\name{superMatrix} \alias{superMatrix} \alias{superCor} \alias{super.matrix} \title{Form a super matrix from two sub matrices. } \description{Given the matrices nXm, and jYk, form the super matrix of dimensions (n+j) and (m+k) with with elements x and y along the super diagonal. Useful when considering structural equations. The measurement models x and y can be combined into a larger measurement model of all of the variables. If either x or y is a list of matrices, then recursively form a super matrix of all of those elements. superCor will form a matrix from two matrices and the intercorrelation of the elements of the two. } \usage{ superMatrix(x,y) superCor(x,y=NULL, xy=NULL) super.matrix(x, y) #Deprecated } \arguments{ \item{x}{A n x m matrix or a list of such matrices, or the output object from \code{link{scoreOverlap}} } \item{y}{A j x k matrix or a list of such matrices} \item{xy}{A n x k matrix} } \details{Several functions, e.g., \code{\link{sim.structural}},\code{\link{structure.graph}}, \code{\link{make.keys}} use matrices that can be thought of as formed from a set of submatrices. In particular, when using \code{\link{make.keys}} in order to score a set of items (\code{\link{scoreItems}} or \code{\link{scoreOverlap}}) or to form specified clusters (\code{\link{cluster.cor}}), it is convenient to define different sets of scoring keys for different sets of items and to combine these scoring keys into one super key. When developing scales and examining items using \code{\link{bestScales}} it is sometimes helpful to combine the matrix output from \code{\link{scoreOverlap}} with the original correlation matrix. Thus, let x = correlation of the scales from \code{\link{scoreOverlap}}, y = the correlations of the items used to form the scales, and xy = the correlation of the scales with the items. } \value{ A (n+j) x (m +k) matrix with appropriate row and column names } \author{William Revelle} \seealso{ \code{\link{sim.structural}},\code{\link{structure.graph}}, \code{\link{make.keys}}} \examples{ mx <- matrix(c(.9,.8,.7,rep(0,4),.8,.7,.6),ncol=2) my <- matrix(c(.6,.5,.4)) colnames(mx) <- paste("X",1:dim(mx)[2],sep="") rownames(mx) <- paste("Xv",1:dim(mx)[1],sep="") colnames(my) <- "Y" rownames(my) <- paste("Yv",1:3,sep="") mxy <- superMatrix(mx,my) #show the use of a list to do this as well key1 <- make.keys(6,list(first=c(1,-2,3),second=4:6,all=1:6)) #make a scoring key key2 <- make.keys(4,list(EA=c(1,2),TA=c(3,4))) superMatrix(list(key1,key2)) r <- cor(bfi[1:15],use="pairwise") bfi.scores <- scoreOverlap(bfi.keys[1:2], r,select=FALSE) #note the select = FALSE R <- superCor(bfi.scores,r) lowerMat(R) #or to just get the scale correlations with the items R <- superCor(bfi.scores) round(R,2) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{multivariate }