\name{structure.list} \alias{structure.list} \alias{phi.list} \title{Create factor model matrices from an input list} \description{When creating a structural diagram or a structural model, it is convenient to not have to specify all of the zero loadings in a structural matrix. structure.list converts list input into a design matrix. phi.list does the same for a correlation matrix. Factors with NULL values are filled with 0s. } \usage{ structure.list(nvars, f.list,f=NULL, f.labels = NULL, item.labels = NULL) phi.list(nf,f.list, f.labels = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{nvars}{Number of variables in the design matrix } \item{f.list}{A list of items included in each factor (for structure.list, or the factors that correlate with the specified factor for phi.list} \item{f}{prefix for parameters -- needed in case of creating an X set and a Y set} \item{f.labels}{Names for the factors } \item{item.labels}{Item labels } \item{nf}{Number of factors in the phi matrix} } \details{This is almost self explanatory. See the examples. } \value{ \item{factor.matrix}{a matrix of factor loadings to model} } \seealso{ \code{\link{structure.graph}} for drawing it, or \code{\link{sim.structure}} for creating this data structure. } \examples{ fx <- structure.list(9,list(F1=c(1,2,3),F2=c(4,5,6),F3=c(7,8,9))) fy <- structure.list(3,list(Y=c(1,2,3)),"Y") phi <- phi.list(4,list(F1=c(4),F2=c(1,4),F3=c(2),F4=c(1,2,3))) fx phi fy } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{multivariate } \keyword{models }