\name{ICLUST.cluster} \alias{ICLUST.cluster} \title{Function to form hierarchical cluster analysis of items } \description{ The guts of the \code{\link{ICLUST}} algorithm. Called by \code{\link{ICLUST}} See ICLUST for description. } \usage{ ICLUST.cluster(r.mat, ICLUST.options,smc.items) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{r.mat}{ A correlation matrix} \item{ICLUST.options}{ A list of options (see \code{\link{ICLUST}}) } \item{smc.items}{passed from the main program to speed up processing} } \details{ See \code{\link{ICLUST}} } \value{ A list of cluster statistics, described more fully in \code{\link{ICLUST}} \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'} \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'} ... } \references{Revelle, W. 1979, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and the Internal Structure of Tests. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 14, 57-74. \url{https://personality-project.org/revelle/publications/iclust.pdf} \cr See also more extensive documentation at \url{https://personality-project.org/r/r.ICLUST.html} } \author{William Revelle } \note{ Although the main code for ICLUST is here in ICLUST.cluster, the more extensive documentation is for \code{\link{ICLUST}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{ICLUST.graph}},\code{\link{ICLUST}}, \code{\link{cluster.fit} }, \code{\link{VSS}}, \code{\link{omega} }} \keyword{multivariate } \keyword{cluster }