Package: psych Version: 1.7.9 Depends: R (>= 2.10) Imports: mnormt,parallel,stats,graphics,grDevices,methods,foreign,lattice,nlme Suggests: GPArotation, lavaan, sem, lme4,Rcsdp, graph, Rgraphviz License: GPL (>= 2) MD5sum: d996f2d0f1dc285ba1232be56a40f22c NeedsCompilation: no To create this file and the other associated ones, we move the .tar.gz into the folder and then use tools::write_PACKAGES(type="source") fn <- file.choose() > fn [1] "/Users/WR/Dropbox/r/psych_1.7.10.tar.gz" fn <- "/Users/WR/Dropbox/r packages/" tools::write_PACKAGES(fn,type="source") to check file dependencies library(devtools) #although this seems to be in utils install_github(package="revdep_check") install_github("r-lib/revdepcheck") need to install revdepcheck from CRAN or Github library(revdepcheck) fn <- "/Users/WR/Dropbox/psych/" revdep_check(fn,num_workers=8) #to do the initial work -- takes a long time revdep_summary(fn) #to give the summary citation news description size of package vignette for psych can include intro.rnw and scoring.rnw < 5 intro.rnw and overview.rnw > 5.3 To use revdep check we first need to install it from Github then move a copy of psych to somewhere else then revdep_check("psych",num_workers=8) #where psych is not the R CMD version To check a package for different OS, try RHub in X windows R library(rhub) rhub::check("psych") To install from my server: install.packages("psych",repos="",type="source") this next line takes the existing aux file and makes it into a bib file! bibexport -0 extracted.bib To create a badge (monthly)