\name{cortest.bartlett} \alias{cortest.bartlett} \title{Bartlett's test that a correlation matrix is an identity matrix } \description{Bartlett (1951) proposed that -ln(det(R)*(N-1 - (2p+5)/6) was distributed as chi square if R were an identity matrix. A useful test that residuals correlations are all zero. Contrast to the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test. } \usage{ cortest.bartlett(R, n = NULL,diag=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{R}{A correlation matrix. (If R is not square, correlations are found and a warning is issued. } \item{n}{Sample size (if not specified, 100 is assumed).} \item{diag}{Will replace the diagonal of the matrix with 1s to make it a correlation matrix.} } \details{More useful for pedagogical purposes than actual applications. The Bartlett test is asymptotically chi square distributed. Note that if applied to residuals from factor analysis (\code{\link{fa}}) or principal components analysis (\code{\link{principal}}) that the diagonal must be replaced with 1s. This is done automatically if diag=TRUE. (See examples.) An Alternative way of testing whether a correlation matrix is factorable (i.e., the correlations differ from 0) is the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin \code{\link{KMO}} test of factorial adequacy. } \value{ \item{chisq}{Assymptotically chisquare} \item{p.value }{Of chi square} \item{df}{The degrees of freedom} } \references{ Bartlett, M. S., (1951), The Effect of Standardization on a chi square Approximation in Factor Analysis, Biometrika, 38, 337-344. } \author{William Revelle} \seealso{ \code{\link{cortest.mat}}, \code{\link{cortest.normal}}, \code{\link{cortest.jennrich}}} \examples{ set.seed(42) x <- matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol=10) r <- cor(x) cortest.bartlett(r) #random data don't differ from an identity matrix #data(bfi) cortest.bartlett(psychTools::bfi[1:200,1:10]) #not an identity matrix f3 <- fa(Thurstone,3) f3r <- f3$resid cortest.bartlett(f3r,n=213,diag=FALSE) #incorrect cortest.bartlett(f3r,n=213,diag=TRUE) #correct (by default) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ multivariate }