\name{residuals.psych} \alias{residuals.psych} \alias{resid.psych} \title{Extract residuals from various psych objects} \description{Residuals in the various psych functions are extracted and then may be "pretty" printed.} \usage{ \method{residuals}{psych}(object,diag=TRUE,...) \method{resid}{psych}(object,diag=TRUE,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{The object returned by a psych function.} \item{diag}{if FALSE, then convert the diagonal of the residuals to NA} \item{...}{Other parameters to be passed to residual (ignored but required by the generic function)} } \details{ Currently implemented for \code{\link{fa}}, \code{\link{principal}}, \code{\link{omega}}, \code{\link{irt.fa}}, and \code{\link{fa.extension}}. } \value{ residuals: a matrix of residual estimates} \author{William Revelle } \examples{ f3 <- fa(Thurstone,3) residuals(f3) sum(residuals(f3)^2) #include diagonal sum(residuals(f3,diag=FALSE)^2,na.rm=TRUE) #drop diagonal } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ multivariate } \keyword{ models}