\name{VSS.scree} \alias{VSS.scree} \alias{scree} \title{Plot the successive eigen values for a scree test} \description{Cattell's scree test is one of most simple ways of testing the number of components or factors in a correlation matrix. Here we plot the eigen values of a correlation matrix as well as the eigen values of a factor analysis. } \usage{ scree(rx,factors=TRUE,pc=TRUE,main="Scree plot",hline=NULL,add=FALSE,sqrt=FALSE) VSS.scree(rx, main = "scree plot",sqrt=FALSE) } \details{Among the many ways to choose the optimal number of factors is the scree test. A better function to show the scree as well as compare it to randomly parallel solutions is found found in \code{\link{fa.parallel}} Following a suggestion from Marco Del Giudice, I added the sqrt option for version 2.2.12. - } \arguments{ \item{rx}{ a correlation matrix or a data matrix. If data, then correlations are found using pairwise deletions. } \item{factors}{If true, draw the scree for factors } \item{pc}{If true, draw the scree for components} \item{hline}{if null, draw a horizontal line at 1, otherwise draw it at hline (make negative to not draw it)} \item{main}{ Title } \item{add}{Should multiple plots be drawn?} \item{sqrt}{If TRUE, take the sqrt of the eigen value before plotting} } \references{ \url{https://personality-project.org/r/vss.html}} \author{William Revelle } \seealso{ \code{\link{fa.parallel}} \code{\link{VSS.plot}}, \code{\link{ICLUST}}, \code{\link{omega}}} \examples{ scree(attitude) #VSS.scree(cor(attitude) } \keyword{ multivariate }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{ hplot }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line