#modified April 6, 2015 to return the table invisibly as well so it can be embedded in a Sweave document #November 22, 2013 Modified with help from Davide Morselli to allow for "stars" #also allows for printing straight text (char=TRUE) #cor2latex was modified following Davide Morselli's suggestion to allow direct calculation of the correlations #added { and } before and after each variable name to allow siunitx to work with stars #added the absolute value in the big comparison for cor2latex and df2latex #added the ability to round numbers even though other columns are character (01/24/20) #modified May 29, 2021 to addthe ability to do long tables #modified May 30, 2022 to add the ability to handle labels from fa.lookup # "df2latex" <- function(x,digits=2,rowlabels=TRUE,apa=TRUE,short.names=TRUE, font.size ="scriptsize",big.mark=NULL, drop.na=TRUE, heading="A table from the psych package in R", caption="df2latex",label="default",char=FALSE,stars=FALSE,silent=FALSE,file=NULL,append=FALSE,cut=0,big=.0,abbrev=NULL,long=FALSE) { #first set up the table if(is.null(abbrev)) abbrev<- digits + 3 nvar <- dim(x)[2] rname<- rownames(x) tempx <- x comment <- paste("%", match.call()) if(long) { header <- paste0("\\begin{center} \\begin{",font.size,"} \\begin{longtable}") header <- c(header,"{l",rep("r",(nvar)),"}\n") header <- c(header,paste0(" \\caption{",caption,"} \\label{",label,"} \\endfirsthead \\multicolumn{",nvar+1,"}{c} {{\\bfseries \\tablename\\ \\thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\\\ \\endhead \\hline \\multicolumn{",nvar+1,"}{|c|}{{Continued on next page}} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot ")) #this wraps up the long table footer <- paste0(" \\end{longtable} \\end{",font.size,"} \\end{center}") # \\label{",label,"}") } else { header <- paste("\\begin{table}[htpb]", "\\caption{",caption,"} \\begin{center} \\begin{",font.size,"} \\begin{tabular}",sep="") if(stars) {if(rowlabels) { header <- c(header,"{l",rep("S",(nvar)),"}\n")} else {header <- c(header,"{",rep("S",(nvar+1)),"}\n")} } else { if(rowlabels) { header <- c(header,"{l",rep("r",(nvar)),"}\n")} else {header <- c(header,"{",rep("r",(nvar+1)),"}\n")} } if(apa) {header <- c(header, "\\multicolumn{",nvar,"}{l}{",heading,"}", '\\cr \n \\hline ') footer <- paste(" \\hline ")} else {footer <- NULL} if (stars){ footer <- paste(" \\hline \n \\multicolumn{7}{l}{\\scriptsize{\\emph{Note: }\\textsuperscript{***}$p<.001$; \\textsuperscript{**}$p<.01$; \\textsuperscript{*}$p<.05$",".}}" ,sep = "") }else{ footer <- paste(" \\hline ")} footer <- paste(footer," \\end{tabular} \\end{",font.size,"} \\end{center} \\label{",label,"} \\end{table} ",sep="" ) #end of not long } #now put the data into it if(big) all.x <- x #we need to keep the original format of the data to do the big operation if(!char) {if(!is.null(digits)) {if(is.numeric(x) ) {x <- round(x,digits=digits)} else {for(i in 1:ncol(x)) {if (is.numeric(x[,i])) x[,i] <- round(x[,i],2)} } if(cut > 0) x[abs(x) < cut] <- NA } } cname <- colnames(x) if (short.names) cname <- abbreviate(cname,minlength=abbrev) #cname <- 1:nvar names1 <- paste0("{",cname[1:(nvar-1)], "} & ") lastname <- paste0("{",cname[nvar],"}\\cr \n") if(apa) {allnames <- c("Variable & ",names1,lastname," \\hline \n")} else {if(rowlabels) {allnames <- c(" & ",names1,lastname,"\\cr \n")} else { allnames <- c(names1,lastname,"\\cr \n")}} if(!char) {if(is.null(big.mark)) { x <- format(x,drop0trailing=FALSE) if(big > 0) { for(i in 1:ncol(x)) {if (is.numeric(all.x[,i])) x[abs(all.x[,i] ) > big,i] <- paste0("\\bf{",x[abs(all.x[,i]) > big,i],"}") }} # if(is.numeric(tempx)) x[abs(tempx ) > big] <- paste0("\\bf{",x[abs(tempx) > big],"}") } } else #to keep the digits the same {x <- prettyNum(x,big.mark=",",drop0trailing=FALSE)} } else {if(big > 0) { x[!is.na(abs(as.numeric(all.x))>big) & abs(as.numeric(all.x))>big ] <- paste0("\\bf{", x[!is.na(abs(as.numeric(all.x))>big) & abs(as.numeric(all.x))>big ],"}") } } # x[!is.na(abs(as.numeric(x)) > big)]<- paste0("\\bf{", x[!is.na(abs(as.numeric(x)) > big)],"}") }} value <- apply(x,1,paste,collapse=" & ") #insert & between columns if(rowlabels) {value <- paste(sanitize.latex(rname)," & ",value)} else {value <- paste(" & ",value)} values <- paste(value, "\\cr", "\n") #add \\cr at the end of each row if(drop.na) values <- gsub("NA"," ",values,fixed=TRUE) #now put it all together if(!silent) {cat(comment,"\n") #a comment field saying where the data came from cat(header) #the header information cat(allnames) #the variable names cat(values) #the data cat(footer) #close it up with a footer } result <- c(header,allnames,values,footer) if(!is.null(file)) write.table(result,file=file,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,append=append) invisible(result) } #end df2latex cor2latex <- function (x, use = "pairwise", method="pearson", adjust="holm", stars = FALSE, digits=2, rowlabels = TRUE, lower = TRUE, apa = TRUE, short.names = TRUE, font.size = "scriptsize", heading = "A correlation table from the psych package in R.", caption = "cor2latex", label = "default",silent=FALSE,file=NULL,append=FALSE,cut=0,big=.0) { if(stars) heading <- paste(heading, "Adjust for multiple tests = ",adjust ) if (!is.na(class(x)[2]) & class(x)[2]=="corr.test") { #we already did the analysis, just report it r <- x$r p <- x$p} else { if (nrow(x) > ncol(x)) { #find the correlations x <- psych::corr.test(x, use=use,method=method,adjust=adjust) r <- x$r p <- x$p } else { #take the correlations as given r <- x p <- NULL } } r <- round(r, digits) r <- format(r, nsmall = digits,drop0trailing=FALSE) #this converts to character but keeps the right number of digits) if (lower) { r[upper.tri(r)] <- "~" } else { r[lower.tri(r)] <- "~" } if(isTRUE(stars && is.null(p))) stop("To print significance levels, x must be be either a data frame of observations or a correlation matrix created with the corr.test function of the package psych. If you are not interested in displaying signicance level set stars = FALSE") #p[upper.tri(p,diag=FALSE)] #the adjusted probability values mystars <- ifelse(p < .001, "{***}", ifelse(p < .01, "{**}", ifelse(p < .05, "{*}", ""))) mystars <- t(mystars) if(stars) { R <- matrix(paste(r,mystars,sep=""),ncol=ncol(r))} else {R <- r} diag(R) <- paste(diag(r), " ", sep="") rownames(R) <- colnames(r) colnames(R) <- colnames(r) if (lower) { R[upper.tri(R, diag = FALSE)] <- "" } else { R[lower.tri(R, diag = FALSE)] <- "" } if(stars) {char<- TRUE} else {char <- FALSE} return(df2latex(R, digits = digits, rowlabels = rowlabels, apa = apa, short.names = short.names, font.size = font.size, heading = heading, caption = caption, label = label, char=TRUE,stars = stars,silent=silent,file=file,append=append,cut=cut,big=big)) } "fa2latex" <- function(f,digits=2,rowlabels=TRUE,apa=TRUE,short.names=FALSE,cumvar=FALSE,cut=0,big=.3,alpha=.05,font.size ="scriptsize",long=FALSE, heading="A factor analysis table from the psych package in R",caption="fa2latex",label="default",silent=FALSE,file=NULL,append=FALSE) { if(inherits(f,"fa.ci")) { if(is.null(f$cip)) {px <- f$cis$p} else {px <- f$cip}} else {px <- NULL} #get the probabilities if we did fa.ci #if(class(f)[2] !