\name{iclust.diagram} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{iclust.diagram} \alias{ICLUST.diagram} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Draw an ICLUST hierarchical cluster structure diagram } \description{Given a cluster structure determined by \code{\link{ICLUST}}, create a graphic structural diagram using graphic functions in the psych package To create dot code to describe the \code{\link{ICLUST}} output with more precision, use \code{\link{ICLUST.graph}}. If Rgraphviz has been successfully installed, the alternative is to use \code{\link{ICLUST.rgraph}}. } \usage{ iclust.diagram(ic, labels = NULL, short = FALSE, digits = 2, cex = NULL, min.size = NULL, e.size =1, colors=c("black","blue"), main = "ICLUST diagram", cluster.names=NULL,marg=c(.5,.5,1.5,.5),plot=TRUE, bottomup=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{ic}{Output from ICLUST} \item{labels}{labels for variables (if not specified as rownames in the ICLUST output} \item{short}{if short=TRUE, variable names are replaced with Vn} \item{digits}{Round the path coefficients to digits accuracy} \item{cex}{The standard graphic control parameter for font size modifications. This can be used to make the labels bigger or smaller than the default values.} \item{min.size}{Don't provide statistics for clusters less than min.size} \item{e.size}{size of the ellipses with the cluster statistics.} \item{colors}{postive and negative } \item{main}{The main graphic title} \item{cluster.names}{Normally, clusters are named sequentially C1 ... Cn. If cluster.names are specified, then these values will be used instead.} \item{marg}{Sets the margins to be narrower than the default values. Resets them upon return} \item{plot}{If plot is TRUE, then draw the diagram, if FALSE, then just return the veriable order from the plot} \item{bottomup}{Which way to draw the arrows. TRUE means from the items to the clusters. See note. } } \details{iclust.diagram provides most of the power of \code{\link{ICLUST.rgraph}} without the difficulties involved in installing Rgraphviz. It is called automatically from ICLUST. Following a request by Michael Kubovy, cluster.names may be specified to replace the normal C1 ... Cn names. If access to a dot language graphics program is available, it is probably better to use the iclust.graph function to get dot output for offline editing. Until 3/11/2 arrows went from clusters to items. The default value for bottomup has been changed to draw from items to clusters. To draw the old way, set bottomup=TRUE.} \value{ Graphical output summarizing the hierarchical cluster structure. The graph is drawn using the diagram functions (e.g., \code{\link{dia.curve}}, \code{\link{dia.arrow}}, \code{\link{dia.rect}}, \code{\link{dia.ellipse}} ) created as a work around to Rgraphviz. Also returned (invisibly) is a vector of variable names ordered by their location in the tree diagram. The plot option suppresses the plot for speed. } \references{Revelle, W. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and the Internal Structure of Tests. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1979, 14, 57-74. } \author{William Revelle } \note{Suggestions for improving the graphic output are welcome. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ICLUST}} } \examples{ v9 <- sim.hierarchical() v9c <- ICLUST(v9) test.data <- Harman74.cor$cov ic.out <- ICLUST(test.data) #now show how to relabel clusters ic.bfi <- iclust(psychTools::bfi[1:25],beta=3) #find the clusters cluster.names <- rownames(ic.bfi$results) #get the old names #change the names to the desired ones cluster.names[c(16,19,18,15,20)] <- c("Neuroticism","Extra-Open","Agreeableness", "Conscientiousness","Open") #now show the new names iclust.diagram(ic.bfi,cluster.names=cluster.names,min.size=4,e.size=1.75) } \keyword{ multivariate} \keyword{ cluster}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line \keyword{hplot}