\name{ICLUST.sort} \alias{ICLUST.sort} \alias{iclust.sort} \title{Sort items by absolute size of cluster loadings} \description{Given a cluster analysis or factor analysis loadings matrix, sort the items by the (absolute) size of each column of loadings. Used as part of ICLUST and SAPA analyses. The columns are rearranged by the } \usage{ ICLUST.sort(ic.load, cut = 0, labels = NULL,keys=FALSE,clustsort=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{ic.load}{ The output from a factor or principal components analysis, or from ICLUST, or a matrix of loadings.} \item{cut}{Do not include items in clusters with absolute loadings less than cut} \item{labels}{labels for each item.} \item{keys}{should cluster keys be returned? Useful if clusters scales are to be scored.} \item{clustsort}{TRUE will will sort the clusters by their eigenvalues} } \details{When interpreting cluster or factor analysis outputs, is is useful to group the items in terms of which items have their biggest loading on each factor/cluster and then to sort the items by size of the absolute factor loading. A stable cluster solution will be one in which the output of these cluster definitions does not vary when clusters are formed from the clusters so defined. With the keys=TRUE option, the resulting cluster keys may be used to score the original data or the correlation matrix to form clusters from the factors. } \value{ \item{sorted }{A data.frame of item numbers, item contents, and item x factor loadings.} \item{cluster}{A matrix of -1, 0, 1s defining each item by the factor/cluster with the row wise largest absolute loading. } ... } \references{ \url{https://personality-project.org/r/r.ICLUST.html} } \author{William Revelle } \note{ Although part of the ICLUST set of programs, this is also more useful for factor or principal components analysis. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ICLUST.graph}},\code{\link{ICLUST.cluster}}, \code{\link{cluster.fit} }, \code{\link{VSS}}, \code{\link{factor2cluster} }} \keyword{ multivariate }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{ models }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line