\name{error.dots} \alias{error.dots} \title{Show a dot.chart with error bars for different groups or variables} \description{Yet one more of the graphical ways of showing data with error bars for different groups. A dot.chart with error bars for different groups or variables is found using from \code{\link{describe}}, \code{\link{describeBy}}, \code{\link{statsBy}}, \code{\link{corCi}}, \code{\link{corr.test}} or data from \code{\link{bestScales}}. } \usage{ error.dots(x=NULL, var = NULL, se = NULL, group = NULL, sd = FALSE, effect=NULL, stats=NULL, head = 12, tail = 12, sort = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE, main = NULL, alpha = 0.05, eyes = FALSE,items=FALSE, min.n = NULL, max.labels = 40, labels = NULL, label.width=NULL, select=NULL, groups = NULL, gdata = NULL, cex = par("cex"), pt.cex = cex, pch = 21, gpch = 21, bg = par("bg"), fg=par("fg"), color = par("fg"), gcolor = par("fg"), lcolor = "gray", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlim = NULL,add=FALSE,order=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A data frame or matrix of raw data, or the resulting object from \code{\link{describe}}, \code{\link{describeBy}}, \code{\link{statsBy}}, \code{\link{bestScales}}, \code{\link{corCi}}, \code{\link{corr.test}}, or \code{\link{cohen.d}} } \item{var}{The variable to show (particularly if doing describeBy or StatsBy plots).} \item{se}{Source of a standard error} \item{group}{A grouping variable, if desired. Will group the data on group for one variable (var) } \item{sd}{if FALSE, confidence intervals in terms of standard errors, otherwise draw one standard deviation} \item{effect}{Should the data be compared to a specified group (with mean set to 0) in effect size units?} \item{stats}{A matrix of means and se to use instead of finding them from the data} \item{head}{The number of largest values to report} \item{tail}{The number of smallest values to report} \item{sort}{Sort the groups/variables by value} \item{decreasing}{Should they be sorted in increasing or decreasing order (from top to bottom)} \item{main}{The caption for the figure} \item{alpha}{p value for confidence intervals} \item{eyes}{Draw catseyes for error limits} \item{items}{If showing results from best scales, show the items for a specified dv} \item{min.n}{If using describeBy or statsBy, what should be the minimum sample size to draw} \item{max.labels}{Length of labels (truncate after this value)} \item{labels}{Specify the labels versus find them from the row names} \item{label.width}{Truncate after labels.width} \item{select}{Scale the plot for all the variables, but just show the select variables} \item{groups}{ignored: to be added eventually} \item{gdata}{ignored} \item{cex}{The standard meaning of cex for graphics} \item{pt.cex}{ignored} \item{pch}{Plot character of the mean} \item{gpch}{ignored} \item{bg}{background color (of the dots showing the means)} \item{fg}{foreground color (of the line segments)} \item{color}{Color of the text labels} \item{gcolor}{ignored} \item{lcolor}{ignored until groups are implemented } \item{xlab}{Label the x axis, if NULL, the variable name is used} \item{ylab}{If NULL, then the group rownames are used} \item{xlim}{If NULL, then calculated to show nice values} \item{add}{If TRUE, will add the plot to a previous plot (e.g., from dotchart)} \item{order}{if sort=TRUE, if order is NULL, sort on values, otherwise, if order is returned from a previous figure, use that order. } \item{\dots}{And any other graphic parameters we have forgotten} } \details{ Adapted from the dot.chart function to include error bars and to use the output of \code{\link{describe}}, \code{\link{describeBy}}, \code{\link{statsBy}}, \code{\link{fa}}, \code{\link{bestScales}} or \code{\link{cohen.d}}. To speed up multiple plots, the function can work from the output of a previous run. Thus describeBy will be done and the results can be show for multiple variables. If using the add=TRUE option to add an error.dots plot to a dotplot, note that the order of variables in dot plots goes from last to first (highest y value is actually the last value in a vector.) Also note that the xlim parameter should be set to make sure the plots line up correctly.} \value{ Returns (invisibily) either a describeBy or describe object as well as the order if sorted } \references{Used in particular for showing https://sapa-project.org output.} \author{William Revelle} \seealso{ \code{\link{describe}}, \code{\link{describeBy}}, or \code{\link{statsBy}} as well as \code{\link{error.bars}}, \code{\link{error.bars.by}}, \code{\link{statsBy}}, \code{\link{bestScales}} or \code{\link{cohen.d}} } \examples{ temp <- error.dots(psychTools::bfi[1:25],sort=TRUE, xlab="Mean score for the item, sorted by difficulty") error.dots(psychTools::bfi[1:25],sort=TRUE, order=temp$order, add=TRUE, eyes=TRUE) #over plot with eyes error.dots(psychTools::ability,eyes=TRUE, xlab="Mean score for the item") cd <- cohen.d(psychTools::bfi[1:26],"gender") temp <- error.dots(cd, select=c(1:15,21:25),head=12,tail=13, main="Cohen d and confidence intervals of BFI by gender") error.dots(cd,select=c(16:20),head=13,tail=12,col="blue",add=TRUE,fg="red" ,main="") abline(v=0) #now show cis for correlations R <- corCi(attitude,plot=FALSE) error.dots(R, sort=FALSE) #the asymmetric case R <- corr.test(attitude[,1:2],attitude[,3:7]) error.dots(R, sort=FALSE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{multivariate} \keyword{ hplot }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line