\name{factor.model} \alias{factor.model} \title{ Find R = F F' + U2 is the basic factor model } \description{The basic factor or principal components model is that a correlation or covariance matrix may be reproduced by the product of a factor loading matrix times its transpose. Find this reproduced matrix. Used by \code{\link{factor.fit}}, \code{\link{VSS}}, \code{\link{ICLUST}}, etc. } \usage{ factor.model(f,Phi=NULL,U2=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{f}{ A matrix of loadings. } \item{Phi}{A matrix of factor correlations} \item{U2}{Should the diagonal be model by ff' (U2 = TRUE) or replaced with 1's (U2 = FALSE)} } \value{ A correlation or covariance matrix. } \references{Gorsuch, Richard, (1983) Factor Analysis. Lawrence Erlebaum Associates. \cr Revelle, W. In preparation) An Introduction to Psychometric Theory with applications in R (\url{https://personality-project.org/r/book/}) } \author{ \email{revelle@northwestern.edu } \cr \url{https://personality-project.org/revelle.html} \cr } \seealso{ \code{\link{ICLUST.graph}},\code{\link{ICLUST.cluster}}, \code{\link{cluster.fit} }, \code{\link{VSS}}, \code{\link{omega} }} \examples{ f2 <- matrix(c(.9,.8,.7,rep(0,6),.6,.7,.8),ncol=2) mod <- factor.model(f2) round(mod,2) } \keyword{ multivariate }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{ models }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line