\name{Yule} \alias{Yule} \alias{Yule.inv} \alias{Yule2phi} \alias{Yule2tetra} \alias{Yule2poly} \alias{YuleBonett} \alias{YuleCor} \title{From a two by two table, find the Yule coefficients of association, convert to phi, or tetrachoric, recreate table the table to create the Yule coefficient.} \description{One of the many measures of association is the Yule coefficient. Given a two x two table of counts \cr \tabular{llll}{ \tab a \tab b \tab R1 \cr \tab c \tab d \tab R2 \cr \tab C1 \tab C2 \tab n \cr } Yule Q is (ad - bc)/(ad+bc). \cr Conceptually, this is the number of pairs in agreement (ad) - the number in disagreement (bc) over the total number of paired observations. Warren (2008) has shown that Yule's Q is one of the ``coefficients that have zero value under statistical independence, maximum value unity, and minimum value minus unity independent of the marginal distributions" (p 787). \cr ad/bc is the odds ratio and Q = (OR-1)/(OR+1) \cr Yule's coefficient of colligation is Y = (sqrt(OR) - 1)/(sqrt(OR)+1) Yule.inv finds the cell entries for a particular Q and the marginals (a+b,c+d,a+c, b+d). This is useful for converting old tables of correlations into more conventional \code{\link{phi}} or tetrachoric correlations \code{\link{tetrachoric}} \cr Yule2phi and Yule2tetra convert the Yule Q with set marginals to the correponding phi or tetrachoric correlation. Bonett and Price show that the Q and Y coefficients are both part of a general family of coefficients raising the OR to a power (c). If c=1, then this is Yule's Q. If .5, then Yule's Y, if c = .75, then this is Digby's H. They propose that c = .5 - (.5 * min(cell probabilty)^2 is a more general coefficient. YuleBonett implements this for the 2 x 2 case, YuleCor for the data matrix case. } \usage{ YuleBonett(x,c=1,bonett=FALSE,alpha=.05) #find the generalized Yule cofficients YuleCor(x,c=1,bonett=FALSE,alpha=.05) #do this for a matrix Yule(x,Y=FALSE) #find Yule given a two by two table of frequencies #find the frequencies that produce a Yule Q given the Q and marginals Yule.inv(Q,m,n=NULL) #find the phi coefficient that matches the Yule Q given the marginals Yule2phi(Q,m,n=NULL) Yule2tetra(Q,m,n=NULL,correct=TRUE) #Find the tetrachoric correlation given the Yule Q and the marginals #(deprecated) Find the tetrachoric correlation given the Yule Q and the marginals Yule2poly(Q,m,n=NULL,correct=TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{A vector of four elements or a two by two matrix, or, in the case of YuleBonett or YuleCor, this can also be a data matrix } \item{c}{1 returns Yule Q, .5, Yule's Y, .75 Digby's H} \item{bonett}{If FALSE, then find Q, Y, or H, if TRUE, then find the generalized Bonett cofficient} \item{alpha}{The two tailed probability for confidence intervals} \item{Y}{Y=TRUE return Yule's Y coefficient of colligation} \item{Q}{Either a single Yule coefficient or a matrix of Yule coefficients} \item{m}{The vector c(R1,C2) or a two x two matrix of marginals or a four element vector of marginals. The preferred form is c(R1,C1)} \item{n}{The number of subjects (if the marginals are given as frequencies} \item{correct}{When finding a tetrachoric correlation, should small cell sizes be corrected for continuity. See \code{\{link{tetrachoric}} for a discussion.} } \details{Yule developed two measures of association for two by two tables. Both are functions of the odds ratio } \value{ \item{Q}{The Yule Q coefficient} \item{R}{A two by two matrix of counts} \item{result}{If given matrix input, then a matrix of phis or tetrachorics} \item{rho}{From YuleBonett and YuleCor} \item{ci}{The upper and lower confidence intervals in matrix form (From YuleBonett and YuleCor).} } \references{Yule, G. Uday (1912) On the methods of measuring association between two attributes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, LXXV, 579-652 Bonett, D.G. and Price, R.M, (2007) Statistical Inference for Generalized Yule Coefficients in 2 x 2 Contingency Tables. Sociological Methods and Research, 35, 429-446. Warrens, Matthijs (2008), On Association Coefficients for 2x2 Tables and Properties That Do Not Depend on the Marginal Distributions. Psychometrika, 73, 777-789. } \author{ William Revelle } \note{Yule.inv is currently done by using the optimize function, but presumably could be redone by solving a quadratic equation. } \seealso{ See Also as \code{\link{phi}}, \code{\link{tetrachoric}}, \code{\link{Yule2poly.matrix}}, \code{\link{Yule2phi.matrix}} } \examples{ Nach <- matrix(c(40,10,20,50),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE) Yule(Nach) Yule.inv(.81818,c(50,60),n=120) Yule2phi(.81818,c(50,60),n=120) Yule2tetra(.81818,c(50,60),n=120) phi(Nach) #much less #or express as percents and do not specify n Nach <- matrix(c(40,10,20,50),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE) Nach/120 Yule(Nach) Yule.inv(.81818,c(.41667,.5)) Yule2phi(.81818,c(.41667,.5)) Yule2tetra(.81818,c(.41667,.5)) phi(Nach) #much less YuleCor(psychTools::ability[,1:4],,TRUE) YuleBonett(Nach,1) #Yule Q YuleBonett(Nach,.5) #Yule Y YuleBonett(Nach,.75) #Digby H YuleBonett(Nach,,TRUE) #Yule* is a generalized Yule } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{multivariate } \keyword{models}