#developed April 24, 2009 #Functionally replaced by corPlot "mat.plot" <- function(r,colors=FALSE, n=10,main=NULL,zlim=c(0,1)){ { .Deprecated("mat.plot",msg="mat.plot is deprecated. Please use the corPlot function.") if(is.null(main)) {main <- "Correlation plot" } if(!is.matrix(r) & (!is.data.frame(r))) {if((length(class(r)) > 1) & (inherits(r, "psych"))) {if(inherits(r,"omega")) {r <- r$schmid$sl nff <- ncol(r) r <- r[,1:(nff-2)]} else {r <- r$loadings} } } r <- as.matrix(r) if(min(dim(r)) < 2) {stop ("You need at least two dimensions to make a meaningful plot")} if(is.null(n)) {n <- dim(r)[2]} nf <- dim(r)[2] nvar <- dim(r)[1] if(is.null(rownames(r))) rownames(r) <- paste("V",1:nvar) if(is.null(colnames(r))) colnames(r) <- paste("V",1:nf) if(is.null(zlim)) {zlim <- range(r)} if(colors) {gr <- topo.colors(n) ord <- n:1 gr <- gr[ord]} else { gr <- grey((n:0)/n)} ord1 <- seq(nvar,1,-1) if(nvar != nf) { r <- t(r) } r <- r[,ord1] image(r,col=gr,axes=FALSE,main=main,zlim=zlim) box() at1 <- (0:(nf-1))/(nf-1) at2 <- (0:(nvar-1)) /(nvar-1) axis(1,at=at1,labels=rownames(r)) axis(2,at=at2,labels=colnames(r)) } }