#Function to find very big correlation matrices by stitching together smaller ones #see the help file for various timings bigCor <- function(x,size=NULL,use="pairwise",cor="pearson",correct=.5){ nvar <- NCOL(x) if (is.null(size)) size <- 30 #added round 6/21/22 switched to 30 2/10/23 n.steps <- ceiling(nvar/size) #first makes sure the data are all numeric if(!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x)) stop('Data must either be a data frame or a matrix') if(!inherits(x[1], "data.frame")) stop("Data must be a data.frame") x <- char2numeric(x,flag=FALSE) #added 2/21/23 if(cor=="polychoric") cor <- "poly" small.r <- matrix(NA,size,size) short <- function(i) { res <- list() loweri <- (i-1) * size + 1 upperi <- min(i * size,nvar) lowerj <- min((i-1) * size + 1,nvar) upperj <- min(i * size,nvar) #small.r <- cor(x[,loweri:upperi],use=use) for (j in i:n.steps) { lowerj <- min((j-1) * size + 1,nvar) upperj <- min(j * size,nvar) switch(cor, pearson = {small.r <- cor(x[,loweri:upperi],x[lowerj:upperj],use=use)}, spearman = {small.r <- cor(x[,loweri:upperi],x[lowerj:upperj],use=use,method="spearman")}, poly= { small.r <- t(polychoric(x[loweri:upperi],x[lowerj:upperj], correct=correct)$rho)} ) res[[j]] <- t(small.r) } return(res) } result <- mcmapply(short,c(1:n.steps)) #now, stitch them together R <- matrix(NA,nvar,nvar) k <- 1 for(i in 1:NROW(result)) { nx <- dim(result[[i,1]])[1] #temp <- result[[i]] temp <- unlist(result[i,]) R[k:(k+ nx-1),1:(k+ nx-1) ] <- temp R[1:(k+nx -1),k:(k+ nx-1)] <- t( R[k:(k+ nx-1),1:(k+ nx-1) ]) k <- k +nx } colnames(R) <- rownames(R) <- colnames(x) return(R) } #result <- mapply(short,c(1:n.iter),MoreArgs=list(x,n.obs=n.obs,criteria=criteria,cut=cut,n.item=n.item,impute=impute,digits=digits,dictionary=dictionary,frac=frac,min.item=min.item,max.item=max.item)) #result <- mcmapply(short,c(1:n.iter),MoreArgs=list(x,n.obs=n.obs,criteria=criteria,cut=cut,n.item=n.item,impute=impute,digits=digits,dictionary=dictionary,frac=frac,min.item=min.item,max.item=max.item)) #options command: options("mc.cores"=4) will set the number of cores to 4. pairwiseCountBig <- function(x,size=NULL){ nvar <- NCOL(x) if (is.null(size)) size <- nvar/4 n.steps <- ceiling(nvar/size) small.r <- matrix(NA,size,size) short <- function(i) { res <- list() loweri <- (i-1) * size + 1 upperi <- min(i * size,nvar) lowerj <- min((i-1) * size + 1,nvar) upperj <- min(i * size,nvar) for (j in i:n.steps) { lowerj <- min((j-1) * size + 1,nvar) upperj <- min(j * size,nvar) small.r <- pairwiseCount(x[,loweri:upperi],x[lowerj:upperj]) res[[j]] <- t(small.r) } return(res) } result <- mcmapply(short,c(1:n.steps)) #now, stitch them together R <- matrix(NA,nvar,nvar) k <- 1 for(i in 1:NROW(result)) { nx <- dim(result[[i,1]])[1] temp <- unlist(result[i,]) R[k:(k+ nx-1),1:(k+ nx-1) ] <- temp R[1:(k+nx -1),k:(k+ nx-1)] <- t( R[k:(k+ nx-1),1:(k+ nx-1) ]) k <- k +nx } colnames(R) <- rownames(R) <- colnames(x) return(R) }