#drastically simplified, March 14, 2009 from two loops to 1 matrix operation #modified July 2, 2013 to allow not counting the diagonal #modified 08/31/23 to not use the lower.tri but rather the complete matrix "count.pairwise" <- function (x, y=NULL,diagonal=TRUE) { .Deprecated("pairwiseCount",msg="count.pairwise is deprecated. Please use the pairwiseCount function.") if(is.null(y)) {n <- t(!is.na(x)) %*% (!is.na(x)) } else { n <- t(!is.na(x)) %*% (!is.na(y)) } if(!diagonal) diag(n) <- NA return(n) } pairwiseDescribe <- function(x,y=NULL,diagonal=FALSE,...) { cp <- pairwiseCount(x,y=y,diagonal=diagonal) #cp <- as.vector(cp[lower.tri(cp,diag=diagonal)]) #this overestimates the and also gives the wrong answer if diagonal=TRUE cp <- as.vector(cp) describe(cp,...) } # replaces count.pairwise # slightly improved # "pairwiseCount" <- # function (x, y=NULL,diagonal=TRUE) # { x <- !is.na(x) # if(is.null(y)) {n <- t(x) %*% (x) } else { n <- t(x) %*% (!is.na(y)) } # if(!diagonal & is.null(y)) diag(n) <- NA # return(n) } #improvement using crossprod reduces memory load and speeds it up noticably. #For 255K cases and 953 variables, the timings are 114 seconds versus 193 before #timings seem to vary as square of variables (from 100 to 800 at least) "pairwiseCount" <- function (x, y=NULL,diagonal=TRUE) { x <- !is.na(x) if(is.null(y)) {n <- crossprod(x)} else { n <- crossprod(x,!is.na(y)) } if(!diagonal & is.null(y)) diag(n) <- NA return(n) } #doesn't work yet "pairwiseDelete" <- function(x,cut=0) { if(isCorrelation(x)) {#we have already found correlations, get rid of the least number of NAs possible nvar <- ncol(x) nmissing <-apply(x,2, function(xx) sum(is.na(xx))) max.missing <- max(nmissing,na.rm=TRUE) select <- (nmissing == max.missing) newx <- x[!select,!select] } else { #do a count pairwise and then get rid of the least number <= cut if(ncol(x)!= nrow(x) ) {pc <- pairwiseCount(x)} #OK, it is a matrix of counts nbad <- apply(pc,2, function(xx) sum(xx < cut)) max.bad <- max(nbad) select <- (nbad == max.bad) newx <- pc[!select,!select] } return(newx) } # created July 30, 2018 to impute correlations "pairwiseImpute" <- function(keys,R,fix=FALSE) { cl <- match.call() if(!isCorrelation(R)) {message("Correlations found from raw data") cp <- pairwiseCount(R) R <- cor(R,use="pairwise") } else {cp <- NULL cpij <- NA} n.var <- ncol(R) diag(R) <- NA if(is.list(keys)) {select <- sub("-","",unlist(keys)) select <- select[!duplicated(select)] } else { keys <- keys2list(keys) select <- selectFromKeyslist(colnames(R),keys) select <- select[!duplicated(select)]} R <- R[select,select,drop=FALSE] if(!is.null(cp)) cp <- cp[select,select,drop=FALSE] keynames <- colnames(keys) keys <- make.keys(R,keys) n.keys <- dim(keys)[2] n.items <- dim(keys)[1] abskeys <- abs(keys) keynames <- colnames(keys) num.item <- diag(t(abskeys) %*% abskeys) #how many items in each scale n.keys <- ncol(keys) #brute force av.r <- matrix(NA,n.keys,n.keys) count.r <- matrix(NA,n.keys,n.keys) percent <- matrix(NA,n.keys,n.keys) size <- matrix(NA,n.keys,n.keys) for(i in 1:n.keys) { for( j in 1:n.keys) { selectij <- R[keys[,i] >0,keys[,j] > 0] if(!is.null(cp)) {cpij <- cp[keys[,i] >0,keys[,j] > 0]} av.r[i,j] <- mean(selectij,na.rm=TRUE) size[i,j] <- mean(cpij,na.rm=TRUE) count.r[i,j] <- sum(!is.na(selectij)) percent[i,j] <- count.r[i,j]/(count.r[i,j] + sum(is.na(selectij))) } } colnames(av.r) <- rownames(av.r) <- colnames(keys) colnames(count.r) <- rownames(count.r) <- colnames(keys) colnames(percent) <- rownames(percent) <- colnames(keys) colnames(size) <- rownames(size) <- colnames(keys) if(is.null(cp)) size <- NULL if(fix) { for(i in 1:n.keys) { for( j in 1:n.keys) { temp <- which(is.na( R[keys[,i] > 0,keys[,j]>0])) R[keys[,i] > 0,keys[,j]>0][temp] <- av.r[i,j] } } diag(R) <- 1 result <- list(av.r =av.r,count=count.r,percent=percent,imputed=R,Call=cl) } else { result <- list(av.r =av.r,count=count.r,percent=percent,size=size,Call=cl) } class(result) <- c("psych","pairwise") return(result) } #modified July 20th to give more useful summaries "pairwiseReport" <- function(x,y=NULL,cut=0,diagonal=FALSE,...) { cl <- match.call() if(isCorrelation(x)) {#we have already found correlations, flag those that are missing report <- which(is.na(x),arr.ind=TRUE) } else { #do a count pairwise and then get report those below <= cut if(NCOL(x)!=NROW(x)) {pc <- pairwiseCount(x,y)} else {pc <- x} if(is.null(y)) {cp <- as.vector(pc[lower.tri(pc,diag=diagonal)]) des <- describe(cp,...)} else {des <- NULL} report <- which((pc <= cut),arr.ind=TRUE) } if(length(report >0)) {if(is.null(y)) report <- report[report[,1] > report[,2],,drop=FALSE] N <- rep(0,dim(report)[1]) for (i in 1:dim(report)[1] ){N[i] <- pc[report[i,1],report[i,2]]} report <- cbind(report,N) if(is.null(y) ) { df <- data.frame(rows=colnames(x)[report[,1]],cols=colnames(x)[report[,2]],N=N) } else { #although this can be pretty big df <- data.frame(rows =colnames(x)[report[,1]],cols =colnames(y)[report[,2]], N=N) } result <- list(description=des, rows=table(df$rows),cols=table(df$cols),cut = cut, df=df, Call=cl)} else { result <- list(description=des,rows=NULL,cols=NULL,cut=cut,df=NULL,Call=cl)} class(result) <- c("psych","pairwiseCounts") return(result) } #Added Feb 1, 2021 to allow smaller samples for faster processing of enormous data sets (e.g. sapa) "pairwiseSample" <- function(x,y=NULL,diagonal=FALSE,size=100,...) { cl <- match.call() n.items <- NCOL(x) size <- min(size,n.items) ss <- sample(n.items,size) #do a count pairwise and then get report those below <= cut if(NCOL(x)!