\name{draw.tetra} \alias{draw.tetra} \alias{draw.cor} \title{Draw a correlation ellipse and two normal curves to demonstrate tetrachoric correlation} \description{A graphic of a correlation ellipse divided into 4 regions based upon x and y cutpoints on two normal distributions. This is also an example of using the layout function. Draw a bivariate density plot to show how tetrachorics work. } \usage{ draw.tetra(r, t1, t2,shade=TRUE) draw.cor(r=.5,expand=10,theta=30,phi=30,N=101,nbcol=30,box=TRUE, main="Bivariate density rho = ",cuts=NULL,all=TRUE,ellipses=TRUE,ze=.15) } \arguments{ \item{r}{the underlying Pearson correlation defines the shape of the ellipse} \item{t1}{X is cut at tau} \item{t2}{Y is cut at Tau} \item{shade}{shade the diagram (default is TRUE)} \item{expand}{The relative height of the z axis} \item{theta}{The angle to rotate the x-y plane} \item{phi}{The angle above the plane to view the graph} \item{N}{The grid resolution} \item{nbcol}{The color resolution} \item{box}{Draw the axes} \item{main}{The main title} \item{cuts}{Should the graphic show cuts (e.g., cuts=c(0,0))} \item{all}{Show all four parts of the tetrachoric} \item{ellipses}{Draw a correlation ellipse} \item{ze}{height of the ellipse if requested} } \details{ A graphic demonstration of the \code{\link{tetrachoric}} correlation. Used for teaching purposes. The default values are for a correlation of .5 with cuts at 1 and 1. Any other values are possible. The code is also a demonstration of how to use the \code{\link{layout}} function for complex graphics using base graphics. } \author{ William Revelle } \seealso{\code{\link{tetrachoric}} to find tetrachoric correlations, \code{\link{irt.fa}} and \code{\link{fa.poly}} to use them in factor analyses, \code{\link{scatter.hist}} to show correlations and histograms. } \examples{ #if(require(mvtnorm)) { #draw.tetra(.5,1,1) #draw.tetra(.8,2,1)} else {print("draw.tetra requires the mvtnorm package") #draw.cor(.5,cuts=c(0,0))} draw.tetra(.5,1,1) draw.tetra(.8,2,1) draw.cor(.5,cuts=c(0,0)) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{multivariate } \keyword{hplot}