\name{Schmid} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{Schmid} \alias{schmid.leiman} \alias{West} \alias{Chen} \docType{data} \title{12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation} \description{ John Schmid and John M. Leiman (1957) discuss how to transform a hierarchical factor structure to a bifactor structure. Schmid contains the example 12 x 12 correlation matrix. schmid.leiman is a 12 x 12 correlation matrix with communalities on the diagonal. This can be used to show the effect of correcting for attenuation. Two additional data sets are taken from Chen et al. (2006). } \usage{data(Schmid)} \details{ Two artificial correlation matrices from Schmid and Leiman (1957). One real and one artificial covariance matrices from Chen et al. (2006). \itemize{ \item Schmid: a 12 x 12 artificial correlation matrix created to show the Schmid-Leiman transformation. \item schmid.leiman: A 12 x 12 matrix with communalities on the diagonal. Treating this as a covariance matrix shows the 6 x 6 factor solution \item Chen: An 18 x 18 covariance matrix of health related quality of life items from Chen et al. (2006). Number of observations = 403. The first item is a measure of the quality of life. The remaining 17 items form four subfactors: The items are (a) Cognition subscale: ``Have difficulty reasoning and solving problems?" ``React slowly to things that were said or done?"; ``Become confused and start several actions at a time?" ``Forget where you put things or appointments?"; ``Have difficulty concentrating?" (b) Vitality subscale: ``Feel tired?" ``Have enough energy to do the things you want?" (R) ``Feel worn out?" ; ``Feel full of pep?" (R). (c) Mental health subscale: ``Feel calm and peaceful?"(R) ``Feel downhearted and blue?"; ``Feel very happy"(R) ; ``Feel very nervous?" ; ``Feel so down in the dumps nothing could cheer you up? (d) Disease worry subscale: ``Were you afraid because of your health?"; ``Were you frustrated about your health?"; ``Was your health a worry in your life?" . \item West: A 16 x 16 artificial covariance matrix from Chen et al. (2006). } } \source{ John Schmid Jr. and John. M. Leiman (1957), The development of hierarchical factor solutions.Psychometrika, 22, 83-90. F.F. Chen, S.G. West, and K.H. Sousa.(2006) A comparison of bifactor and second-order models of quality of life. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 41(2):189-225, 2006. } \references{ Y.-F. Yung, D.Thissen, and L.D. McLeod. (1999) On the relationship between the higher-order factor model and the hierarchical factor model. Psychometrika, 64(2):113-128, 1999. } \examples{ data(Schmid) cor.plot(Schmid,TRUE) print(fa(Schmid,6,rotate="oblimin"),cut=0) #shows an oblique solution round(cov2cor(schmid.leiman),2) cor.plot(cov2cor(West),TRUE) } \keyword{datasets}