=NROW(x)) {pc <- pairwiseCount(x[ss])} cp <- as.vector(pc[lower.tri(pc,diag=diagonal)]) des <- describe(cp,quant=c(.05,.25,.5,.75,.95)) result <- des # class(result) <- c("psych","pairwiseCounts") return(result) } "pairwisePlot" <- function(x,y=NULL,upper=TRUE,diagonal=TRUE,labels=TRUE,show.legend=TRUE,n.legend=10,colors=FALSE,gr=NULL,minlength=6,xlas=1,ylas=2,main="Relative Frequencies",count=TRUE,...) { if(count){ r <- pairwiseCount(x=x,y=y,diagonal=diagonal)} else {r <- x} if(!upper) r[col (r) < row(r) ] <- NA #blank out the upper diagonal if(!diagonal) r[col(r) == row(r)] <- NA nvar <- NROW(r) nf <- NCOL(r) MAR <- 5 if(is.null(colnames(x))) colnames(r) <- paste0("V",1:nf) if(is.null(rownames(x))) rownames(r) <- paste0("V",1:nvar) if(!labels) {minlength <- NULL max.len <- 1} else { max.len <- min(max(nchar(rownames(r)))/6,minlength)} r <- r/max(r,na.rm=TRUE) zlim <- c(0,1) if(colors) { if(missing(gr)) {gr <- colorRampPalette(c("red","white","blue"))} colramp <- gr(n.legend) } else { colramp <- grey((n.legend:0)/n.legend)} #colramp <- adjustcolor(colramp,alpha.f =alpha) if(nvar != nf) { r <- t(r) } #if(!is.null(select)) {r <- r[select,select] # pval <- pval[select,select] # nvar <- length(select) # } #reverse the order of the columns (if square) ord1 <- seq(nvar,1,-1) #if(nf == nvar) { r <- r[,ord1] #} #reorder the columns to allow image to work #MAR <- 5 par(mar = c(MAR +max.len,MAR+max.len, 4, .5)) line <- NA tick <- TRUE if(show.legend) { #set it up to do two plots layout(matrix(c(1,2),nrow=1),widths=c(.9,.1),heights=c(1,1)) } image(r,col=colramp,axes=FALSE,main=main,zlim=zlim) box() if(labels) { if(!is.null(minlength)) { rownames(r) <- abbreviate(rownames(r),minlength = minlength) colnames(r) <- abbreviate(colnames(r),minlength = minlength) max.len <- max(nchar(rownames(r)))/6} at1 <- (0:(nf-1))/(nf-1) at2 <- (0:(nvar-1)) /(nvar-1) lab1 <- rownames(r) lab2 <- colnames(r) axis(2,at=at2,labels=lab2,las=ylas,...) tick <- FALSE axis(1,at=at1,labels=lab1,las=xlas,line=line,tick=tick,...) } #screen 2 leg <- matrix(seq(from=zlim[1],to=zlim[2],by =(zlim[2] - zlim[1])/n.legend),nrow=1) par(mar=c(MAR,0, 4,3)) image(leg,col=colramp,axes=FALSE,zlim=zlim) at2 <- seq(0,1,1/n.legend) labels =seq(zlim[1],zlim[2],(zlim[2]-zlim[1])/(length(at2)-1)) axis(4,at=at2,labels =labels,las=2,...) #put them back in the logical order ord1 <- seq(nvar,1,-1) r <- r[,ord1 ] invisible(r) } "pairwiseZero" <- function(x,y=NULL, min=0, short=TRUE) { nvar <- NCOL(x) ynull <- is.null(y) if(ynull) y <- x ny <- NCOL(y) count <- 0 loc <- list() rn <- colnames(x) cn <- colnames(y) for(i in 1:(nvar-(ynull))) { for(j in (min(i,ny) + (ynull)):ny) { minxy <- min(tableF(x[,i],y[,j]), na.rm=TRUE) if(minxy <= min) {count <- count + 1 loc[[count]] <- c(rn[i],cn[j])} } } if(count>0) {cat("\n Number of cells with values <= ", min," = ", count,"\n") count.df <- matrix(unlist(loc), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) colnames(count.df) <- c("row", "column") print(count.df) tables <- list() for (i in 1:count) { cat("\n Item pair ", count.df[i,],"\n") tables[[i]] = tableF(x[,count.df[i,1]],y[,count.df[i,2]] ) if(!short) {# cat("\n" ,count.df[i, ],"\n" ) print(tables[[i]])} } names(tables) <- paste(count.df[,1],count.df[,2]) } else {cat("\n Minimum cell all exceed", min)} result <- list(items=count.df, tables=tables) invisible(result) }