#A function to report the difference between two factor models #adapted from John Fox's sem anova #modified November 29, 2019 to include anovas for setCor and mediate models anova.psych <- function(object,...) { #if(length(class(object)) > 1) { value <- class(object)[2] } else {value <- NA} if(length(class(object)) > 1) { names <- cs(omega,fa, lmCor,mediate) value <- inherits(object,names,which=TRUE) # value <- class(x)[2] if(any(value > 1) ) { value <- names[which(value > 0)]} else {value <- "other"} } else {value <- "other"} #this does the work for lmCors and mediate or any model that returns SSR and dfs small.function <- function(models,dfs,SSR,nvar=1) { #this next section is adapted from anova.lm and anova.lmlist if(nvar==1) { n.mod <- length(models) mods <- unlist(models) for(i in 1:n.mod) { temp <- unlist(mods[[i]]) cat("Model",i, "= ") print(temp,rownames=FALSE) } } table <- data.frame(df=unlist(dfs),SSR=unlist(SSR)) MSR <- table$SSR/table$df df <- table$df diffSS <- -diff(table$SSR) diffdf <- -diff(table$df) #find the model with the most df biggest.df <- order(table$df)[1] scale <- table[biggest.df,"SSR"]/table[biggest.df,"df"] F <- (diffSS) /diffdf/scale prob <- pf(F,abs(diffdf),df[-1],lower.tail=FALSE) table <- data.frame(table,diff.df=c(NA,diffdf),diff.SS= c(NA,diffSS),F= c(NA,F),c(NA,prob)) names(table) <- c("Res Df","Res SS", "Diff df","Diff SS","F","Pr(F > )") return(table)} #and this does the work for fa and omega another.function <- function(models,dfs,echis,chi,BICS) { mods <- unlist(models) n.mod <- length(models) mods <- unlist(models) for(i in 1:n.mod) { temp <- unlist(mods[[i]]) cat("Model",i, "= ") print(temp,rownames=FALSE) } delta.df <- -diff(unlist(dfs)) delta.chi <- -diff(unlist(chi)) if(!is.null(echis) ) {delta.echi <- -diff(unlist(echis))} else {delta.echi <- NA} delta.bic <- diff(unlist(BICS)) test.chi <- delta.chi/delta.df test.echi <- delta.echi/delta.df p.delta <- pchisq(delta.chi, delta.df, lower.tail=FALSE) if(!is.null(echis) ){ table <- data.frame(df=unlist(dfs),d.df=c(NA,delta.df),chiSq=unlist(chi), d.chiSq=c(NA,delta.chi), PR=c(NA,p.delta),test=c(NA,test.chi), empirical = unlist(echis),d.empirical=c(NA,delta.echi),test.echi=c(NA,test.echi),BIC=unlist(BICS),d.BIC = c(NA,delta.bic))} else { table <- data.frame(df=unlist(dfs),d.df=c(NA,delta.df),chiSq=unlist(chi), d.chiSq=c(NA,delta.chi), PR=c(NA,p.delta),test=c(NA,test.chi),BIC=unlist(BICS),d.BIC = c(NA,delta.bic))} table <- round(table,2) return(table) } switch(value, mediate ={ if (length(list(object, ...)) > 1L) { objects <- list(object,...) dfs <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$cprime.reg$df) SSR <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$cprime.reg$SE.resid^2 * x$cprime.reg$df) models <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$Call) table <- small.function(models=models,dfs=dfs,SSR=SSR) } }, lmCor ={ if (length(list(object, ...)) > 1L) { objects <- list(object,...) dfs <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$df[2]) SSR <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$SE.resid^2 * x$df[2]) models <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$Call) if (length(SSR) ==1) {table <- small.function(models=models,dfs=dfs,SSR=SSR)} else { table <- list() nvar <- length(SSR[[1]]) ssrm <- matrix(unlist(SSR),ncol=nvar,byrow=TRUE) for (i in (1:nvar)) { table[[names(SSR[[1]][i])]] <- small.function(models=models,dfs=dfs,SSR=ssrm[,i],nvar=i) } } } return(table) }, fa = { if (length(list(object, ...)) > 1L) { objects <- list(object,...) n.models <- length(objects) echis <- lapply(objects,function(x) x$chi) BICS <- lapply(objects,function(x) x$BIC) dofs <- lapply(objects,function(x) x$dof) chi <- lapply(objects,function(x) x$STATISTIC) models <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$Call) nechi <- length (echis) nBics <- length(BICS) nchi <- length(chi) if(nechi != n.models) {stop("You do not seem to have chi square values for one of the models ")} if(nchi != n.models) {stop("You do not seem to have chi square values for one of the models ")} table <- another.function(models,dfs=dofs,echis=echis,chi = chi,BICS = BICS) } }, omega = { #should change this to include more than 2 models (see above ) if (length(list(object, ...)) > 1L) { objects <- list(object,...) n.models <- length(objects) # echis <- lapply(objects,function(x) x$schmid$chi) BICS <- lapply(objects,function(x) x$schmid$BIC) dofs <- lapply(objects,function(x) x$schmid$dof) chi <- lapply(objects,function(x) x$schmid$STATISTIC) models <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$Call) # nechi <- length (echis) nBics <- length(BICS) nchi <- length(chi) table <- another.function(models,dfs=dofs,echis=NULL,chi = chi,BICS = BICS) } } ) return(table) }