\name{globalWarm} \alias{globalWarm} \alias{glbwarm} \docType{data} \title{7 attitude items about Global Warming policy from Erik Nisbet } \description{Erik Nisbet reported the relationship between emotions, ideology, and party affiliation as predictors of attitudes towards government action on climate change. The data were used by Hayes (2013) in a discussion of regression. They are available as the glbwarm data set in the processR package. They are copied here for examples of mediation. } \usage{data("globalWarm")} \format{ A data frame with 815 observations on the following 7 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{govact}}{a numeric} \item{\code{posemot}}{a numeric} \item{\code{negemot}}{a numeric} \item{\code{ideology}}{a numeric} \item{\code{age}}{a numeric} \item{\code{sex}}{a numeric} \item{\code{partyid}}{a numeric} } } \details{More details to follow } \source{ The raw data are available from the processR package (Keon-Woong Moon, 2020). as the glbwarm data set. The data set is used by Hayes in several examples. Used here by kind permission of Erik Nisbet. } \references{ Nisbet, E. (?) Hayes, Andrew F. (2013) Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. Guilford Press. } \examples{ data(globalWarm) psych::lowerCor(globalWarm) } \keyword{datasets}