"score.multiple.choice" <- function(key,data,score=TRUE,totals=FALSE,ilabels=NULL, missing=TRUE,impute="median", digits=2,short=TRUE,skew=FALSE) { #convert a data matrix or data with multiple choice responses to correct/incorrect cl <- match.call() if(!is.matrix(data)) {if(!is.data.frame(data)) {stop("data must be either a data frame or matrix!")} else data <- as.matrix(data)} nvar <- dim(data)[2] response.freq <- response.frequencies(data) alternatives <- dim(response.freq)[2] if(length(key)==nvar) { items <- t(t(data)==key[]) #scores as t/f items <- items + 0 #converts t/f to 1/0 } } else {stop("key must have as many elements as columns of 'data' ")} if (score) { if(skew) { #item.stats <- describe(items,ranges=FALSE,skew=skew,fast=FALSE)[,2:7] #} else { #added the fast=FALSE on 2/25/16 in response to problem with large data sets reported by Rodrigo Travitzki #item.stats <- describe(items,ranges=FALSE,skew=skew,fast=TRUE)[,2:4] } #modified 2/25/24 to fix problem with qgraph item.stats <- describe(items,ranges=FALSE,skew=skew,fast=FALSE) class(item.stats) <- "data.frame" item.stats <- item.stats[,2:7]} else { item.stats <- describe(items,ranges=FALSE,skew=skew,fast=FALSE) class(item.stats) <- "data.frame" item.stats <- item.stats[,2:4]} miss.rep <- rowSums(is.na(items)) if(missing) { miss <- which(is.na(items),arr.ind=TRUE) if(impute=="mean") { item.means <- colMeans(items,na.rm=TRUE) #replace missing with means items[miss]<- item.means[miss[,2]]} else { item.med <- apply(items,2,median,na.rm=TRUE) #or medians items[miss]<- item.med[miss[,2]]} } keys <- rep(1,nvar) #now, score the items as the sum of correct scores <- rowSums(items,na.rm=TRUE) slabels <- colnames(keys) if (is.null(slabels)) { if (totals) {slabels<- paste("Totals") } else { slabels <- paste("Averages")} } names(scores) <- slabels r.items <- cov(items,use="pairwise") sum.item.var <- tr(r.items) var.scales <- sum(r.items) alpha.scale <- (var.scales - sum.item.var)*nvar/((nvar-1)*var.scales) av.r <- alpha.scale/(nvar - alpha.scale*(nvar-1)) #alpha 1 = average r item.cor <- cor(items,scores,use="pairwise") #this does not correct for item overlap if(is.null(ilabels)) {ilabels <- paste("I",1:nvar,sep="")} rownames(item.cor) <- ilabels if (!totals) {scores <- scores/nvar } item.stats <- cbind(key,response.freq,item.cor,item.stats) colnames(item.stats)[alternatives+2] <- "r" if(short) {results <- list(item.stats=round(item.stats,digits),alpha=round(alpha.scale,digits), av.r=round(av.r,digits),Call=cl)} else { if (sum(miss.rep) > 0) {results <-list(scores=scores,missing = miss.rep,item.stats=round(item.stats,digits), alpha=round(alpha.scale,digits), av.r=round(av.r,digits))} else { results <- list(scores=scores,item.stats=item.stats,alpha=round(alpha.scale,digits), av.r=round(av.r,digits),Call=cl) } } class(results) <- c("psych","mchoice") return(results) } else {return (items)} } #introduce a function to get cell frequencies and compensate for possible different number of response alternatives "response.frequencies" <- function(items,max=10,uniqueitems=NULL) {responseFrequency(items=items,max=max,uniqueitems=uniqueitems)} "responseFrequency" <- function (items, max = 10,uniqueitems=NULL) { min.item <- apply(items,2,function(x) min(x,na.rm=TRUE)) max.item <- apply(items,2,function(x) max(x,na.rm=TRUE)) select <- (max.item - min.item) < (max +1) items <- items[,select] if(is.null(uniqueitems)) uniqueitems <- unique(as.vector(unlist(items))) if ( min((max.item - min.item ) > max) || (nlevels(factor(items[[ 1]])) > max) || #changed to [[ ]] following suggestion from Mikko Ronkko length(uniqueitems) > max) { frequency <- NULL message("Number of categories should be increased in order to count frequencies. ") } else { #just describe those items that have less than max categories n.var <- NCOL(items) #changed to handle case of single variable n.cases <- NROW(items) if(n.var < 2 ) message("Number of categories should be increased in order to count frequencies. ") dummy <- matrix(rep(uniqueitems, n.var), ncol = n.var) colnames(dummy) <- names(items) xdum <- rbind(items, dummy) frequency <- apply(xdum, 2, table) frequency <- t(frequency - 1) responses <- rowSums(frequency) frequency <- frequency/responses miss <- 1 - responses/n.cases frequency <- cbind(frequency, miss) # class(frequency) <- cs(psych,frequency) } return(frequency) } #version of Sept 19, 2007 #revised Sept 3, 2010 to count missing responses #revised Sept 7, 2010 to correctly handle missing data in terms of finding alpha and correlation #revised April 3, 2011 to incorporate very nice suggestion by Joshua Wiley to handle unique categories #revised August 4, 2012 to allow the specification of unique items-- useful for irt.responses #revised July 8, 2020 to use psych print function and added the camel case version. Also to process just those items that have <= max responses