="fa") f <- f$fa if(inherits(f,"fa")) {x <- unclass(f$loadings) if(!is.null(f$Phi)) {Phi <- f$Phi} else {Phi <- NULL} nfactors <- ncol(x) items <- NULL} else {#we are processing fa.lookup output nfactors <- which(names(f)=="h2") -1 Phi <- NULL items <- f[,"Item"] x <- f[,1:nfactors] } if(nfactors > 1) {if(is.null(Phi)) {h2 <- rowSums(x^2)} else {h2 <- diag(x %*% Phi %*% t(x)) }} else {h2 <- x^2} u2 <- 1- h2 vtotal <- sum(h2 + u2) if(cut > 0) x[abs(x) < cut] <- NA #modified May 13 following a suggestion from Daniel Zingaro if(!is.null(f$complexity)) {x <- data.frame(x,h2=h2,u2=u2,com=f$complexity) } else {x <- data.frame(x,h2=h2,u2=u2)} colnames(x)[which(colnames(x)=='h2')] <- '$h^2$' #added following a request from Alex Weiss 11/28/19 colnames(x)[which(colnames(x)=='u2')] <- '$u^2$' #first set up the table nvar <- dim(x)[2] comment <- paste("% Called in the psych package ", match.call()) if(long) { header <- paste0("\\begin{center} \\begin{",font.size,"} \\begin{longtable}") header <- c(header,"{l",rep("r",(nvar)),"}\n") header <- c(header,paste0(" \\caption{",caption,"} \\label{",label,"} \\endfirsthead \\multicolumn{",nvar+1,"}{c} {{\\bfseries \\tablename\\ \\thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\\\ \\endhead \\hline \\multicolumn{",nvar+1,"}{|c|}{{Continued on next page}} \\\\ \\hline \\endfoot \\hline \\hline \\endlastfoot ")) #this wraps up the long table footer <- paste0("\\end{longtable} \\end{",font.size,"} \\end{center} ") #\\label{",label,"}") } else { header <- paste("\\begin{table}[htpb]", "\\caption{",caption,"} \\begin{center} \\begin{",font.size,"} \\begin{tabular}",sep="") if(!is.null(items)) {header <- c(header,"{l",rep("r",nvar+1),"}\n")} else { header <- c(header,"{l",rep("r",nvar),"}\n")} if(apa) header <- c(header, "\\multicolumn{",nvar,"}{l}{",heading,"}", '\\cr \n \\hline ') footer<- NULL if(apa) {footer <- paste(" \\hline ")} footer <- paste(footer," \\end{tabular} \\end{",font.size,"} \\end{center} \\label{",label,"} \\end{table} ",sep="" ) } #end of not long #now put the data into it x <- round(x,digits=digits) cname <- colnames(x) if (short.names) cname <- 1:nvar names1 <- paste(cname[1:(nvar-1)], " & ") lastname <- paste(cname[nvar],"\\cr \n") if(apa) {allnames <- c("Variable & ",names1,lastname," \\hline \n")} else {allnames <- c(" & ",names1,lastname,"\\cr \n")} fx <- format(x,drop0trailing=FALSE) #to keep the digits the same {if(!is.null(px) && (cut == 0)) { temp <- fx[1:nfactors] temp[px < alpha] <- paste("\\bf{",temp[px < alpha],"}",sep="") fx[1:nfactors] <- temp } if(big > 0) {temp <- fx[1:nfactors] x <- x[1:nfactors] temp[!is.na(x) & (abs(x) > big)] <- paste("\\bf{",temp[!is.na(x) & (abs(x) > big)],"}",sep="") fx[1:nfactors] <- temp } value <- apply(fx,1,paste,collapse=" & ") #insert & between columns value.names <- names(value) value <- gsub("NA", " ", value, fixed = TRUE) value <- paste0(value,"&",items) names(value) <- value.names #weird, but seemingly necessary if(rowlabels) value <- {paste(sanitize.latex(names(value))," & ",value)} else {paste(" & ",value)} values <- paste(value, "\\cr", "\n") #add \\cr at the end of each row #now put it all together if(!silent) { cat(comment,"\n") #a comment field saying where the data came from cat(header) #the header information cat(allnames) #the variable names cat(values) #the factor loadings } #now find and show the variance accounted for if(is.null(items)) {x <- f$loadings } else {x <- x[,1:nfactors]} #use the original values not the rounded ones nvar <- nrow(x) if(is.null(Phi)) {if(nfactors > 1) {vx <- colSums(x^2) } else { vx <- diag(t(x) %*% x) vx <- vx*nvar/vtotal }} else {vx <- diag(Phi %*% t(x) %*% x) vx <- vx*nvar/vtotal } # names(vx) <- colnames(x)[1:nvar] vx1 <- round(vx,digits) cn <- c("&",allnames[2:(NCOL(x)+1)],"\\cr \n") loads <- c("\\hline \\cr",cn,"SS loadings &",paste(vx1," & ",sep=""),"\\cr \n") if(!silent) { cat(loads)} summ <- NULL #varex <- rbind("SS loadings " = vx) if(cumvar) { provar <- round(vx/nvar,digits) summ <- c("Proportion Var &" ,paste( provar, " & ",sep=""),"\\cr \n") # cat("Proportion Var &" ,paste( provar, " & ",sep=""),"\\cr \n") if (nfactors > 1) {cumvar <- round(cumsum(vx/nvar),digits) cumfavar <- sprintf("%.2f",cumsum(vx/sum(vx))) summ <- c(summ, "Cumulative Var & ",paste( cumvar," & ", sep=""),"\\cr \n", "Cum. total Var & ",paste(sprintf("%.2f",round(cumsum(vx/sum(vx)),digits=digits))," & ",sep=""),"\\cr \n") } if(!silent) {cat(summ) } } loads <- c(loads,summ) if(!is.null(Phi)) { summ <- c("\\cr \\hline \\cr \n") if(!silent) {cat(summ) } Phi <- round(Phi,digits) phi <- format(Phi,nsmall=digits) phi <-apply(phi,1,paste,collapse=" & ") phi <-paste(colnames(x)," &",phi) phi <- paste(phi, "\\cr", "\n") cn <- c("&",allnames[2:(NCOL(x)+1)],"\\cr \n") loads <- c(loads,summ,cn,phi) if(!silent) { cat(cn,phi)} } if(!silent) { cat(footer)} #close it up with a footer } values <- c(values,loads) result <- c(header,allnames,values,footer) if(!is.null(file)) write.table(result,file=file,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,append=append) invisible(result) } "irt2latex" <- function(f,digits=2,rowlabels=TRUE,apa=TRUE,short.names=FALSE,font.size ="scriptsize", heading="An IRT factor analysis table from R",caption="fa2latex" ,label="default",silent=FALSE,file=NULL,append=FALSE) { if(class(f)[2] != "polyinfo" ) {nf <- length(f$plot$sumInfo) } else {nf <- length(f$sumInfo) } #create nf tables for(i in (1:nf)) { if(class(f)[2] != "polyinfo" ) {x <- f$plot$sumInfo[[i]]} else {x <- f$sumInfo[[i]] } if(nf>1) { rowmax <- apply(x,1,max, na.rm=TRUE) rowmax <- which(rowmax <.001,arr.ind=TRUE) if(!is.null(rowmax)) x <- x[-rowmax,]} #first set up the table nvar <- ncol(x) comment <- paste("%", match.call()) header <- paste("\\begin{",font.size,"} \\begin{table}[htpb]", "\\caption{",caption,"} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}",sep="") header <- c(header,"{l",rep("r",nvar),"}\n") if(apa) header <- c(header, "\\multicolumn{",nvar,"}{l}{",heading," for factor " , i, " }", "\\cr \\hline \\cr", "\n & \\multicolumn{7}{c}{Item information at $\\theta$} \\cr \\cline{2-8} ") if(apa) {footer <- paste(" \\hline ")} footer <- paste(footer," \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\label{",label,"} \\end{table} \\end{",font.size,"} ",sep="" ) #now put the data into it x <- round(x,digits=digits) cname <- colnames(x) if (short.names) cname <- 1:nvar names1 <- paste(cname[1:(nvar-1)], " & ") lastname <- paste(cname[nvar],"\\cr \n") if(apa) {allnames <- c("Item & ",names1,lastname," \\hline \n")} else {allnames <- c(" & ",names1,lastname,"\\cr \n")} x <- format(x,drop0trailing=FALSE) #to keep the digits the same value <- apply(x,1,paste,collapse=" & ") #insert & between columns if(rowlabels) value <- paste(sanitize.latex(names(value))," & ",value) values <- paste(value, "\\cr", "\n") #add \\cr at the end of each row #now put it all together if(class(f)[2] != "polyinfo" ) {test.info <- colSums(f$plot$sumInfo[[i]])} else {test.info <- colSums(f$sumInfo[[i]])} sem <- sqrt(1/test.info) reliab <- 1 - 1/test.info summary <- rbind(test.info,sem,reliab) summary <- round(summary,digits) summary <- format(summary,nsmall=digits) summary <- cbind(c("Test.info","SEM","Reliability"),summary) summary <- apply(summary,1,paste,collapse=" & ") summary <- paste(summary,"\\cr \n") if(!silent) { cat(comment,"\n") #a comment field saying where the data came from cat(header) #the header information cat(allnames) #the variable names cat(values) #the item information cat("\\hline \n & \\multicolumn{7}{c}{Summary statistics at $\\theta$} \\cr \\cline{2-8}") cat(summary) cat(footer) #close it up with a footer' } } result <- c(header,allnames,values,summary,footer) if(!is.null(file)) write.table(result,file=file,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,append=append) invisible(result) } #adapted from various sources, including xtable "sanitize.latex" <- function(astring) { result <- astring result <- gsub("&", "\\&", result, fixed = TRUE) result <- gsub("_", "\\_", result, fixed = TRUE) result <- gsub("%", "\\%", result, fixed = TRUE) return(result) } #added December 28, 2013 "omega2latex" <- function(f,digits=2,rowlabels=TRUE,apa=TRUE,short.names=FALSE,cumvar=FALSE,cut=.2,big=.3,font.size ="scriptsize", heading="An omega analysis table from the psych package in R",caption="omega2latex",label="default",silent=FALSE,file=NULL,append=FALSE) { if(inherits(f,"omega")) { f$loadings <- f$schmid$sl x <- unclass(f$loadings) nfactors <- ncol(x) h2 <- rowSums(x^2) u2 <- 1- h2 vtotal <- sum(h2 + u2) #first set up the table nvar <- dim(x)[2] items <- NULL} else {#we are processing fa.lookup output nfactors <- which(names(f)=="h2") -1 Phi <- NULL items <- f[,"Item"] x <- f[,1:nfactors] } comment <- paste("% Called in the psych package ", match.call()) header <- paste("\\begin{",font.size,"} \\begin{table}[htpb]", "\\caption{",caption," with cut = ",cut,"\n $\\omega_h = ",round(f$omega_h,digits), "\\;\\;\\;\\alpha (\\lambda_3) = ",round(f$alpha,digits), "\\;\\;\\;\\lambda_6^* = ",round(f$G6,digits),"\\;\\;\\; \\omega_t = ",round(f$omega.tot,digits),"$ } \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}",sep="") header <- c(header,"{l",rep("r",nvar),"}\n") if(apa) header <- c(header, "\\multicolumn{",nvar,"}{l}{",heading,"}", '\\cr \n \\hline ') if(apa) {footer <- paste(" \\hline ")} footer <- paste(footer," \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\label{",label,"} \\end{table} \\end{",font.size,"} ",sep="" ) #now put the data into it x[abs(x) < cut] <- NA x <- round(x,digits=digits) cname <- colnames(x) if (short.names) cname <- 1:nvar names1 <- paste(cname[1:(nvar-1)], " & ") lastname <- paste(cname[nvar],"\\cr \n") if(apa) {allnames <- c("Variable & ",names1,lastname," \\hline \n")} else {allnames <- c(" & ",names1,lastname,"\\cr \n")} x <- format(x,drop0trailing=FALSE) #to keep the digits the same value <- apply(x,1,paste,collapse=" & ") #insert & between columns value <- gsub("NA", " ", value, fixed = TRUE) if(rowlabels) value <- {paste(sanitize.latex(names(value))," & ",value)} else {paste(" & ",value)} values <- paste(value, "\\cr", "\n") #add \\cr at the end of each row #now put it all together #now find and show the variance accounted for x <- f$loadings #use the original values nvar <- nrow(x) vx <- colSums(x^2)[1:(ncol(x)-3)] vx <- round(vx,digits) loads <- c("\\hline \\cr SS loadings &",paste(vx," & ",sep=""),"\\cr \n") if(!silent) { cat(comment,"\n") #a comment field saying where the data came from cat(header) #the header information cat(allnames) #the variable names cat(values) #the factor loadings cat(loads) cat(footer) #close it up with a footer } result <- c(header,allnames,values,loads,footer) if(!is.null(file)) write.table(result,file=file,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,append=append) invisible(result) } #added 1/6/14 "ICC2latex" <- function(icc,digits=2,rowlabels=TRUE,apa=TRUE,ci=TRUE, font.size ="scriptsize",big.mark=NULL, drop.na=TRUE, heading="A table from the psych package in R", caption="ICC2latex",label="default",char=FALSE,silent=FALSE,file=NULL,append=FALSE) { if((length(class(icc)) < 2 ) | (class(icc)[2] !="ICC")) icc <- psych::ICC(icc) #do the analysis in case we have not done it yet #first set up the table x <- icc$results nvar <- dim(x)[2] rname<- rownames(x) comment <- paste("%", match.call()) header <- paste("\\begin{",font.size,"} \\begin{table}[[htpb]", "\\caption{",caption,"} \\begin{tabular}",sep="") if(rowlabels) { header <- c(header,"{l",rep("r",(nvar)),"}\n")} else {header <- c(header,"{",rep("r",(nvar+1)),"}\n") } if(apa) {header <- c(header, "\\multicolumn{",5,"}{l}{",heading,"}", '\\cr \n \\hline ') footer <- paste(" \\hline \\cr \\multicolumn{ 5 }{c}{ Number of subjects = ", icc$n.obs, "Number of raters = ",icc$n.judge,"}")} else {footer <- NULL} footer <- paste(footer," \\end{tabular} \\label{",label,"} \\end{table} \\end{",font.size,"} ",sep="" ) #now put the data into it x[2:nvar] <- try(round(x[2:nvar],digits=digits)) cname <- colnames(x) if(!ci) nvar <- nvar-2 names1 <- paste(cname[1:(nvar-1)], " & ") lastname <- paste(cname[nvar],"\\cr \n") if(apa) {allnames <- c("Variable & ",names1,lastname," \\hline \n")} else {if(rowlabels) {allnames <- c(" & ",names1,lastname,"\\cr \n")} else { allnames <- c(names1,lastname,"\\cr \n")}} if(!char) {if(is.null(big.mark)) { x <- format(x[1:nvar],drop0trailing=FALSE)} else #to keep the digits the same {x <- prettyNum(x,big.mark=",",drop0trailing=FALSE)} } value <- apply(x,1,paste,collapse=" & ") #insert & between columns if(rowlabels) {value <- paste(sanitize.latex(rname)," & ",value)} else {value <- paste(" & ",value)} values <- paste(value, "\\cr", "\n") #add \\cr at the end of each row if(drop.na) values <- gsub("NA"," ",values,fixed=TRUE) #now put it all together if(!silent) { cat(comment,"\n") #a comment field saying where the data came from cat(header) #the header information cat(allnames) #the variable names cat(values) #the data cat(footer) #close it up with a footer } result <- c(header,allnames,values,footer) if(!is.null(file)) write.table(result,file=file,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,append=append) invisible(result) }