\name{Gorsuch} \alias{Gorsuch} \docType{data} \title{Example data set from Gorsuch (1997) for an example factor extension. } \description{ Gorsuch (1997) suggests an alternative to the classic Dwyer (1937) factor extension technique. This data set is taken from that article. Useful for comparing \code{link{fa.extension}} with and without the correct=TRUE option. } \usage{data(Gorsuch)} \details{Gorsuc (1997) suggested an alternative model for factor extension. His method is appropriate for the case of repeated variables. This is handled in \code{link{fa.extension}} with correct=FALSE } \source{Richard L. Gorsuch (1997) New Procedure for Extension Analysis in Exploratory Factor Analysis. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 57, 725-740. } \references{ Dwyer, Paul S. (1937), The determination of the factor loadings of a given test from the known factor loadings of other tests. Psychometrika, 3, 173-178 } \examples{ data(Gorsuch) Ro <- Gorsuch[1:6,1:6] Roe <- Gorsuch[1:6,7:10] fo <- fa(Ro,2,rotate="none") fa.extension(Roe,fo,correct=FALSE) } \keyword{datasets}