scale*sqrt(nX[[i]]/tot.n.obs)/max(d[[i]]$y)} else {width <- SCALE/max(d[[i]]$y)} # polygon(width*c(-d[[i]]$x,d[[i]]$x[rev])+i,c(d[[i]]$y,d[[i]]$y[rev]),density=density,col=col[i],...) # } #11/28/17 #Improved 09/02/20 "densityBy" <- function(x,var=NULL,grp=NULL,data=NULL,freq=FALSE,col=c("blue","red","black"),alpha=.5,adjust=1,ylim=NULL,xlim=NULL,xlab="Variable", ylab="Density",main="Density Plot",legend=NULL) { formula <- FALSE if(inherits(x, "formula")) { ps <- fparse(x) formula <- TRUE if(is.null(data)) stop("You must specify the data if you are using formula input") var <- ps$y grp <- ps$x x <- data } n.grp <- length(table(x[grp])) if(length(col) < n.grp) col <- rainbow(n.grp) if(!is.null(var)) x <- x[,c(var,grp),drop=FALSE] x <- char2numeric(x) col <- adjustcolor(col,alpha.f =alpha) if(missing(main) && freq) main="Frequency Plot" if(missing(ylab) && freq) ylab <- "N * density" if(missing(xlab) && (length(var) ==1)) xlab <- var if(!is.null(grp)) { if(!is.data.frame(grp) && !is.list(grp) && (length(grp) < NROW(x))) grp <- x[,grp,drop=FALSE] d <- by(x[,var],grp,function(xx) density(xx, adjust=adjust,na.rm=TRUE)) quants <-by(x[,var],grp,function(xx) quantile(xx,c(.25,.5,.75),na.rm=TRUE)) maxiy <- rep(NA,length(d)) rangex <- matrix(NA, ncol=2,nrow= length(d)) for(i in 1:length(d) ) {if(freq){ maxiy[i] <- max(d[[i]]$n *d[[i]]$y)} else { maxiy[i] <- max(d[[i]]$y)} rangex[i,] <- range(d[[i]]$x) } maxy <- max(maxiy) ranges <- range(rangex) if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(0,maxy) if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- ranges plot(d[[1]],ylim=ylim,xlim=xlim,main=main,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab ) for (i in 1:length(d)) { if(freq) {scal <- d[[i]]$n d[[i]]$y <- d[[i]]$y*scal} polygon(d[[i]] ,col=col[i]) #find the y value corresponding to x median medy <- max(which(d[[i]]$x <= quants[[i]][2])) segments(x0 = quants[[i]][2],y0=0,x1=quants[[i]][2],y1=d[[i]]$y[medy], lty= i) } } else { d <- density(x[,var],na.rm=TRUE,adjust=adjust) plot(d,main=main,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab ) polygon(d,col=col[1]) } if(!missing(legend)) { location <- c("topleft","topright","top","left","right") grp.names <- paste(names(grp),names(table(grp))) leg.text <- grp.names legend(location[legend],legend=leg.text,col=c(1:n.grp),fill=c(1:n.grp), lty=c(1:n.grp)) } invisible(d) }